Peter Dave Hello
Peter Dave Hello
Guys I'm trying to add doc #1507 for the usage and just found this issue(I should found this earlier), feel free to give me suggestions :) #1508 also adds the...
@pgraham is this problem still reproducible? If so, maybe a `set -x` can help we found that where it hangs.
A command timeout/timelimit can help mitigate this kind of issue, but no guarantee, and maybe not so worth it.
Sometimes I use the command `timelimit` to deal with it, but if `curl` and `wget` are the only two commends needed timeout control, maybe just use `--timeout` for `wget` and...
Consider the case of wget binary is broken, then an additional timelimit or timeout command will be needed.
@ljharb looks like using `--timeout` for `wget` and `--max-time` for `curl` is the solution?
Oh I misunderstood the last shell output, but from the earlier one, if it's because the IPv6 connection there is too slow, a timeout could be helpful. @pgraham it'll be...
That'll make IPv6 only environment not working. Unless nvm will test the network first, which will make the logic more complex.
As IPv4 run out, there are more and more environment doesn't provide IPv4 address, or you have to pay additional fee for it, some of ISP or VPS is already...
Which timeout do you mean? Connection timeout, or whole process timeout? Also I'm not sure if the default value will be the same for all versions, even for git, there...