Ah, I suppose this behaviour makes sense most of the time. I will go ahead and close this ticket unless you want to leave it open. Thanks for the quick...
Opening those URL might sometimes be desirable. It might be good to prompt users with something like, 'App "x" wants to open URL "y" (w/wo various meta-data).'. Options could be...
Personally, I would prefer explicitly confirming every U.R.L. to implicitly allowing every U.R.L. A lot of websites already use a mechanism like this, confirming whether users really want to navigate...
I also noticed this pretty quickly when I first ran the program. It should definitely be fixed at some point. If moving windows off screen is desirable, maybe there could...
This seems to affect the DAYS function as well. Someone told me the app is crashing on their Iphone when they try to open a spreadsheet after I added a...
Does anyone know what "overrideScriptsPath" does (or was supposed to do)?
@daleglass Should be up to date with master now. I can't test this right now but I assume it will work since there were no conflicts.
They are already allowed. If they are not supported, that is probably the cause of