Daniel Paulus
Daniel Paulus
With the new GitHub Container Registry available (https://github.blog/2020-09-01-introducing-github-container-registry/) it might be a good idea to put all images there as it it linked to the repo. If you like this...
I'm interested to help you out with this one. Should we create this in a new repo?
The secret hack: ```YAML kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: cert-manager-trust name: cert-manager-trust-secret-reader rules: - resources: - "secret" verbs: - "get" - "list" apiGroups: - "*" --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1...
I face the exact same issue when trying to bump the version. Tried several options with the cookbook path, but each time the same error: `ERROR: TypeError: no implicit conversion...
@jonlives I've Gist it: https://gist.github.com/dpnl87/56b1cac983365a3fe1ad
@jonlives I get `ERROR: TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String` **with** berkshelf installed
This feature blocks the adoption of crossplane for my organization as well. Having private clusters makes sure the API server is not available over the internet and is a must...