Patrick Collins
Patrick Collins
Thanks for making this! Yes... I'll have to make some updates to this mix to better handle self-run ganache chains...
Hmm... Usually when stuff "magically" starts working in software that's when I start to sweat ahah. If anyone would like to investigate that would be greatly appreciated!
Are we just adding it to brownie-mixes? It seems it would make sense to add to all of brownie no?
Ah... looks like Metamask sort of overloads the term connected. > Note that this method has nothing to do with the user's accounts. > You may often encounter the...
Leaving open for visibility on that comment.
Ohhhh!! Yes! Great issue. Labeled as good first issue.
EDIT: Removed zip file for security reasons.
We could also automate subscription creation if we wanted as well.
Can we just have "running from docker" be above "running from source"? And then make it clear that the rest of the doc is going to be running from docker. This section is still confusing to me. Can we have sections for adding the 2 variables: ``` ETH_URL=ws://[CONTAINER_IP]:[CONTAINER_PORT] DATABASE_URL=postgresql://[DB_USER]:[DB_PW]@[DB_IP]:[DB_PORT]/[DB_NAME]?sslmode=[SSL_MODE] ``` Like we had before? Like something like "now add...