```tumap``` is great 😅
I believe glmGamPoi can handle DelayedArray out-of-the box, right? Would it be of interest to have at least the "v2 flavor" workflow compatible with DelayedArray?
It looks like it was from a single donor! Copy and paste from (highlight my own) ### Bone marrow mononuclear cells CITE-seq experiment Bone marrow mononuclear cells from **_a...
Good morning everyone :) I am having similar issues: ``` > library(devtools) Loading required package: usethis > install_github("immunogenomics/harmony") Downloading GitHub repo immunogenomics/harmony@HEAD checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ...f/mxk7z9d93s97hygvdgh66knh5tlp8z/T/Rtmp2NWN4D/remotes7f0e32126d68/immunogenomics-harmony-88b1e2a/DESCRIPTION’ ... Installing package into...
Thanks for your comment! All three comments above use R4 though, while you are on R3. Hope Harmony will get implemented in R4 as well.
Any updates on this?
@adamgayoso > I'm not sure this is still an issue, are you running into this issue @PedroMilanezAlmeida ? I am not currently running into this issue but need to make...
Yeah, I (kind of) see what you mean. Just found this as well: `paste` with collapse seems a better solution rn.
> I will leave this open because this could do with added documentation. saw this too late, re-opened now
Thanks for your quick reply! Sparse matrices are often used in R to represent large amounts of data that may contain a fair number of zeros, such as those derived...