I can confirm that double-clicking on the CAT application doesn't work in Sierra 10.12.5. However, CAT will work just fine if you run the relevant command (as per instructions) from...
That might depend on your particular setup. In my case, I just opened terminal and "cd" to the relevant path inside the CAT app where "" resides. Then I simply...
Assuming "Continuity Activation" is in your desktop, you would need to enter this in Terminal: cd ~/Desktop/Continuity\ Activation\ and then the relevant contitool command you want to execute...
Are you sure you've "cd'd" to the relevant folder? I suggest you enter ls If is not listed therein, you've done something wrong or your copy of CAT has...
Did HandOff, etc. work on this same hardware setup running 1) Sierra 10.12 (presumably, with CAT)? 2) El Capitan 10.11 (presumably, without CAT)?
I have only installed High Sierra betas on a VMware Fusion virtual machine, but, naturally that will never let me check on Continuity/Handoff features. What fjdr describes reminds me of...
Rethinking your situation, I think the appearance of your iPhone as a Wi-Fi source is not the automatic response of the Instant Hotspot function, but the result of your manual...
I don't know what to think. In my case, as soon as the Instant Hotspot issue was solved in Sierra (thanks to the CAT beta), handoff began working immediately. If...
I only used CAT once, on one of the previous iterations of Sierra. I am presently running 10.12.6 with no issues. I don't suppose this is significant, because other users...
Why do you say 10.13.3 is the last version that worked? I'm on 10.13.5 on a Mac Pro 5,1 and Continuity works just fine.