Paul Grimes
Paul Grimes
This is still broken with: tqdm 4.65.0 ipywidgets 8.0.6 jupyterlab_widgets 3.0.7
This appears to be because ./style/index.js is missing in the downloaded package I received. Manually creating this file got the build to work.
This can also occur if you have extensions installed in your global jupyter lab/notebook configuration, but not the underlying python packages installed in your Conda environment. In my case, it...
I am having this same issue, using [jupyter-fs]( on Windows. This is because `os.path.join` is being used to create the path for` OSFS.islink()` etc., which inserts backslashes on windows, and...
I have raised this issue with jupyter-fs, but the os.path.join pattern is very ingrained in Python coders, so it might be worth accommodating that. It would also give an easier...
It's very confusing trying to follow guides that import the gprinter module when it's not available in the PyPA package. It really needs to be rolled in.