Pemba Tamang

Results 15 issues of Pemba Tamang

![image]( cannot add menu items

can you please add a timer with flip animation. like[this](

I am trying to make a something like this. How Do I do it?

not working on my nepali text तामाङ्ग निवास App

I open the keymapper using the button in the main ui but it failed to load the command line has the following output while I try to open the mapper...


Setting the pivot is very hard. It would be helpful if the pivot was shown while changing the x and y values with a dot.

Shimmer layouts made in constrait layout fails to match the width of the parent. the width is somehow smaller than the width of the parent.

I just want to use the hour and min part or hour min and secs without the day. How do I do that??

I did this : ``` switch (adapterType) { case MainActivity.ADAPTER_TYPE_TOP: Glide.with(context) .load(listItems[position]) .into(imageCover); linMain.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.shadow); break; case MainActivity.ADAPTER_TYPE_BOTTOM: Glide.with(context) .load(listItems[position]) .applyDefaultRequestOptions(new RequestOptions().bitmapTransform(new BlurTransformation(20))) .into(imageCover); linMain.setBackgroundResource(0); break; } ``` I realised that...
