Sone other engines do output of final search result, for example, Stockfish, Komodo Dragon 1, RubiChess-20240112. Their output nodes count usually is little bigger than requested, and output nodes count...
I have prolonged the game by few moves: 1. Nf3 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. e3 d6 4. c4 Nf6 5. Nc3 O-O 6. Be2 b6 7. Qc2 Bb7 8....
position fen "1r4k1/p2r1p1p/P2bp1p1/R7/8/3RB1PP/5P2/6K1 w - - 0 30" setoption name **threads value 24** setoption name **hash value 2048** go depth 40 Stockfish dev-**20231021-8366ec48** by the Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file)...
Latest version without the issue: Stockfish dev-20231027-**b0658f09** by the Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file) **Date: Fri Oct 27 17:24:25 2023 +0200** Timestamp: 1698420265 **Introduce pawn structure based history** info **depth...
In the last try for fix SF looks for fortress for both sides. I think that more efficient is to look for fortress only for opponent that has worse position,...
Latest version stucks at 28 ply. I wish that the fix will be applied before Stockfish 17 release.
I run matches using Cutechess 1.3.1. Stockfish often stucks before or at depth 25 at KBPK ending when it has rook pawn and bishop of wrong color. Even Syzygy bases...
> Tbh I ditched fixing this.. my proposed fix is very complexifying and it looks like this is caused because of the eval function not evaluating the position as a...
position fen r5k1/ppr2pbp/4b1p1/8/8/2NBPP2/PP3P1P/2R1K2R b K - 0 17 go depth 40