Paolo Cuscela

Results 24 comments of Paolo Cuscela

Thank you very much :D Try to check the attribute inspector and make sure the "module" field is set to Cards

Got it. You have to do "import Cards" in the top of the file. I'll add this to the readme. Thank you :)

Looks strange. I've done a test right now and all seems to work well. Try this: New xcode project Pod init Add "pod 'Cards'" Pod install Pod update Open 'project.workspace'...

Can you post your sample project so I can have a look ?

![schermata 2017-10-27 alle 17 18 06]( It's working fine here. I'm on 9.0.1 too ... 🤔 Maybe reinstalling XCode ?

I googled about it yesterday. It turned out that is a common issue, probably about some optional vars stopping IBDesignables to be rendered. I'll try to fix that in these...

Good news :D v1.2.4 out. Now it should display the preview on the storyboard correctly.

Already tried with Editor -> Refresh all views ?

Do you get this error only with my repo ?

I've done some testing. Looks really strange, with the sdk installed from cocoapods repo preview are not rendered. With a local copy ( ``pod 'Cards', :path => '../' ``) it's...