Yes, but this would be a kind of guessing. Having an EXPLICIT syntax tree information about the end_line and end_col of a multi-line comment would be better.
Which types exactly must be replaced by UInt64 for making the 64-bit GUI app handle 32-bit programs?
So why the 64-bit GUI cannot disassemble 32-bit .exe files?
This is a misunderstanding: I don't want "the x-bit GUI to disassemble both 32 and 64 bit". I just want the **64-bit** GUI to disassemble both 32 and 64 bit....
I have done so and it works well with smaller 32-bit exe-files from 64-bit GUI. But when I load this 32-bit exe (from the 64-bit GUI): C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\bin\bds.exe ..then...
Forgot to mention: IDE version is 10.4.
With this code, I got rid of the compiler errors and could compile the project: ``` procedure TformMain.comboChooseThemeSelect(Sender: TObject); var ThemeManager: TUThemeManager; begin ThemeManager.ThemeType := TUThemeType(comboChooseTheme.ItemIndex); end; ``` But now,...
Now I managed to eliminate the AV: ``` procedure TformMain.comboChooseThemeSelect(Sender: TObject); var ThemeManager: TUThemeManager; begin ThemeManager := TUThemeManager.Create; try ThemeManager.ThemeType := TUThemeType(comboChooseTheme.ItemIndex); // AV finally ThemeManager.Free; end; end; ``` But...
Since the `UpdateTheme` method is integrated in TUForm, it does not work with TForm. Please make the `UpdateTheme` method UNIVERSAL to make it also work with TForm.
I would prefer like it is now. No floating panel please, or only as an option.