PengBo Yang
PengBo Yang
@rafalszuta It means that your shell failed to execute. Can you execute it in terminal with an exit code of zero
By the way, is your OS linux, windows, or mac? On linux and macos, the default shell is sh, NOT bash or your system's default shell. Can you try your...
does dir command work? @rafalszuta
I'm not sure, but I suspect the shell actually being used might be cmd.exe instead of powershell. Does ls command fails to work in cmd.exe?
@rafalszuta I think maybe you can specify powershell in "command" variable, like ``` "command": "powershell -Command \"echo 1\";" ```
> @butteredptarmigan do you know if its possible to execute it in VSCode's terminal and fetch the text result from it? Can we use the `shell' option of the execSync...