I have the same requirement. But I couldn't find any configuration for each node resource. Do you know it should be configuerd by kubeadm? Or, could you tell me if...
How can I write the a specified patch file for my control-plane? Is there a complete example or some relative docs?
@shikanon 我也遇到了相同的问题,katib-mysql有问题,也是db-manage和katib-mysql的Pod没起来: ``` [root@master kubeflow-manifests]# kubectl get pod -nkubeflow NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE admission-webhook-deployment-5f5cc7968b-ck6wk 1/1 Running 0 4d17h cache-deployer-deployment-64598b6c87-rk4x6 2/2 Running 1 32m cache-server-59d67c7584-mt6xs 2/2 Running 0 32m centraldashboard-7b6b6cc7fc-7fg5s...