Paul Bouisset
Paul Bouisset
Are product filters available with nuxt-shopify when doing product queries? I would like to filter a collection of product by price/tags/vendor etc.. I know this is available (to some extend)...
Hi, I am not sure if it's already the case but it seems that directive like `@inContext` are not supported currently by the shopify client. I tried to use the...
Hi, I love the app but on Mac it seem that the export functions are not working. I can't export documents, table in any format. After clicking the button with...
Hi, thanks for the plugin that what I was looking for but I have trouble to set it up. I followed the readme and activated the plugin, then I put...
When deployed on Vercel the value `req` is undefined in nuxtServerInit in my store `index.js` file: ``` export const actions = { async nuxtServerInit ({ state, dispatch, commit }, {...