Peizhuo Li
Peizhuo Li
Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, converting joint position (json_output_from_openpose) to joint rotation (bvh) is not a trivial task and the latter representation is necessary for driving skinned model. Although...
I'm not quite sure what does relative rotation mean. But I think that's exactly what motion retargeting does: transfer an animation from one armature to another different armature. And of...
Hi, I'm not sure if understand correctly your question or not. The code you referred to is taken from Holden's [work]( as described [here]( We might not be able to...
你好,非常感谢你们对这个项目的兴趣,叫大神就不必了😂 同时感谢你提出的问题,我们在论文在描述lambda时存在一些typo,lambda_ee应该是20,lambda_adv应该是0.2,在代码实现时等比例放大了5倍 你提出的是一个非常好的问题。我们当时在观察效果时没有遇到类似的姿势所以没有关注这个问题。如果我们提供的预训练模型中不存在这样的问题,一个可能的原因就是adv_loss有帮助。如果预训练模型中同样存在这样的问题,那么也许需要减小lambda_ee或者改变ee_loss中不同角色的归一化方式来提升效果
I would suggest you first try the [manual skinning]( and see if it works.
If you are using the demo we provided, the input.bvh is copied from the specified file for demonstration. Changing input.bvh in the result directory doesn't make any change to the...
fix_foot_contact extracts foot contact information from input.bvh, so yes, it needs input.bvh. As shown in the code, every time you run the, the input.bvh is copied from the specified...
Not quite exactly. In, line 84, it reads the specified file. It should work. We are planning to release a script that directly deal with retargeting from one bvh...
One common used evaluation is to measure the L2 distance of joint location (normalized by height) between the result and ground truth. You can try to modify the code starting...
Hi, in the fix_foot_contact function we mainly focus on cleaning food sliding artifacts, where we detect the frames with zero foot tip velocity in input bvh file and use this...