Patrick Collins

Results 163 comments of Patrick Collins

`contract = _find_contract(address)` in `` will then return a `Contract` the first time.

Aha.... I should use `from_abi` instead of `at`....

Looks like we could do a few things: 1. Stop recording contracts in the _contract_map 2. Check to see if the address is already full in the _contract_map 3. Disallow...

I've gone deep down the brownie hole on this, and I think I see a few easy wins. Let me know what you think.

I just used `from_abi` instead of `at`

This usually means you didn't deploy the contract yet. remember every time you spin up a new ganache node, it is brand new. You're likely trying something like: ```python contract...

Yep `SimpleStore[0]` hasn't been deployed yet. Deploy `SimpleStore` first and then run that command.

This sounds amazing ^

Thanks so much @juanfranblanco! You're doing amazing work. I've tried a few times to get it to work... perhaps I'm doing something wrong... I'll try again later.

I was being a dunce, got it :D Just needed to give ol-vscode a reboot after installing the update. Example: ```javascript "solidity.remappings": [ "@chainlink/=/Users/patrick/.brownie/packages/smartcontractkit/[email protected]", "@openzeppelin/=/Users/patrick/.brownie/packages/OpenZeppelin/[email protected]" ] ``` Thank you so...