
Results 37 issues of ParthivNaresh

I'd like to be able to perform winsorization on my input data i.e. to be able to bound outliers in my numerical features to a certain value or within a...

new feature
new component

I'd like ARIMA to use covariates as often as it can, as this leads to an increase in predictive accuracy. However with larger datasets, using covariates leads to exponentially larger...

Currently if no value for `y` is passed to the `TimeSeriesImputer`, the resulting output returns a `pd.Series` object with one None value due to [this]( The behaviour should match our...

good first issue

[This]( PR made `NoVarianceDataCheck` return only warnings, which limited the scope of the documentation of the Data Check Actions. The documentation for Data Check Actions should be expanded to include...


This will involve a larger discussion on how we want to integrate this and what form the warm-start feature should take. Currently I see three implementations that we can consider...

new feature
needs design

Currently if a list is passed as a `component_graph` to a pipeline, the `component_dict` outputs the class object as the first item in the value of the list within `_make_component_dict_from_component_list`...

good first issue

As a developer, I wish I could use EvalML to decompose time series data into trend, seasonal, and residual values. These would be useful for graphing purposes and for leveraging...

new feature
needs design

The `TimeSeriesRegularizer` currently sets the `window_length` to 5 and `threshold` to 0.8. This was done to support smaller datasets that wouldn't pass an `infer_frequency` check from WW with higher `window_length`...

As of sklearn version 0.22, ccp_alpha has been added as a pruning parameter for Decision Trees, Extra Trees, and Random Forests. Adding this as a hyperparameter would give AutoML an...

new feature