Parth Maisheri
Parth Maisheri
Facing the same issue
facing the same issue, any solution or work around @jitendraashutec @shiv19 @bthurlow
setTimeout doesn't work for me i tried it , it freeze's for 2 seconds @shiv19 @Sartori-RIA @bthurlow
**SOURCE:** ``` private startSelection(context) { var ms = (new Date).getMilliseconds; let that = this; this.uploadedImage = null; context .authorize() .then(() => { // that.postImage = null; return context.present(); }) .then((selection)...
tried the way too, doesn't work ``` private startSelection(context) { var ms = (new Date).getMilliseconds; let that = this; this.uploadedImage = null; context .authorize() .then(() => { // that.postImage =...
`` "nativescript-imagecropper": "1.0.7" `` @shiv19
even after updating it freeze's @shiv19 . updated it to 2.0.0
can you help me adding "loading message box", as i cant share the demo app. @shiv19
hey @shiv19 i am now facing image pixelation issue. looking at the code do think the height width given to image cropper is causing image to pixelate.