Riccardo Pellarin
Riccardo Pellarin
@cgreenberg I guess you've implemented these macros in LogWrapper once. Would you please check that we're doing it OK?
That should have been posted in the IMP.pmi issues. I'll open an issue for you . Can you please define what you mean by "it is not working?". Anyways, your...
OK, you get 0 score, where you expect to have non-zero.
OK, for the present case: ``` hiers=IMP.atom.Selection(root_hier,resolution=10).get_selected_particles() ev = IMP.pmi.stereochemistry.ExcludedVolumeSphere(included_objects=hiers) ``` should have returned the same result as passing bs.system. 1) Having input_adaptor realeasing the leaves of input hierarchies should...
This follows the structure of the posterior score, where likelihoods and priors are separated terms. In the example that you give: posterior_score = XL_likelihood_score + Excluded_Volume_Prior + Connectivity_Prior + XL_prior...
Hello I had the same error as @chewyalvin ``` gzip: tests/test_data/sample_feats.pickle.gz: No such file or directory ``` and during unit-tests I had the same error I guess the installation gunzipped...