Hi @JohanBrodinSinch Thank you for reporting this issue. As a temporary workaround you can place an empty first point to preserve the paddings. **Demo**
@JohanBrodinSinch Ok, thanks for the further information about the issue.
Hi @akirpichnikov Thank you for reporting this issue. It seems that the `stickOnContact` option in the `series.tooltip` section is a mistake in the API and the option works only when...
@LeeSdience Since the data labels are HTML elements, you need to set the [`allowHTML`]( property to `true` as well to display them. As for enabling rotation on the exported image,...
Hi @LaniMoo Thank you for contacting us. Here's the working workaround which simply appends the correctly formatted value of the `x2` to an existing category. **Workaround**
@jakubSzuminski Nice catch, corrected properties of the config object to optionals.
@jszuminski Yes but I will do it once the `test/basic-test-env-setup` branch is merged to the `master`.
Hi @davidseverwright Thank you for all the information. We released v3.0.2 recently. Could you check how the server performs on your side with this version?