Paul Campbell

Results 6 comments of Paul Campbell

I can't reproduce the error. Try updating shinyauthr and shinyjs packages to latest cran version.

Hi, there is already password hashing options provided via the sodium package. This is designed to protect against brute force attacks whereas algorithms such as sha-256 are not. See

can you post a reproducible example here please? thanks.

Strangely I just noticed I'm getting this issue on firefox 104.0 with shiny 1.7.2. and shinyWidgets 0.7.2. but it's working fine on chrome and brave browser for me. The verbatimTextOutput...

Thanks @helgasoft. I did see that in the ECharts docs actually but thought it may be outdated as I can see they have [examples of category axis stacked bars]( on...

I’m not a CSS or ggplot2 expert but I think the issue is that ggplot2 renders images not html. So we need to figure out how to get the ggplot...