mdx-embed icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mdx-embed copied to clipboard

Embed 3rd party media content in MDX - no import required 🧽

Results 25 mdx-embed issues
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**Describe the bug** I am using mdx-embed in my nextjs application along with [next-mdx-remote]( package. I have upgraded the next-mdx-remote package to 4.1.0 which has new [MDX 2]( features. After...

var src = "".concat(baseUrl).concat(youTubeId ? "".concat(youTubeId, "?&autoplay=").concat(autoPlay, "&start=").concat(startTime).concat("&modestbranding=1&controls=0") : "&videoseries?list=".concat(youTubePlaylistId)); The src should contain "&modestbranding=1&controls=0" for the Youtube watermark removal in the youtube.js file.

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It would be great to see [Dune embeds]( **Describe the solution you'd like** Here is on official guide by the...

This change allows resolving react dependencies for the current project without npm vulnerabilities

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Google Maps component for MDX **Describe the solution you'd like** I would like to embed Google Maps using MDX **Describe...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** As a developer, I would like to see the currently supported and work-in-progress integrations or components in []( **Describe the...

Installing `mdx-embed@^0.0.22` with `[email protected]` throws an `ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree` error when `react@^17.0.2` is installed as a dependency of `[email protected]`. I noticed `mdx-embed` lists `react@^16.9.0` as a `peerDependency`....

Adds embed for repls Docs: Closes #239

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Add a component to embed repls hosted on **Describe the solution you'd like** Add a new component **Describe alternatives...

Hi ! Thanks for this project ! I'd like to use it to embed videos hosted on Microsoft Stream so I added a component. Right now, I only created the...