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This list is edited by PaopaoRobot, 泡泡机器人 , the Chinese academic nonprofit organization. Welcome to follow our github and our WeChat Public Platform Account ( paopaorobot_slam ). Of course, you could contact with @Yvon Shong.
Award Session I
- SpeedFolding: Learning Efficient Bimanual Folding of Garments
- FAR Planner: Fast, Attemptable Route Planner Using Dynamic Visibility Update
- Learning-Based Localizability Estimation for Robust LiDAR Localization
- Adversarial Motion Priors Make Good Substitutes for Complex Reward Functions
- RCareWorld: A Human-Centric Simulation World for Caregiving Robots
- Design and Modeling of a Spring-Like Continuum Joint with Variable Pitch for Endoluminal Surgery
Learning 1
- CALVIN: A Benchmark for Language-Conditioned Policy Learning for Long-Horizon Robot Manipulation Tasks
- Bio-Inspired Reflex System for Learning Visual Information for Resilient Robotic Manipulation
- RECALL: Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning for Object Classification
- PoseIt: A Visual-Tactile Dataset of Holding Poses for Grasp Stability Analysis
- LaneSNNs: Spiking Neural Networks for Lane Detection on the Loihi Neuromorphic Processor
- Striving for Less: Minimally-Supervised Pseudo-Label Generation for Monocular Road Segmentation
- Learning Sequential Descriptors for Sequence-Based Visual Place Recognition
- DCPCR: Deep Compressed Point Cloud Registration in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments
- Deep Koopman Operator with Control for Nonlinear Systems
Service Robotics
- An Autonomous Descending-Stair Cleaning Robot with RGB-D Based Detection, Approaching, and Area Coverage Process
- Non-Parametric Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Human Activity Based on Mobile Robot Observations
- Service Robots in a Bakery Shop: A Field Study
- Shared Autonomy for Safety between a Self-Reconfigurable Robot and a Teleoperator Using Multi-Layer Fuzzy Logic
- Pedestrian-Robot Interactions on Autonomous Crowd Navigation: Reactive Control Methods and Evaluation Metrics
- Design of a Reconfigurable Robot with Size-Adaptive Path Planner
- Testing Service Robots in the Field: An Experience Report
- Approximate Task Tree Retrieval in a Knowledge Network for Robotic Cooking
- Robotic Depowdering for Additive Manufacturing Via Pose Tracking
Manipulation Systems 1
- A Hierarchical Framework for Long Horizon Planning of Object-Contact Trajectories
- Constraint-Based Task Specification and Trajectory Optimization for Sequential Manipulation
- Quasistatic Contact-Rich Manipulation Via Linear Complementarity Quadratic Programming
- Efficient Spatial Representation and Routing of Deformable One-Dimensional Objects for Manipulation
- Learning and Generalizing Cooperative Manipulation Skills Using Parametric Dynamic Movement Primitives (I)
- A Solution to Slosh-Free Robot Trajectory Optimization
- Uncertainty-Aware Manipulation Planning Using Gravity and Environment Geometry
- Goal-Driven Robotic Pushing Using Tactile and Proprioceptive Feedback (I)
- Learning to Fold Real Garments with One Arm: A Case Study in Cloud-Based Robotics Research
Computer Vision for Transportation
- Multi-Sensor Data Annotation Using Sequence-Based Active Learning
- 3D Single-Object Tracking with Spatial-Temporal Data Association
- Instance-Aware Multi-Object Self-Supervision for Monocular Depth Prediction
- TransDARC: Transformer-Based Driver Activity Recognition with Latent Space Feature Calibration
- Attention-Based Deep Driving Model for Autonomous Vehicles with Surround-View Cameras
- Towards Safety-Aware Pedestrian Detection in Autonomous Systems
- Self-Supervised Moving Vehicle Detection from Audio-Visual Cues
- Multi-Source Domain Alignment for Robust Segmentation in Unknown Targets
- Depth360: Self-Supervised Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation Using Learnable Camera Distortion Model
Aerial Systems 1
- Real-Time Hybrid Mapping of Populated Indoor Scenes Using a Low-Cost Monocular UAV
- GaSLAM: An Algorithm for Simultaneous Gas Source Localization and Gas Distribution Mapping in 3D
- An Aerial Parallel Manipulator with Shared Compliance
- RAPTOR: Rapid Aerial Pickup and Transport of Objects by Robots
- Side-Pull Maneuver: A Novel Control Strategy for Dragging a Cable-Tethered Load of Unknown Weight Using a UAV
- On-Board Physical Battery Replacement System and Procedure for Drones During Flight
- Frequency-Based Wind Gust Estimation for Quadrotors Using a Nonlinear Disturbance Observer
- Vision-Based Relative Detection and Tracking for Teams of Micro Aerial Vehicles
- Efficient Concurrent Design of the Morphology of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Their Collective-Search Behavior
Medical Robots and Systems 1
- Automatic Laser Steering for Middle Ear Surgery
- Virtual Reality Simulator for Fetoscopic Spina Bifida Repair Surgery
- A Pneumatic MR-Conditional Guidewire Delivery Mechanism with Decoupled Rotary Linear Actuation for Endovascular Intervention
- Design and Evaluation of the Infant Cardiac Robotic Surgical System (iCROSS)
- A Robotic System for Solo Surgery in Flexible Ureterorenoscopy
- Light in the Larynx: A Miniaturized Robotic Optical Fiber for In-Office Laser Surgery of the Vocal Folds
- A 5-DOFs Robot for Posterior Segment Eye Microsurgery
Mechanism Design 1
- DRPD, Compact Dual Reduction Ratio Planetary Drive for Actuators of Articulated Robots
- Single-Rod Brachiation Robot
- A Compact, Lightweight and Singularity-Free Wrist Joint Mechanism for Humanoid Robots
- Wirelessly Magnetically Actuated Robotic Implant for Tissue Regeneration
- Multiple Curvatures in a Tendon-Driven Continuum Robot Using a Novel Magnetic Locking Mechanism
- Toroidal Origami Monotrack: Mechanism to Realize Smooth Driving and Bending for Closed-Skin-Drive Robots
- A Modified Rocker-Bogie Mechanism with Fewer Actuators and High Mobility
- Planar Multi-Closed-Loop Hyper-Redundant Manipulator Using Extendable Tape Springs: Design, Modeling, and Experiments
- Autonomous State-Based Flipper Control for Articulated Tracked Robots in Urban Environments
Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization 1
- Ensemble Based Anomaly Detection for Legged Robots to Explore Unknown Environments
- FocusTR: Focusing on Valuable Feature by Multiple Transformers for Fusing Feature Pyramid on Object Detection
- DeepShapeKit: Accurate 4D Shape Reconstruction of Swimming Fish
- E2Pose: Fully Convolutional Networks for End-To-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation
- Fast Detection of Moving Traffic Participants in LiDAR Point Clouds by Using Particles Augmented with Free Space Information
- RPG: Learning Recursive Point Cloud Generation
- Fully Convolutional Transformer with Local–Global Attention
- DeepFusion: A Robust and Modular 3D Object Detector for Lidars, Cameras and Radars
- CVFNet: Real-Time 3D Object Detection by Learning Cross View Features
- Reduced Interface Models for Haptic Interfacing with Virtual Environments
- A Soft Robotic Haptic Feedback Glove for Colonoscopy Procedures
- A Large-Area Wearable Soft Haptic Device Using Stacked Pneumatic Pouch Actuation
- EMG-Based Feedback Modulation for Increased Transparency in Teleoperation
- Cutaneous Feedback Interface for Teleoperated In-Hand Manipulation
- Sensorimotor Control Sharing with Vibrotactile Feedback for Body Integration through Avatar Robot
- Perception of Mechanical Properties Via Wrist Haptics: Effects of Feedback Congruence
- Haptic Feedback Relocation from the Fingertips to the Wrist for Two-Finger Manipulation in Virtual Reality
- Feeling the Pressure: The Influence of Vibrotactile Patterns on Feedback Perception
Human Factors and Human-In-The-Loop
- SPARCS: Structuring Physically Assistive Robotics for Caregiving with Stakeholders-In-The-Loop
- To Ask for Help or Not to Ask: A Predictive Approach to Human-In-The-Loop Motion Planning for Robot Manipulation Tasks
- You Are in My Way: Non-Verbal Social Cues for Legible Robot Navigation Behaviors
- Robot Trajectory Adaptation to Optimise the Trade-Off between Human Cognitive Ergonomics and Workplace Productivity in Collaborative Tasks
- EMG-Based Hybrid Impedance-Force Control for Human-Robot Collaboration on Ultrasound Imaging
- Modeling Human Response to Robot Errors for Timely Error Detection
- Effects of Multiple Avatar Images Presented Consecutively with Temporal Delays on Self-Body Recognition
- Interactive Reinforcement Learning with Bayesian Fusion of Multimodal Advice
- A Camera-Based Deep-Learning Solution for Visual Attention Zone Recognition in Maritime Navigational Operations
Visual Learning
- Spatiotemporally Enhanced Photometric Loss for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
- J-RR: Joint Monocular Depth Estimation and Semantic Edge Detection Exploiting Reciprocal Relations
- Towards Two-View 6D Object Pose Estimation: A Comparative Study on Fusion Strategy
- Maximizing Self-Supervision from Thermal Image for Effective Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion
- Domain Invariant Siamese Attention Mask for Small Object Change Detection Via Everyday Indoor Robot Navigation
- Investigation of Factorized Optical Flows As Mid-Level Representations
- Augment-Connect-Explore: A Paradigm for Visual Action Planning with Data Scarcity
- Learning 6-DoF Task-Oriented Grasp Detection Via Implicit Estimation and Visual Affordance
- NARF22: Neural Articulated Radiance Fields for Configuration-Aware Rendering
Mapping 1
- Multi-Agent Relative Pose Estimation with UWB and Constrained Communications
- Ranging-Aided Ground Robot Navigation Using UWB Nodes at Unknown Locations
- Efficient and Probabilistic Adaptive Voxel Mapping for Accurate Online LiDAR Odometry
- 360ST-Mapping: An Online Semantics-Guided Topological Mapping Module for Omnidirectional Visual SLAM
- Online Distance Field Priors for Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces
- An Algorithm for the SE(3)-Transformation on Neural Implicit Maps for Remapping Functions
- PlaneSDF-Based Change Detection for Long-Term Dense Mapping
- Efficient 2D LIDAR Based Map Updating for Long Term Operations in Dynamic Environments
- Monocular UAV Localisation with Deep Learning and Uncertainty Propagation
Human-Centered Robotics 1
- Task Decoupling in Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Human-Robot Interaction
- Holo-SpoK: Affordance-Aware Augmented Reality Control of Legged Manipulators
- Keeping Humans in the Loop: Teaching Via Feedback in Continuous Action Space Environments
- An Adaptive, Affordable, Humanlike Arm Hand System for Deaf and Deaf Blind Communication with the American Sign Language
- Examining Distance in UAV Gesture Perception
- GA-STT: Human Trajectory Prediction with Group Aware Spatial-Temporal Transformer
- Evaluating Human-Like Explanations for Robot Actions in Reinforcement Learning Scenarios
- A Modular and Portable Black Box Recorder for Increased Transparency of Autonomous Service Robots
Localization 1
- LiDAR-Aided Visual-Inertial Localization with Semantic Maps
- Robust Onboard Localization in Changing Environments Exploiting Text Spotting
- Fast Scan Context Matching for Omnidirectional 3D Scan
- Probabilistic Object Maps for Long-Term Robot Localization
- Level Set-Based Camera Pose Estimation from Multiple 2D/3D Ellipse-Ellipsoid Correspondences
- Optimal Localizability Criterion for Positioning with Distance-Deteriorated Relative Measurements
- Improving Worst Case Visual Localization Coverage Via Place-Specific Sub-Selection in Multi-Camera Systems
- Hybrid Interval-Probabilistic Localization in Building Maps
- Online Target Localization Using Adaptive Belief Propagation in the HMM Framework
Representation Learning
- Reshaping Robot Trajectories Using Natural Language Commands: A Study of Multi-Modal Data Alignment Using Transformers
- DreamingV2: Reinforcement Learning with Discrete World Models without Reconstruction
- Playful Interactions for Representation Learning
- COMPASS: Contrastive Multimodal Pretraining for Autonomous Systems
- Explainable Knowledge Graph Embedding: Inference Reconciliation for Knowledge Inferences Supporting Robot Actions
- Neural Scene Representation for Locomotion on Structured Terrain
- MO-Transformer: A Transformer-Based Multi-Object Point Cloud Reconstruction Network
- Self-Supervised Feature Learning from Partial Point Clouds Via Pose Disentanglement
- Efficiently Learning Manipulations by Selecting Structured Skill Representations
Automation and Robotics at Micro-Nano Scales
- Hierarchical Learning and Control for In-Hand Micromanipulation Using Multiple Laser-Driven Micro-Tools
- A Micro-Robotic Approach for the Correction of Angular Deviations in AFM Samples from Generic Topographic Data
- Modeling and Characterization of Artificial Bacteria Flagella with Micro-Structured Soft-Magnetic Teeth
- Deep Learning-Based 3D Magnetic Microrobot Tracking Using 2D MR Images
- A PZT-Driven 6-DOF High-Speed Micromanipulator for Circular Vibration Simulation and Whirling Flow Generation
- Real-Time Acoustic Holography with Physics-Based Deep Learning for Acoustic Robotic Manipulation
- On-Chip Fabrication of Micro-Chain Robot with Selective Magnetization Using Magnetically Guided Arraying Microfluidic Devices
- On-Chip Automatic Trapping and Rotating for Zebrafish Embryo Injection
- Independent Control Strategy of Multiple Magnetic Flexible Millirobots for Position Control and Path Following (I)
Motion and Path Planning 1
- Learning Goal-Oriented Non-Prehensile Pushing in Cluttered Scenes
- Transfer Learning for Machine Learning-Based Detection and Separation of Entanglements in Bin-Picking Applications
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Based on Local GNN for Goal-Conditioned Deformable Object Rearranging
- Controlling the Cascade: Kinematic Planning for N-Ball Toss Juggling
- Rearrangement-Based Manipulation Via Kinodynamic Planning and Dynamic Planning Horizons
- Parallel Monte Carlo Tree Search with Batched Rigid-Body Simulations for Speeding up Long-Horizon Episodic Robot Planning
- Adapting Rapid Motor Adaptation for Bipedal Robots
- Three-Dimensional Dynamic Running with a Point-Foot Biped Based on Differentially Flat SLIP
- A Passive Control Framework for a Bilateral Leader-Follower Robotic Surgical Setup Imposing RCM and Active Constraints
Biologically-Inspired Robots 1
- The Flatworm-Like Mesh Robot WORMESH-II: Steering Control of Pedal Wave Locomotion
- In-Hand Manipulation Exploiting Bending and Compression Deformations of Caterpillar-Locomotion-Inspired Fingers
- Embodying Rather Than Encoding: Undulation with Binary Input
- A Creeping Snake-Like Robot with Partial Actuation
- Design and Experiments of Snake Robots with Docking Function
- Modeling and Control of a Lizard Inspired Single Actuated Robot
- Optimal Path Following Control with Efficient Computation for Snake Robots Subject to Multiple Constraints and Unknown Frictions
- A Distributed Coach-Based Reinforcement Learning Controller for Snake Robot Locomotion
- Bio-Inspired 2D Vertical Climbing with a Novel Tripedal Robot
Formal Methods in Robotics and Automation
- Event-Based Signal Temporal Logic Tasks: Execution and Feedback in Complex Environments
- Optimizing Demonstrated Robot Manipulation Skills for Temporal Logic Constraints
- Classification of Time-Series Data Using Boosted Decision Trees
- Robustness-Based Synthesis for Stochastic Systems under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks
- Sensor Observability Index: Evaluating Sensor Alignment for Task-Space Observability in Robotic Manipulators
- Fair Planning for Mobility-On-Demand with Temporal Logic Requests
- Incremental Path Planning Algorithm Via Topological Mapping with Metric Gluing
- UAV-miniUGV Hybrid System for Hidden Area Exploration and Manipulation
- Inference of Multi-Class STL Specifications for Multi-Label Human-Robot Encounters
- Making Parameterization and Constrains of Object Landmark Globally Consistent Via SPD(3) Manifold and Improved Cost Functions
- ULSM: Underground Localization and Semantic Mapping with Salient Region Loop Closure under Perceptually-Degraded Environment
- NDD: A 3D Point Cloud Descriptor Based on Normal Distribution for Loop Closure Detection
- FEJ-VIRO: A Consistent First-Estimate Jacobian Visual-Inertial-Ranging Odometry
- RGB-D SLAM in Indoor Planar Environments with Multiple Large Dynamic Objects
- DRG-SLAM: A Semantic RGB-D SLAM Using Geometric Features for Indoor Dynamic Scene
- Scale-Aware Direct Monocular Odometry
- IMU Preintegration for 2D SLAM Problems Using Lie Groups
- Scale Estimation with Dual Quadrics for Monocular Object SLAM
Grasping 1
- Learn from Interaction: Learning to Pick Via Reinforcement Learning in Challenging Clutter
- GE-Grasp: Efficient Target-Oriented Grasping in Dense Clutters
- Simultaneous Object Reconstruction and Grasp Prediction Using a Camera-Centric Object Shell Representation
- Visual Manipulation Relationship Detection Based on Gated Graph Neural Network for Robotic Grasping
- Closed-Loop Next-Best-View Planning for Target-Driven Grasping
- The DressGripper: A Collaborative Gripper with Electromagnetic Fingertips for Dressing Assistance
- A New Gripper That Acts As an Active and Passive Joint to Facilitate Prehensile Grasping and Locomotion
- Design and Control of a Quasi-Direct Drive Robotic Gripper for Collision Tolerant Picking at High Speed
Award Session II
- Going in Blind: Object Motion Classification Using Distributed Tactile Sensing for Safe Reaching in Clutter
- PI-ARS: Accelerating Evolution-Learned Visual-Locomotion with Predictive Information Representations
- Learning Visual Feedback Control for Dynamic Cloth Folding
- PCBot: A Minimalist Robot Designed for Swarm Applications
- Characterization of Real-Time Haptic Feedback from Multimodal Neural Network-Based Force Estimates During Teleoperation
- Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Precise Soccer Shooting Skills Using a Quadrupedal Robot
Learning 2
- Multi-Modal Legged Locomotion Framework with Automated Residual Reinforcement Learning
- Learning to Climb: Constrained Contextual Bayesian Optimisation on a Multi-Modal Legged Robot
- Class-Incremental Gesture Recognition Learning with Out-Of-Distribution Detection
- PIMNet: Physics-Infused Neural Network for Human Motion Prediction
- What Matters in Language Conditioned Robotic Imitation Learning Over Unstructured Data
- Learning Solution Manifolds for Control Problems Via Energy Minimization
- First Do Not Fall: Learning to Exploit a Wall with a Damaged Humanoid Robot
- Learning Suction Cup Dynamics from Motion Capture: Accurate Prediction of an Object's Vertical Motion During Release
- Embodied Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Via Informative Path Planning
Grasping 2
- ICK-Track: A Category-Level 6-DoF Pose Tracker Using Inter-Frame Consistent Keypoints for Aerial Manipulation
- Multi-Finger Grasping Like Humans
- Computation and Selection of Secure Gravity Based Caging Grasps of Planar Objects
- F1 Hand: A Versatile Fixed-Finger Gripper for Delicate Teleoperation and Autonomous Grasping
- EfficientGrasp: A Unified Data-Efficient Learning to Grasp Method for Multi-Fingered Robot Hands
- BRL/Pisa/IIT SoftHand: A Low-Cost, 3D-Printed, Underactuated, Tendon-Driven Hand with Soft and Adaptive Synergies
- On Robotic Manipulation of Flexible Flat Cables: Employing a Multi-Modal Gripper with Dexterous Tips, Active Nails, and a Reconfigurable Suction Cup Module
- Automated Design of Embedded Constraints for Soft Hands Enabling New Grasp Strategies
- Scalable Learned Geometric Feasibility for Cooperative Grasp and Motion Planning
Manipulation Systems 2
- A Solution to Adaptive Mobile Manipulator Throwing
- A Novel Design and Evaluation of a Dactylus-Equipped Quadruped Robot for Mobile Manipulation
- Task-Oriented Contact Optimization for Pushing Manipulation with Mobile Robots
- Articulated Object Interaction in Unknown Scenes with Whole-Body Mobile Manipulation
- A Versatile Affordance Modeling Framework Using Screw Primitives to Increase Autonomy During Manipulation Contact Tasks
- Combining Navigation and Manipulation Costs for Time-Efficient Robot Placement in Mobile Manipulation Tasks
- An Open-Source Motion Planning Framework for Mobile Manipulators Using Constraint-Based Task Space Control with Linear MPC
- View Planning for Object Pose Estimation Using Point Clouds: An Active Robot Perception Approach
- Planning to Build Block Structures with Unstable Intermediate States Using Two Manipulators (I)
Navigation Systems 1
- RARA: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Visual Navigation with Following Foreground Cues
- Navigation among Movable Obstacles with Object Localization Using Photorealistic Simulation
- Navigating Underground Environments Using Simple Topological Representations
- Teaching Agents How to Map: Spatial Reasoning for Multi-Object Navigation
- NAUTS: Negotiation for Adaptation to Unstructured Terrain Surfaces
- Resilient Detection and Recovery of Autonomous Systems Operating under On-Board Controller Cyber Attacks
- Benchmarking Augmentation Methods for Learning Robust Navigation Agents: The Winning Entry of the 2021 iGibson Challenge
- Robotic Interestingness Via Human-Informed Few-Shot Object Detection
- Map-Free Lidar Odometry (MFLO) Using a Range Flow Constraint and Point Patch Covariances
Aerial Systems 2
- Rotor Array Synergies for Aerial Modular Reconfigurable Robots
- Precise Position Control of a Multi-Rotor UAV with a Cable-Suspended Mechanism During Water Sampling
- Multirotor Long-Reach Aerial Pruning with Wire-Suspended Saber Saw
- Unmanned Aircraft System-Based Radiological Mapping of Buildings
- Towards Edible Drones for Rescue Missions: Design and Flight of Nutritional Wings
- Data-Efficient Collaborative Decentralized Thermal-Inertial Odometry
- Enforcing Vision-Based Localization Using Perception Constrained N-MPC for Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles
- Visual Loop Closure Detection for a Future Mars Science Helicopter
- PencilNet: Zero-Shot Sim-To-Real Transfer Learning for Robust Gate Perception in Autonomous Drone Racing
Medical Robots and Systems 2
- Force-Guided Alignment and File Feedrate Control for Robot-Assisted Endodontic Treatment
- A Training-Evaluation Method for Nursing Telerobot Operator with Unsupervised Trajectory Segmentation
- Visual Servo Control of COVID-19 Nasopharyngeal Swab Sampling Robot
- Development of a Cable-Driven Growing Sling to Assist Patient Transfer
- Development of an Inherently Safe Nasopharyngeal Swab Sampling Robot Using a Force Restriction Mechanism
- On the Design of Integrated Tele-Monitoring/Operation System for Therapeutic Devices in Isolation Intensive Care Unit
- Tactile Robotic Telemedicine for Safe Remote Diagnostics in Times ofCorona: System Design, Feasibility and Usability Study
- Novel Supernumerary Robotic Limb Based on Variable Stiffness Actuators for Hemiplegic Patients Assistance
Mechanism Design 2
- Plate Harmonic Reducer with a Profiled Groove Wave Generator
- Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of a Spherical Parallel Link Mechanism with Arc Prismatic Pairs
- Manipulator Equipped with Differential Wrist Mechanism to Combine the Torque of Two Motors to Increase Fingertip Force and Wrist Torque
- Design of a Modular Continuum Robot with Alterable Compliance Using Tubular-Actuation
- 3D-Printable Low-Reduction Cycloidal Gearing for Robotics
- Fold-Based Complex Joints for a 3 DoF 3R Parallel Robot Design
- A 4-DoF Parallel Robot with a Built-In Gripper for Waste Sorting
- Adjustable Lever Mechanism with Double Parallel Link Platforms for Robotic Limbs
- Design and Characterization of 3D Printed, Open-Source Actuators for Legged Locomotion
Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization 2
- Real-Time IMU-Based Learning: A Classification of Contact Materials
- New Objects on the Road? No Problem, We’ll Learn Them Too
- Conditional Patch-Based Domain Randomization: Improving Texture Domain Randomization Using Natural Image Patches
- CloudAttention: Efficient Multi-Scale Attention Scheme for 3D Point Cloud Learning
- Fast Hierarchical Learning for Few-Shot Object Detection
- Improving Single-View Mesh Reconstruction for Unseen Categories Via Primitive-Based Representation and Mesh Augmentation
- Instance Segmentation with Cross-Modal Consistency
- Early Recall, Late Precision: Multi-Robot Semantic Object Mapping under Operational Constraints in Perceptually-Degraded Environments
- Sparse PointPillars: Maintaining and Exploiting Input Sparsity to Improve Runtime on Embedded Systems
Force and Tactile Sensing
- Pose-Based Tactile Servoing: Controlled Soft Touch Using Deep Learning (I)
- Mapping Mid-Air Haptics with a Low-Cost Tactile Robot
- Autonomous Tactile Localization and Mapping of Objects Buried in Granular Materials
- Tactile Gym 2.0: Sim-To-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning for Comparing Low-Cost High-Resolution Robot Touch
- Bioinspired, Multifunctional, Active Whisker Sensors for Tactile Sensing of Mobile Robots
- Deep Active Cross-Modal Visuo-Tactile Transfer Learning for Robotic Object Recognition
- DigiTac: A DIGIT-TacTip Hybrid Tactile Sensor for Comparing Low-Cost High-Resolution Robot Touch
- Semi-Supervised Disentanglement of Tactile Contact Geometry from Sliding-Induced Shear
- Multi-Purpose Tactile Perception Based on Deep Learning in a New Tendon-Driven Optical Tactile Sensor
Human-Robot Collaboration
- A Multi-Granularity Scene Segmentation Network for Human-Robot Collaboration Environment Perception
- Controller Design of a Robotic Assistant for the Transport of Large and Fragile Objects
- Safety-Based Dynamic Task Offloading for Human-Robot Collaboration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
- "I'm Confident This Will End Poorly": Robot Proficiency Self-Assessment in Human-Robot Teaming
- RILI: Robustly Influencing Latent Intent
- Multimodal Object Categorization with Reduced User Load through Human-Robot Interaction in Mixed Reality
- Learning and Executing Re-Usable Behaviour Trees from Natural Language Instruction
- ProTAMP: Probabilistic Task and Motion Planning Considering Human Action for Harmonious Collaboration
- VR Facial Animation for Immersive Telepresence Avatars
Visual Servoing
- An Offline Geometric Model for Controlling the Shape of Elastic Linear Objects
- Skeleton-Based Adaptive Visual Servoing for Control of Robotic Manipulators in Configuration Space
- Conditional Visual Servoing for Multi-Step Tasks
- Optimal Shape Servoing with Task-Focused Convergence Constraints
- An Event-Triggered Visual Servoing Predictive Control Strategy for the Surveillance of Contour-Based Areas Using Multirotor Aerial Vehicles
- Vision-Based Rotational Control of an Agile Observation Satellite
- DIJE: Dense Image Jacobian Estimation for Robust Robotic Self-Recognition and Visual Servoing
- Self-Supervised Wide Baseline Visual Servoing Via 3D Equivariance
- Visibility Maximization Controller for Robotic Manipulation
Mapping 2
- Multi-Camera-LiDAR Auto-Calibration by Joint Structure-From-Motion
- GeoROS: Georeferenced Real-Time Orthophoto Stitching with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Learning to Complete Object Shapes for Object-Level Mapping in Dynamic Scenes
- Robot-Aided Microbial Density Estimation and Mapping
- Elevation Mapping for Locomotion and Navigation Using GPU
- LODM: Large-Scale Online Dense Mapping for UAV
- Roadside HD Map Object Reconstruction Using Monocular Camera
- Adaptive-Resolution Field Mapping Using Gaussian Process Fusion with Integral Kernels
- Make It Dense: Self-Supervised Geometric Scan Completion of Sparse 3D LiDAR Scans in Large Outdoor Environments
Human-Centered Robotics 2
- Learning Causal Relationships of Object Properties and Affordances through Human Demonstrations and Self-Supervised Intervention for Purposeful Action in Transfer Environments
- Robotic Powder Grinding with a Soft Jig for Laboratory Automation in Material Science
- Prediction of Whole-Body Velocity and Direction from Local Leg Joint Movements in Insect Walking Via LSTM Neural Networks
- Core Processes in Intelligent Robotic Lab Assistants: Flexible Liquid Handling
- Registering Articulated Objects with Human-In-The-Loop Corrections
- Learning-Based Approach for a Soft Assistive Robotic Arm to Achieve Simultaneous Position and Force Control
- Egocentric Human Trajectory Forecasting with a Wearable Camera and Multi-Modal Fusion
- Social Attitude towards a Robot Is Promoted by Motor-Induced Embodiment Independently of Spatial Perspective
- Spatial Computing and Intuitive Interaction: Bringing Mixed Reality and Robotics Together (I)
Sensor Fusion 1
- Generalized Laplace Particle Filter on Lie Groups Applied to Ambiguous Doppler Navigation
- Towards Autonomous Control of Surgical Instruments Using Adaptive-Fusion Tracking and Robot Self-Calibration
- AFT-VO: Asynchronous Fusion Transformers for Multi-View Visual Odometry Estimation
- A Portable Multiscopic Camera for Novel View and Time Synthesis in Dynamic Scenes
- HD-CCSOM: Hierarchical and Dense Collaborative Continuous Semantic Occupancy Mapping through Label Diffusion
- Scalable and Modular Ultra-Wideband Aided Inertial Navigation
- Optimal Multi-Robot Formations for Relative Pose Estimation Using Range Measurements
- Monocular Event Visual Inertial Odometry Based on Event-Corner Using Sliding Windows Graph-Based Optimization
- Multical: Spatiotemporal Calibration for Multiple IMUs, Cameras and LiDARs
Reinforcement Learning 1
- Safe Reinforcement Learning for Legged Locomotion
- Safety Guided Policy Optimization
- How to Spend Your Robot Time: Bridging Kickstarting and Offline Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Robotic Manipulation
- A Contact-Safe Reinforcement Learning Framework for Contact-Rich Robot Manipulation
- Learning Skills to Navigate without a Master: A Sequential Multi-Policy Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
- Ordinal Inverse Reinforcement Learning Applied to Robot Learning with Small Data
- Advanced Skills by Learning Locomotion and Local Navigation End-To-End
- NavDreams: Towards Camera-Only RL Navigation among Humans
- Impact Makes a Sound and Sound Makes an Impact: Sound Guides Representations and Explorations
Micro/Nano Robots
- Origami Robot Self-Folding by Magnetic Induction
- A Passive, Asymmetrically-Compliant Knee Joint Improves Obstacle Traversal in an Insect-Scale Legged Robot
- Passive Compliant Foot Design for Improved Micororobotic Mobility on Rough Terrains
- Torque-Actuated Multimodal Locomotion of Ferrofluid Robot with Environment and Task Adaptability
- Versatile Motion Generation of Magnetic Origami Spring Robots in the Uniform Magnetic Field
- OCTOANTS: A Heterogeneous Lightweight Intelligent Multi-Robot Collaboration System with Resource-Constrained IoT Devices
- Insect-Scale SMAW-Based Soft Robot with Crawling, Jumping, and Loading Locomotion
- Characterization of the Variable Stiffness Actuator Fabricated of SMA/SMP and MWCNT/IL: PDMS Strain-Sensitive Heater Electrode
- Adaptive Autonomous Navigation of Multiple Optoelectronic Microrobots in Dynamic Environments
Motion Control
- Beyond the Limit Automated Driving with Performance Constrained Reachability Analysis
- Simultaneous Motion Tracking and Joint Stiffness Control of Bidirectional Antagonistic Variable-Stiffness Actuators
- Planar Magnetic Actuation for Soft and Rigid Robots Using a Scalable Electromagnet Array
- Kinematic Control of Redundant Robots with Online Handling of Variable Generalized Hard Constraints
- Set-Point Control for a Ground-Based Reconfigurable Robot
- Enhanced Quadruped Locomotion of a Rat Robot Based on the Lateral Flexion of a Soft Actuated Spine
- Shape and Motion Optimization of Rigid Planar Effectors for Contact Trajectory Satisfaction
- Co-Optimization of Acrobot Design and Controller for Increased Certifiable Stability
- RoSA: A Mechatronically Synthesized Dataset for Rotodynamic System Anomaly Detection
Biologically-Inspired Robots 2
- Toward Dexterous Flapping Flight: Effective Large Yaw Torque Generation by 2 × 2-Degrees-Of-Freedom Flapping Wings
- End-To-End Design of Bespoke, Dexterous Snake-Like Surgical Robots: A Case Study with the RAVEN II (I)
- Comparative Model Evaluation with a Symmetric Three-Link Swimming Robot
- Development of a Stingray-Inspired High-Frequency Propulsion Platform with Variable Wavelength
- Amoeba-Inspired Swimming through Isoperimetric Modulation of Body Shape
- Compliant Thorax Design for Robustness and Elastic Energy Exchange in Flapping-Wing Robots
- Event-Triggered Control of Robotic Fish with Reduced Communication Rate
- Design and Testing of a Bioinspired Lightweight Perching Mechanism for Flapping-Wing MAVs Using Soft Grippers
Factory Automation and Logistics
- Image Translation Based Synthetic Data Generation for Industrial Object Detection and Pose Estimation
- Reconstructed Student-Teacher and Discriminative Networks for Anomaly Detection
- Systematic Evaluation and Analysis on Hybrid Strategies of Automatic Agent Last Mile Delivery
- Multi-Object Grasping -# Efficient Robotic Picking and Transferring Policy for Batch Picking
- AssembleRL: Learning to Assemble Furniture from Their Point Clouds
- FASTDLO: Fast Deformable Linear Objects Instance Segmentation
- MS-Cubic: A Modularized Manufacturing System with Scalability, Portability and Parallelism
- Optimal Partitioning of Non-Convex Environments for Minimum Turn Coverage Planning
- DH-LC: Hierarchical Matching and Hybrid Bundle Adjustment towards Accurate and Robust Loop Closure
- One RING to Rule Them All: Radon Sinogram for Place Recognition, Orientation and Translation Estimation
- Keyframe Selection with Information Occupancy Grid Model for Long-Term Data Association
- PLC-LiSLAM: LiDAR SLAM with Planes, Lines and Cylinders
- Thermal Inertial SLAM for the Environments with Challenging Illumination
- Are We Ready for Robust and Resilient SLAM? a Framework for Quantitative Characterization of SLAM Datasets
- Robust Change Detection Based on Neural Descriptor Fields
- LayoutSLAM: Object Layout Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Reducing Object Map Distortion
- SLAM-Supported Self-Training for 6D Object Pose Estimation
Localization 2
- ROLL: Long-Term Robust LiDAR-Based Localization with Temporary Mapping in Changing Environments
- Indirect Point Cloud Registration: Aligning Distance Fields Using a Pseudo Third Point Set
- Semantic Topological Descriptor for Loop Closure Detection within 3D Point Clouds in Outdoor Environment
- P3-VINS: Tightly Coupled PPP/INS/Visual SLAM Based on Optimization Approach
- Gaussian Variational Inference with Covariance Constraints Applied to Range-Only Localization
- Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Structural Regularity in Manhattan World
- Pose Refinement with Joint Optimization of Visual Points and Lines
- Closed-Form Error Propagation on SEn(3) Group for Invariant EKF with Applications to VINS
Motion and Path Planning 2
- Comprehensive Reactive Safety: No Need for a Trajectory If You Have a Strategy
- Modeling and Control of Morphing Covers for the Adaptive Morphology of Humanoid Robots (I)
- Terrain-Aware Learned Controllers for Sampling-Based Kinodynamic Planning Over Physically Simulated Terrains
- Risk-Aware Off-Road Navigation Via a Learned Speed Distribution Map
- Dynamic Replanning with Posterior Sampling
- Energy-Aware Planning-Scheduling for Autonomous Aerial Robots
- Learning to Herd Amongst Obstacles from an Optimized Surrogate
- Geometric Savitzky-Golay Filtering of Noisy Rotations on SO(3) with Simultaneous Angular Velocity and Acceleration Estimation
Award Session III
- 1-Degree-Of-Freedom Robotic Gripper with Infinite Self-Twist Function
- Aerial Grasping and the Velocity Sufficiency Region
- Automated Design of Task Specific Additively Manufacturable Coupled Serial Chain Mechanisms for Tracing Predefined Planar Trajectories
- Robot Learning to Paint from Demonstrations
- The Wheelbot: A Jumping Reaction Wheel Unicycle
- Robot Dance Generation with Music Based Trajectory Optimization
Award Session IV
- Learning on the Job: Long-Term Behavioural Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactions
- Robotic Detection of a Human-Comprehensible Gestural Language for Underwater Multi-Human-Robot Collaboration
- Intuitive & Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration Via Real-Time Approximate Bayesian Inference
- Gesture2Vec: Clustering Gestures Using Representation Learning Methods for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
- Robowflex: Robot Motion Planning with MoveIt Made Easy
- Absolute Position Detection in 7-Phase Sensorless Electric Stepper Motor
Grasping 3
- A Novel Simulation-Based Quality Metric for Evaluating Grasps on 3D Deformable Objects
- Optimal Nonprehensile Interception Strategy for Objects in Flight
- MasKGrasp: Mask-Based Grasping for Scenes with Multiple General Real-World Objects
- Development of Pneumatically Driven Tensegrity Manipulator without Mechanical Springs
- Fixture-Aware DDQN for Generalized Environment-Enabled Grasping
- Learning Push-Grasping in Dense Clutter
- Grasping Strategy for Unknown Objects Based on Real-Time Grasp-Stability Evaluation Using Proximity Sensing
- Resonant Pneumatic Tactile Sensing for Soft Grippers
- A Mechanical Screwing Tool for 2-Finger Parallel Grippers -# Design, Optimization, and Manipulation Policies (I)
Manipulation Systems 3
- Tactile-Guided Dynamic Object Planar Manipulation
- 3D Visual-Based Tension Control in Strip-Like Deformable Objects Using a Catenary Model
- DGBench: An Open-Source, Reproducible Benchmark for Dynamic Grasping
- Sim2Real Instance-Level Style Transfer for 6D Pose Estimation
- Simultaneous Contact Location and Object Pose Estimation Using Proprioception and Tactile Feedback
- All You Need Is LUV: Unsupervised Collection of Labeled Images Using UV-Fluorescent Markings
- Voting and Attention-Based Pose Relation Learning for Object Pose Estimation from 3D Point Clouds
- Acoustic Balance: Weighing in Ultrasonic Non-Contact Manipulators
- The Probabilistic Robot Kinematics Model and Its Application to Sensor Fusion
Navigation Systems 2
- On the Coupling of Depth and Egomotion Networks for Self-Supervised Structure from Motion
- Spatio-Temporal Graph Localization Networks for Image-Based Navigation
- Stubborn: A Strong Baseline for Indoor Object Navigation
- VI-IKD: High-Speed Accurate Off-Road Navigation Using Learned Visual-Inertial Inverse Kinodynamics
- H-VLO: Hybrid LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Self-Supervised Odometry
- B-GAP: Behavior-Rich Simulation and Navigation for Autonomous Driving
- Memory-Augmented Reinforcement Learning for Image-Goal Navigation
- Exploring Event Camera-Based Odometry for Planetary Robots
- GA-Nav: Efficient Terrain Segmentation for Robot Navigation in Unstructured Outdoor Environments
Aerial Systems 3
- Automated Aerial Screwing with a Fully Actuated Aerial Manipulator
- Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Quadrotor Trajectory Planning
- Efficient Sampling-Based Multirotors Kinodynamic Planning with Fast Regional Optimization and Post Refining
- DIDO: Deep Inertial Quadrotor Dynamical Odometry
- Folding Knots Using a Team of Aerial Robots
- Hand-Crafted Features for Floating Plastic Detection
- Reactive Motion Planning for Rope Manipulation and Collision Avoidance Using Aerial Robots
- Autonomous Emergency Landing for Multicopters Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
- GNGraph: Self-Organizing Maps for Autonomous Aerial Vehicle Planning
Medical Robots and Systems 3
- Biocompatible Ferrofluid Robot with Photothermal Property for Targeted Tumor Therapy
- Lumen Shape Reconstruction Using a Soft Robotic Balloon Catheter and Electrical Impedance Tomography
- Ultrasound Tracking and Closed-Loop Control of a Magnetically-Actuated Biomimetic Soft Robot
- Robust Sim2Real Transfer with the Da Vinci Research Kit: A Study on Camera, Lighting, and Physics Domain Randomization
- Simulation-Based Reinforcement Learning for Real-World Autonomous US Probe Navigation
- PH Sensor-Embedded Magnetically Driven Capsule for H. Pylori Infection Diagnosis
- Development of a Robotic Capsule for in Vivo Sampling of Gut Microbiota
- Local One-Dimensional Motion Estimation Using FBG-Based Shape Sensing for Cardiac Applications
- Sim-To-Real Transfer of Image-Based Autonomous Guidewire Navigation Trained by Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient with Behavior Cloning for Fast Learning
Mechanism Design 3
- Modular and Hybrid Numerical-Analytical Approach # a Case Study on Improving Computational Efficiency for Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots
- Multi-Axis Reorientation of a Free-Falling Omnidirectional Wheeled Robot
- Steady-State Manifold of Riderless Motorcycles
- Foot-Operated Tele-Impedance Interface for Robot Manipulation Tasks in Interaction with Unpredictable Environments
- Toward FBG-Sensorized Needle Shape Prediction in Tissue Insertions
- Robust Cartesian Kinematics Estimation for Task-Space Control Systems
- Unsupervised 3D Link Segmentation of Articulated Objects with a Mixture of Coherent Point Drift
- A Robot Factors Approach to Designing Modular Hardware
- BSA # Bi-Stiffness Actuation for Optimally Exploiting Intrinsic Compliance and Inertial Coupling Effects in Elastic Joint Robots
Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization 3
- Time-To-Label: Temporal Consistency for Self-Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection
- 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Graph Neural Networks with Cross-Edge Modality Attention
- See Eye to Eye: A Lidar-Agnostic 3D Detection Framework for Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation
- MV6D: Multi-View 6D Pose Estimation on RGB-D Frames Using a Deep Point-Wise Voting Network
- Deep Tri-Training for Semi-Supervised Image Segmentation
- Child Engagement Estimation in Heterogeneous Child-Robot Interactions Using Spatiotemporal Visual Cues
- TRAVEL: Traversable Ground and Above-Ground Object Segmentation Using Graph Representation of 3D LiDAR Scans
- One Object at a Time: Accurate and Robust Structure from Motion for Robots
- 2D vs. 3D LiDAR-Based Person Detection on Mobile Robots
Contact Modeling and Force/Tactile Sensing
- Validating Robotics Simulators on Real-World Impacts
- Velocity Level Approximation of Pressure Field Contact Patches
- Visual Pressure Estimation and Control for Soft Robotic Grippers
- Environmental Interaction with Continuum Robots Exploiting Impact
- Tactile Pattern Super Resolution with Taxel-Based Sensors
- Learning-Based Six-Axis Force/Torque Estimation Using GelStereo Fingertip Visuotactile Sensing
- Deep Learning Classification of Touch Gestures Using Distributed Normal and Shear Force
- Modulo Cellulo: Modular Versatile Tangible Educational Robots
- Design and Evaluation of a Miniaturized Force Sensor Based on Wave Backscattering
Physical Human-Robot Interaction
- A Framework of Rehabilitation-Assisted Robot Skill Representation, Learning, and Modulation Via Manifold-Mappings and Gaussian Processes
- Position-Based Treadmill Drive with Wire Traction for Experience of Level Ground Walking from Gait Acceleration State to Steady State
- A Null-Space Based Approach for a Safe and Effective Human-Robot Collaboration
- Fast and Comfortable Interactive Robot-To-Human Object Handover
- MOCA-S: A Sensitive Mobile Collaborative Robotic Assistant Exploiting Low-Cost Capacitive Tactile Cover and Whole-Body Control
- In-Hand Admittance Controller for a Robotic Assistive Walker Based on Tactile Grasping Feedback
- Robot-Assisted Drilling on Curved Surfaces with Haptic Guidance under Adaptive Admittance Control
- Towards Safe Physical Human-Robot Interaction by Exploring the Rapid Stiffness Switching Feature of Discrete Variable Stiffness Actuation
- Robustness of Interaction Parameters Identification Technique for Collaborative Robots
Visual Tracking
- Learning Moving-Object Tracking with FMCW LiDAR
- Self-Supervised Learning for Multiple Object Tracking in 3D Point Clouds
- An Efficient and Accurate Solution to Camera Pose Estimation Problem from Point and Line Correspondences Based on Null Space Analysis
- Improving 3D Markerless Pose Estimation of Animals in the Wild Using Low-Cost Cameras
- DirectTracker: 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Direct Image Alignment and Photometric Bundle Adjustment
- Scene-Level Tracking and Reconstruction without Object Priors
- Smart Visual Beacons with Asynchronous Optical Communications Using Event Cameras
- Category-Independent Articulated Object Tracking with Factor Graphs
- ECDT: Event Clustering for Simultaneous Feature Detection and Tracking
Mapping 3
- Hierarchical Road Topology Learning for Urban Mapless Driving
- S-MKI: Incremental Dense Semantic Occupancy Reconstruction through Multi-Entropy Kernel Inference
- BEV-SLAM: Building a Globally-Consistent World Map Using Monocular Vision
- Multi-Modal Lidar Dataset for Benchmarking General-Purpose Localization and Mapping Algorithms
- OdomBeyondVision: An Indoor Multi-Modal Multi-Platform Odometry Dataset Beyond the Visible Spectrum
- FusionPortable: A Multi-Sensor Campus-Scene Dataset for Evaluation of Localization and Mapping Accuracy on Diverse Platforms
- STheReO: Stereo Thermal Dataset for Research in Odometry and Mapping
- VECtor: A Versatile Event-Centric Benchmark for Multi-Sensor SLAM
- Challenges of SLAM in Extremely Unstructured Environments: The DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial Dataset
Human-Centered Robotics 3
- Affective Behavior Learning for Social Robot Haru with Implicit Evaluative Feedback
- Efficient Hand Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction
- Augmented Reality-Assisted Reconfiguration and Workspace Visualisation of Malleable Robots (I)
- A Tool for Organizing Key Characteristics of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction Systems: Synthesizing VAM-HRI Trends and Takeaways (I)
- Feasibility Study on Disentangling Muscle Movements in TMR Patients through a Myokinetic Control Interface for the Control of Artificial Hands
- A-RIFT: Visual Substitution of Force Feedback for a Zero-Cost Interface in Telemanipulation
- Metabolic Efficiency Improvement of Human Walking by Shoulder Stress Reduction through Load Transfer Backpack
- Learning an Interpretable Model for Driver Behavior Prediction with Inductive Biases
Sensor Fusion 2
- Robust Real-Time LiDAR-Inertial Initialization
- VAST: Visual and Spectral Terrain Classification in Unstructured Multi-Class Environments
- EFGHNet: A Versatile Image-To-Point Cloud Registration Network for Extreme Outdoor Environment
- Shape Estimation of Concentric Tube Robots Using Single Point Position Measurement
- Estimating Odometry Scale and UWB Anchor Location Based on Semidefinite Programming Optimization
- Visual-Tactile Multimodality for Following Deformable Linear Objects Using Reinforcement Learning
- Exploring mmWave Radar and Camera Fusion for High-Resolution and Long-Range Depth Imaging
- FAST-LIVO: Fast and Tightly-Coupled Sparse-Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry
- Adaptive Gradient-Descent Extended Kalman Filter for Pose Estimation of Mobile Robots with Sparse Reference Signals
Reinforcement Learning 2
- Automated Flexible Needle Trajectory Planning for Keyhole Neurosurgery Using Reinforcement Learning
- Learning Time-Optimized Path Tracking in Joint Space with or without Sensory Feedback
- L2C2: Locally Lipschitz Continuous Constraint towards Stable and Smooth Reinforcement Learning
- Learning Visual Robotic Control Efficiently with Contrastive Pre-Training and Data Augmentation
- Analyzing and Overcoming Degradation in Warm-Start Reinforcement Learning
- Online Model Learning for Shape Control of Deformable Linear Objects
- PM-FSM: Policies Modulating Finite State Machine for Robust Quadrupedal Locomotion
- SafeTAC: Safe Tsallis Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Safer Exploration
- Planning to Practice: Efficient Online Fine-Tuning by Composing Goals in Latent Space
Space Robotics and Automation
- Trajectory Optimization and Following for a Three Degrees of Freedom Overactuated Floating Platform
- Optimal and Risk-Aware Path Planning Considering Localization Uncertainty for Space Exploration Rovers
- 3D Human Pose Estimation in Weightless Environments Using a Fisheye Camera
- A Sampling Based Approach to Robust Planning for a Planetary Lander
- Learning to Grasp on the Moon from 3D Octree Observations with Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Adaptive Sampling Site Selection for Robotic Exploration in Unknown Environments
- An Approach to Science and Risk-Aware Planetary Rover Exploration
- Attracting Conductive Nonmagnetic Objects with Rotating Magnetic Dipole Fields
- Active Traversability Learning Via Risk-Aware Information Gathering for Planetary Exploration Rovers
Model Learning for Control
- Randomized-To-Canonical Model Predictive Control for Real-World Visual Robotic Manipulation
- Nonlinear Model Learning for Compensation and Feed-Forward Control of Real-World Hydraulic Actuators Using Gaussian Processes
- Learning Neuro-Symbolic Relational Transition Models for Bilevel Planning
- T3VIP: Transformation-Based 3D Video Prediction
- Physics Embedded Neural Network Vehicle Model and Applications in Risk-Aware Autonomous Driving Using Latent Features
- TOAST: Trajectory Optimization and Simultaneous Tracking Using Shared Neural Network Dynamics
- Augmented Neural Network for Full Robot Kinematic Modelling in SE(3)
- Physics-Inspired Temporal Learning of Quadrotor Dynamics for Accurate Model Predictive Trajectory Tracking
- Learning Non-Parametric Models in Real Time Via Online Generalized Product of Experts
Biologically-Inspired Robots 3
- A Flexible Calibration Algorithm for High-Speed Bionic Vision System Based on Galvanometer
- Design and Control of a Multi-Modal Soft Gripper Inspired by Elephant Fingers
- Design Optimization of an Ultrafast-Striking Mantis Shrimp Microrobot
- Imitation Behavior of the Outer Edge of the Foot by Humanoids Using a Simplified Contact State Representation
- Visual Confined-Space Navigation Using an Efficient Learned Bilinear Optic Flow Approximation for Insect-Scale Robots
- Tactile Perception for Growing Robots Via Discrete Curvature Measurements
- Bioinspired Antagonist–agonist Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Eyeball Motions
- The Relationship between Incremental Changes in Orientation and Slip Speed Estimation Using the Fingerprint Effect
- Diaphragm Ankle Actuation for Efficient Series Elastic Legged Robot Hopping
Failure Detection and Recovery
- Model-Free Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of a General Robotic System Using a Stacked LSTM and Its Application to a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Meta-Active Learning in Probabilistically Safe Optimization
- Learning Symbolic Failure Detection for Grasping and Mobile Manipulation Tasks
- Design, Modeling and Control for a Tilt-Rotor VTOL UAV in the Presence of Actuator Failure
- Transmissibility-Based DAgger for Fault Classification in Connected Autonomous Vehicles
- Robot Vitals and Robot Health: Towards Systematically Quantifying Runtime Performance Degradation in Robots under Adverse Conditions
- RoBiGAN: A Bidirectional Wasserstein GAN Approach for Online Robot Fault Diagnosis Via Internal Anomaly Detection
- PrePARE: Predictive Proprioception for Agile Failure Event Detection in Robotic Exploration of Extreme Terrains
- Why Did I Fail? a Causal-Based Method to Find Explanations for Robot Failures
- Closing the Loop: Graph Networks to Unify Semantic Objects and Visual Features for Multi-Object Scenes
- Probabilistic Data Association for Semantic SLAM at Scale
- Observability Analysis and Keyframe-Based Filtering for Visual Inertial Odometry with Full Self-Calibration (I)
- OverlapTransformer: An Efficient and Yaw-Angle-Invariant Transformer Network for LiDAR-Based Place Recognition
- Distributed Riemannian Optimization with Lazy Communication for Collaborative Geometric Estimation
- CFP-SLAM: A Real-Time Visual SLAM Based on Coarse-To-Fine Probability in Dynamic Environments
- Object-Plane Co-Represented and Graph Propagation-Based Semantic Descriptor for Relocalization
- Certifiably Optimal Mutual Localization with Anonymous Bearing Measurements
- LF-VIO: A Visual-Inertial-Odometry Framework for Large Field-Of-View Cameras with Negative Plane
Localization 3
- SO-PFH: Semantic Object-Based Point Feature Histogram for Global Localization in Parking Lot
- Tether-Based Localization for Cooperative Ground and Aerial Vehicles
- Tightly-Coupled Visual-Inertial-Pressure Fusion Using Forward and Backward IMU Preintegration
- A 2D Georeferenced Map Aided Visual-Inertial System for Precise UAV Localization
- Global Data Association for SLAM with 3D Grassmannian Manifold Objects
- Confidence-Rich Localization and Mapping Based on Particle Filter for Robotic Exploration
Motion and Path Planning 3
- Homology-Class Guided Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree for Belief Space Planning
- Improving the Efficiency of Sampling-Based Motion Planners Via Runtime Predictions for Motion-Planning Problems with Dynamics
- BITKOMO: Combining Sampling and Optimization for Fast Convergence in Optimal Motion Planning
- Making Robotics Swarm Flow More Smoothly: A Regular Virtual Tube Model
- Image-Goal Navigation in Complex Environments Via Modular Learning
- Reachability Based Trajectory Generation Combining Global Graph Search in Task Space and Local Optimization in Configuration Space
- Multi-Objective Safe-Interval Path Planning with Dynamic Obstacles
- Optimal Partitioning of Non-Convex Environments for Minimum Turn Coverage Planning
- Optimal Time Trajectory Generation and Tracking Control for Over-Actuated Multirotors with Large-Angle Maneuvering Capability
Award Session V
- Robot-Assisted Nuclear Disaster Response: Report and Insights from a Field Exercise
- Power-Based Safety Layer for Aerial Vehicles in Physical Interaction Using Lyapunov Exponents
- Risk-Aware Motion Planning for Collision-Tolerant Aerial Robots Subject to Localization Uncertainty
- A Planning-And-Control Framework for Aerial Manipulation of Articulated Objects
- Safe Drone Flight with Time-Varying Backup Controllers
- Mobile Manipulation Leveraging Multiple Views
Award Session VI
- Safety-Critical Manipulation for Collision-Free Food Preparation
- Impedance Control on Arbitrary Surfaces for Ultrasound Scanning Using Discrete Differential Geometry
- Soft Tissue Characterisation Using a Novel Robotic Medical Percussion Device with Acoustic Analysis and Neural Networks
- Multi-Directional Bicycle Robot for Bridge Inspection with Steel Defect Detection System
- Tactile-Sensitive NewtonianVAE for High-Accuracy Industrial Connector Insertion
Grasping 4
- Enabling Massage Actions: An Interactive Parallel Robot with Compliant Joints
- Designing Underactuated Graspers with Dynamically Variable Geometry Using Potential Energy Map Based Analysis
- A Novel Human-Safe Robotic Gripper: An Application of a Programmable Permanent Magnet Actuator
- The Good Grasp, the Bad Grasp, and the Plateau in Tactile Based Grasp Stability Prediction
- Extrinsic Dexterous Manipulation with a Direct-Drive Hand: A Case Study
- GTac-Gripper: A Reconfigurable Under-Actuated Four-Fingered Robotic Gripper with Tactile Sensing
- Single-Fingered Reconfigurable Robotic Gripper with a Folding Mechanism for Narrow Working Spaces
- SEED: Series Elastic End Effectors in 6D for Visuotactile Tool Use
- Elongatable Gripper Fingers with Integrated Stretchable Tactile Sensors for Underactuated Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation (I)
Manipulation Systems 4
- Challenges and Outlook in Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects (I)
- Robust Robotic 3-D Drawing Using Closed-Loop Planning and Online Picked Pens (I)
- 6D Robotic Assembly Based on RGB-Only Object Pose Estimation
- Context and Intention Aware 3D Human Body Motion Prediction Using an Attention Deep Learning Model in Handover Tasks
- Learning a State Estimator for Tactile In-Hand Manipulation
- A Two-Stage Learning Architecture That Generates High-Quality Grasps for a Multi-Fingered Hand
- Graph-Structured Policy Learning for Multi-Goal Manipulation Tasks
- Scene Editing As Teleoperation: A Case Study in 6DoF Kit Assembly
- On the Importance of Label Encoding and Uncertainty Estimation for Robotic Grasp Detection
Navigation Systems 3
- A Unified MPC Design Approach for AGV Path Following
- GPU-Parallelized Iterative LQR with Input Constraints for Fast Collision Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicles
- RIANet: Road Graph and Image Attention Network for Urban Autonomous Driving
- Sem-Aug: Improving Camera-LiDAR Feature Fusion with Semantic Augmentation for 3D Vehicle Detection
- P2EG: Prediction and Planning Integrated Robust Decision-Making for Automated Vehicle Negotiating in Narrow Lane with Explorative Game
- Visual Mapping and Localization System Based on Compact Instance-Level Road Markings with Spatial Uncertainty
- Motion Planning for HyTAQs: A Topology-Guided Unified NMPC Approach
- SEAN 2.0: Formalizing and Generating Social Situations for Robot Navigation
- Group-K Consistent Measurement Set Maximization for Robust Outlier Detection
- Floorplan-Aware Camera Poses Refinement
- MOTSLAM: MOT-Assisted Monocular Dynamic SLAM Using Single-View Depth Estimation
- Gravity-Constrained Point Cloud Registration
- When Geometry Is Not Enough: Using Reflector Markers in Lidar SLAM
- LOCUS 2.0: Robust and Computationally Efficient LiDAR Odometry for Real-Time 3D Mapping
- The Hilti SLAM Challenge Dataset
- Photometric Single-View Dense 3D Reconstruction in Endoscopy
- Continuous-Time Stereo-Inertial Odometry
Virtual Reality and Interfaces
- Immersive View and Interface Design for Teleoperated Aerial Manipulation
- WFH-VR: Teleoperating a Robot Arm to Set a Dining Table across the Globe Via Virtual Reality
- A Deep Learning Technique As a Sensor Fusion for Enhancing the Position in a Virtual Reality Micro-Environment
- A Wearable Multi-Joint Wrist Contour Measuring Device for Hand Shape Recognition
- A Torque Controlled Approach for Virtual Remote Centre of Motion Implementation
- Semi-Automatic Infrared Calibration for Augmented Reality Systems in Surgery
- Detecting Touch and Grasp Gestures Using a Wrist-Worn Optical and Inertial Sensing Network
- Towards Reproducible Evaluations for Flying Drone Controllers in Virtual Environments
- Learning with Yourself: A Tangible Twin Robot System to Promote STEM Education
Tendon Driven Mechanisms
- Kinematics-Inertial Fusion for Localization of a 4-Cable Underactuated Suspended Robot Considering Cable Sag
- End-Point Stiffness and Joint Viscosity Control of Musculoskeletal Robotic Arm Using Muscle Redundancy
- Data-Driven Kinematic Control Scheme for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots Allowing Collisions
- Miniature, Lightweight, High-Force, Capstan Winch for Mobile Robots
- RAMIEL: A Parallel-Wire Driven Monopedal Robot for High and Continuous Jumping
- Workspace-Based Model Predictive Control for Cable-Driven Robots (I)
- Dexterity Analysis and Motion Optimization of In-Situ Torsionally-Steerable Flexible Surgical Robots
Planning under Uncertainty
- Meta-Learning-Based Proactive Online Planning for UAVs under Degraded Conditions
- Path-Tree Optimization in Discrete Partially Observable Environments Using Rapidly-Exploring Belief-Space Graphs
- Object-Aware SLAM Based on Efficient Quadric Initialization and Joint Data Association
- Accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Logic Control Objectives
- Smooth Model Predictive Path Integral Control without Smoothing
- Monte-Carlo Robot Path Planning
- Qualitative Belief Space Planning Via Compositions
- Task and Motion Informed Trees (TMIT*): Almost-Surely Asymptotically Optimal Integrated Task and Motion Planning
- Generalizable Task Planning through Representation Pretraining
Robot Safety
- An Analytical Study of Motion of Autonomous Vehicles under Imperfect Sensing
- Adhesion Risk Assessment of an Aircraft Inspection Robot for Improving Operator Awareness
- How Do We Fail? Stress Testing Perception in Autonomous Vehicles
- HiddenGems: Efficient Safety Boundary Detection with Active Learning
- Enpheeph: A Fault Injection Framework for Spiking and Compressed Deep Neural Networks
- Continuous Safety Control of a Mobile Robot in Cluttered Environments
- Dependability Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Robotics and Autonomous Systems through Probabilistic Model Checking
- On Safety Testing, Validation, and Characterization with Scenario-Sampling: A Case Study of Legged Robots
- Semi-Perspective Decoupled Heatmaps for 3D Robot Pose Estimation from Depth Maps
- Human and Humanoid Motion Analysis and Synthesis
- Understanding Spatio-Temporal Relations in Human-Object Interaction Using Pyramid Graph Convolutional Network
- Gastrocnemius and Power Amplifier Soleus Spring-Tendons Achieve Fast Human-Like Walking in a Bipedal Robot
- A Riemannian Take on Human Motion Analysis and Retargeting
- Human-To-Robot Manipulability Domain Adaptation with Parallel Transport and Manifold-Aware ICP
- From Human Walking to Bipedal Robot Locomotion: Reflex Inspired Compensation on Planned and Unplanned Downsteps
- End-To-End from Human Hand Synergies to Robot Hand Tendon Routing
- A Centaur System for Assisting Human Walking with Load Carriage
- Construction of a Simulator to Reproduce the Changes of Running by Motion Strategy with Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum Model
- Koopman Pose Predictions for Temporally Consistent Human Walking Estimations
- LapSeg3D: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Representing Laparoscopic Scenes
- Ego+X: An Egocentric Vision System for Global 3D Human Pose Estimation and Social Interaction Characterization
- Tracking Monocular Camera Pose and Deformation for SLAM Inside the Human Body
- Markerless Suture Needle 6D Pose Tracking with Robust Uncertainty Estimation for Autonomous Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery
- Monocular Depth Estimation for Equirectangular Videos
- Visual Servoing with Geometrically Interpretable Neural Perception
- Online Adaptation for Implicit Object Tracking and Shape Reconstruction in the Wild
- DeepFusionMOT: A 3D Multi-Object Tracking Framework Based on Camera-LiDAR Fusion with Deep Association
- EV-Catcher: High Speed Object Catching Using Low-Latency Event-Based Neural Networks
Mapping 4
- Voxfield: Non-Projective Signed Distance Fields for Online Planning and 3D Reconstruction
- 3D Lidar Reconstruction with Probabilistic Depth Completion for Robotic Navigation
- Scalable Fiducial Tag Localization on a 3D Prior Map Via Graph-Theoretic Global Tag-Map Registration
- These Maps Are Made for Walking: Real-Time Terrain Property Estimation for Mobile Robots
- MapLite 2.0: Online HD Map Inference Using a Prior SD Map
- Towards High-Definition Maps: A Framework Leveraging Semantic Segmentation to Improve NDT Map Compression and Descriptivity
- Robust Structure Identification and Room Segmentation of Cluttered Indoor Environments from Occupancy Grid Maps
- Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities from Visual SLAM
- MotionSC: Data Set and Network for Real-Time Semantic Mapping in Dynamic Environments
Soft Robot Materials and Design 1
- Rigid Skeleton Enhanced Dexterous Soft Finger Possessing Proprioception
- Self-Propelled Soft Everting Toroidal Robot for Navigation and Climbing in Confined Spaces
- A Geometric Design Approach for Continuum Robots by Piecewise Approximation of Free-Form Shapes
- A Multi-Segmented Soft Finger Using Snap-Through Instability of a Soft Valve with a Slit
- Deformation-Driven Closed-Chain Soft Mobile Robot Aimed for Rolling and Climbing Locomotion
- Soft, Multi-Layer, Disposable, Kirigami Based Robotic Grippers: On Handling of Delicate, Contaminated, and Everyday Objects
- Topology Optimized Multi-Material Self-Healing Actuator with Reduced Out of Plane Deformation
- Performance Evaluation for Braided McKibben Pneumatic Actuators in Telescopic Nested Structure
- Energy-Efficient Tunable-Stiffness Soft Robots Using Second Moment of Area Actuation
Localization 4
- Acoustic Localization and Communication Using a MEMS Microphone for Low-Cost and Low-Power Bio-Inspired Underwater Robots
- Using Magnetic Fields to Navigate and Simultaneously Localize Catheters in Endoluminal Environments
- Robust Slip-Aware Fusion for Mobile Robots State Estimation
- Highly-Efficient Binary Neural Networks for Visual Place Recognition
- GNSS Odometry: Precise Trajectory Estimation Based on Carrier Phase Cycle Slip Estimation
- Square-Root Robocentric Visual-Inertial Odometry with Online Spatiotemporal Calibration
- Are We Ready for Radar to Replace Lidar in All-Weather Mapping and Localization?
- Continuous-Time Factor Graph Optimization for Trajectory Smoothness of GNSS/INS Navigation in Temporarily GNSS-Denied Environments
- Maintaining Robot Localizability with Bayesian Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds
Reinforcement Learning 3
- Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Black-Box Reachability Analysis
- Hierarchical Primitive Composition: Simultaneous Activation of Skills with Inconsistent Action Dimensions in Multiple Hierarchies
- Vision-Guided Quadrupedal Locomotion in the Wild with Multi-Modal Delay Randomization
- Temporal Logic Guided Meta Q-Learning of Multiple Tasks
- Model-Free Neural Lyapunov Control for Safe Robot Navigation
- Efficient Off-Policy Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Trust Region Conditional Value at Risk
- Variable Impedance Skill Learning for Contact-Rich Manipulation
- Source Term Estimation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Gaussian Mixture Model Feature Extraction for Mobile Sensors
- Autonomous Learning of Page Flipping Movements Via Tactile Feedback (I)
Climbing and Wheeled Robots
- Magnetic Field Modeling of Linear Halbach Array for Wall-Climbing Robot Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Network
- OmniWheg: An Omnidirectional Wheel-Leg Transformable Robot
- SCALER: A Tough Versatile Quadruped Free-Climber Robot
- Microspine Design for Additive Manufacturing
- Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Hybrid Bionic Spherical Robotics with Multilegged Feedback Mechanism
- The Concept of Rod-Driven Locomotion for Spherical Lunar Exploration Robots
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Cost Function Scheduling for a Wheeled Mobile Robot
- Caterpillar-Inspired Insect-Scale Climbing Robot Using Dry Adhesives
- Electro-Hydraulic Rolling Soft Wheel: Design, Hybrid Dynamic Modeling, and Model Predictive Control (I)
Motion and Path Planning 4
- Linear MPC-Based Motion Planning for Autonomous Surgery
- Disk-Graph Probabilistic Roadmap: Biased Distance Sampling for Path Planning in a Partially Unknown Environment
- Elevation State-Space: Surfel-Based Navigation in Uneven Environments for Mobile Robots
- Locomotion Policy Guided Traversability Learning Using Volumetric Representations of Complex Environments
- Jerk-Continuous Online Trajectory Generation for Robot Manipulator with Arbitrary Initial State and Kinematic Constraints
- Imitation Learning and Model Integrated Excavator Trajectory Planning
- Online Complete Coverage Path Planning of a Reconfigurable Robot Using Glasius Bio-Inspired Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
- Quantity Over Quality: Training an AV Motion Planner with Large Scale Commodity Vision Data
- TIGRIS: An Informed Sampling-Based Algorithm for Informative Path Planning
Biologically-Inspired Robots 4
- Online Learning Feedback Control Method Considering Hysteresis for Musculoskeletal Structures
- Realization of Seated Walk by a Musculoskeletal Humanoid with Buttock-Contact Sensors from Human Constrained Teaching
- A Control Architecture of a Distributed Actuator System for a Bio-Inspired Spine
- Development of a Conveyor-Type Object Release Mechanism for a Parallel Gripper with a Mushroom-Shaped Gecko-Inspired Surface
- Instantaneous Force Generation Mechanism Based on the Striking Motion of Mantis shrimp—Design and Control Method of Cavitation by Simulation and Experiment
- Upside-Down Brachiation Robot Using Elastic Energy Stored through Soft Body Deformation
- Learning of Balance Controller Considering Changes in Body State for Musculoskeletal Humanoids
- Locomotion Via Active Suction in a Sea Star-Inspired Soft Robot
- Joint-Space CPG for Safe Foothold Planning and Body Pose Control During Locomotion and Climbing
Distributed Robot Systems
- Real-Time Distributed Multi-Robot Target Tracking Via Virtual Pheromones
- Conservative Filtering for Heterogeneous Decentralized Data Fusion in Dynamic Robotic Systems
- Decay-Based Error Correction in Collective Robotic Construction
- Perceive, Represent, Generate: Translating Multimodal Information to Robotic Motion Trajectories
- SMA-NBO: A Sequential Multi-Agent Planning with Nominal Belief-State Optimization in Target Tracking
- Influence of Variable Leg Elasticity on the Stability of Quadrupedal Gaits
- Learning to Act with Affordance-Aware Multimodal Neural SLAM
- Learning to Assess Danger from Movies for Cooperative Escape Planning in Hazardous Environments
- Distributed Deployment with Multiple Moving Robots for Long Distance Complex Pipe Inspection
Medical Robots and Systems 4
- Time-Optimal Synchronous Terminal Trajectory Planning for Coupling Motions of Robotic Flexible Endoscope
- Robotic Actuation and Control of a Catheter for Structural Intervention Cardiology
- A Kinematic Modeling and Control Scheme for Different Robotic Endoscopes: A Rudimentary Research Prototype
- Real-Time Intraoperative Surgical Guidance System in the Da Vinci Surgical Robot Based on Transrectal Ultrasound/photoacoustic Imaging with Photoacoustic Markers: An Ex Vivo Demonstration
- Model-Free and Uncalibrated Visual-Feedback Control of Magnetically-Actuated Flexible Endoscopes
- Design, Teleoperation Control and Experimental Validation of a Dexterous Robotic Flexible Endoscope for Laparoscopic Surgery
- A Miniature Continuum Robot with Integrated Piezoelectric Beacon Transducers and Its Ultrasonic Shape Detection in Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgeries
- A Domain-Adapted Machine Learning Approach for Visual Evaluation and Interpretation of Robot-Assisted Surgery Skills
- Automating Surgical Peg Transfer: Calibration with Deep Learning Can Exceed Speed, Accuracy, and Consistency of Humans (I)
Computer Vision for Automation 1
- RGB-X Classification for Electronics Sorting
- CPQNet: Contact Points Quality Network for Robotic Grasping
- SESR: Self-Ensembling Sim-To-Real Instance Segmentation for Auto-Store Bin Picking
- Visual Odometry in HDR Environments by Using Spatially Varying Exposure Camera
- Trifocal Tensor and Relative Pose Estimation from 8 Lines and Known Vertical Direction
- Lidar with Velocity: Motion Distortion Correction of Point Clouds from Oscillating Scanning Lidars
- A Flexible and Robust Vision Trap for Automated Part Feeder Design
- Leveraging Local Planar Motion Property for Robust Visual Matching and Localization
- AFR: An Efficient Buffering Algorithm for Cloud Robotic Systems
Award Session VII
- Robot Learning of Mobile Manipulation with Reachability Behavior Priors
- A Hybrid Learning and Optimization Framework to Achieve Physically Interactive Tasks with Mobile Manipulators
- Contrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots Using RGB-D Frames
- Instance Segmentation for Autonomous Log Grasping in Forestry Operations
- Explicitly Incorporating Spatial Information to Recurrent Networks for Agriculture
- Multimodal Aerial-Tethered Robot for Tree Canopy Exploration
- Brain-Machine Interfaces and Natural Language Interaction
- Lightmyography Based Decoding of Human Intention Using Temporal Multi-Channel Transformers
- Dynamic Network Model for Multi-Domain End-To-End Task-Oriented Dialogue System
- Hey Haru, Let’s Be Friends! Using the Tiers of Friendship to Build Rapport through Small Talk with the Tabletop Robot Haru
- Givenness Hierarchy Informed Optimal Document Planning for Situated Human-Robot Interaction
- DoRO: Disambiguation of Referred Object for Embodied Agents
- Following Natural Language Instructions for Household Tasks with Landmark Guided Search and Reinforced Pose Adjustment
- SEMG-Based Minimally Supervised Regression Using Soft-DTW Neural Networks for Robot Hand Grasping Control
- Hand Gesture Recognition Via Transient sEMG Using Transfer Learning of Dilated Efficient CapsNet: Towards Generalization for Neurorobotics
- Deep Augmentation for Electrode Shift Compensation in Transient High-Density sEMG: Towards Application in Neurorobotics
Telerobotics and Teleoperation 1
- Adaptive Wave Reconstruction through Regulated-BMFLC for Transparency-Enhanced Telerobotics Over Delayed Networks (I)
- Analysis of User Behavior and Workload During Simultaneous Tele-Operation of Multiple Mobile Manipulators
- Variable Impedance Control for Safety and Usability in Telemanipulation
- Block-Based Novel Haptic Data Reduction for Time-Delayed Teleoperation
- Skill-CPD: Real-Time Skill Refinement for Shared Autonomy in Manipulator Teleoperation
- Haptic Teleoperation of High-Dimensional Robotic Systems Using a Feedback MPC Framework
- Manipulability-Aware Shared Locomanipulation Motion Generation for Teleoperation of Mobile Manipulators
- Fast Reflexive Grasping with a Proprioceptive Teleoperation Platform
- Design Interface Mapping for Efficient Free-Form Tele-Manipulation
Calibration and Identification
- Simultaneous Calibration of Multiple Revolute Joints for Articulated Vision Systems Via SE(3) Kinematic Bundle Adjustment
- DXQ-Net: Differentiable LiDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration Using Quality-Aware Flow
- CSA-SVM Method for Internal Cavitation Defects Detection and Its Application of District Heating Pipes
- Industrial Robot Parameter Identification Using a Constrained Instrumental Variable Method
- TEScalib: Targetless Extrinsic Self-Calibration of LiDAR and Stereo Camera for Automated Driving Vehicles with Uncertainty Analysis
- Extrinsic Calibration of a 2D Laser Rangefinder and a Depth-Camera Using an Orthogonal Trihedron
- Continuous Calibration and Narrow Compensation Algorithm to Estimate a Joint Axis under the Various Conditions with Unit Sensor
- Visual-Inertial-Aided Online MAV System Identification
- Efficient Extrinsic Calibration of Multi-Sensor 3D LiDAR Systems for Autonomous Vehicles Using Static Objects Information
Navigation Systems 4
- Online Mapping and Motion Planning under Uncertainty for Safe Navigation in Unknown Environments (I)
- Drift Reduced Navigation with Deep Explainable Features
- A Robust and Fast Occlusion-Based Frontier Method for Autonomous Navigation in Unknown Cluttered Environments
- Bubble Planner: Planning High-Speed Smooth Quadrotor Trajectories Using Receding Corridors
- Temporal Context for Robust Maritime Obstacle Detection
- Information-Aware Guidance for Magnetic Anomaly Based Navigation
- Unified Automatic Control of Vehicular Systems with Reinforcement Learning (I)
- SphereMap: Dynamic Multi-Layer Graph Structure for Rapid Safety-Aware UAV Planning
- AIB-MDP: Continuous Probabilistic Motion Planning for Automated Vehicles by Leveraging Action Independent Belief Spaces
- InCOpt: Incremental Constrained Optimization Using the Bayes Tree
- S3LAM: Structured Scene SLAM
- Fast Structural Representation and Structure-Aware Loop Closing for Visual SLAM
- Efficient 2D Graph SLAM for Sparse Sensing
- Spectral Measurement Sparsification for Pose-Graph SLAM
- BOEM-SLAM: A Block Online EM Algorithm for the Visual-Inertial SLAM Backend
- RO-LOAM: 3D Reference Object-Based Trajectory and Map Optimization in LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
- TwistSLAM: Constrained SLAM in Dynamic Environment
- Fast Sparse LiDAR Odometry Using Self-Supervised Feature Selection on Intensity Images
Medical Robots and Systems 5
- Design and Evaluation of a Robotic Forceps with Flexible Wrist Joint Made of PEEK Plastic
- External and Internal Sensor Fusion Based Localization Strategy for 6-DOF Pose Estimation of a Magnetic Capsule Robot
- Robotic Auscultation Over Clothes for Eliminating Gender Bias
- ANN-Based Optimization of Human Gait Data Obtained from a Robot-Mounted 3D Camera: A Multiple Sclerosis Case Study
- Magnetic Microrobot Control Using an Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Method
- An Easy-To-Deploy Combined Nasal/Throat Swab Robot with Sampling Dexterity and Resistance to External Interference
- Towards Autonomous Atlas-Based Ultrasound Acquisitions in Presence of Articulated Motion
- Optimization of Surgical Robotic Instrument Mounting in a Macro-Micro Manipulator Setup for Improving Task Execution (I)
Robotics and Automation in Agriculture and Construction 1
- Excavation of Fragmented Rocks with Multi-Modal Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
- Model Learning and Predictive Control for Autonomous Obstacle Reduction Via Bulldozing
- Design and Motion Planning for a Reconfigurable Robotic Base
- External Load Estimation of Hydraulically Driven Construction Machinery from Cylinder Pressures and Link Accelerations
- Connected Reconfiguration of Polyominoes Amid Obstacles Using RRT*
- Autonomous Mobile 3D Printing of Large-Scale Trajectories
- Soil-Adaptive Excavation Using Reinforcement Learning
- Loading an Autonomous Large-Scale Dump Truck: Path Planning Based on Motion Data from Human-Operated Construction Vehicles
- Towards Autonomous Visual Navigation in Arable Fields
- STEADY: Simultaneous State Estimation and Dynamics Learning from Indirect Observations
- Smart Explorer: Recognizing Objects in Dense Clutter Via Interactive Exploration
- LSDNet: A Lightweight Self-Attentional Distillation Network for Visual Place Recognition
- STUN: Self-Teaching Uncertainty Estimation for Place Recognition
- Self-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Active Object Detection
- ReINView: Re-Interpreting Views for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
- Dual-Camera High Magnification Surveillance System with Non-Delay Gaze Control and Always-In-Focus Function in Indoor Scenes
- Point Label Aware Superpixels for Multi-Species Segmentation of Underwater Imagery
- Mapping of Spatiotemporal Scalar Fields by Mobile Robots Using Gaussian Process Regression
Safety in HRI
- PSM: A Predictive Safety Model for Body Motion Based on the Spring-Damper Pendulum
- Physical Adversarial Attack on a Robotic Arm
- Regularized Deep Signed Distance Fields for Reactive Motion Generation
- Safe and Ergonomic Human-Drone Interaction in Warehouses
- Robot Contact Reflexes: Adaptive Maneuvers in the Contact Reflex Space
- Suppressing Delay-Induced Oscillations in Physical Human-Robot Interaction with an Upper-Limb Exoskeleton Using Rate-Limiting
- Safety Compliant Control for Robotic Manipulator with Task and Input Constraints
- Safe and Efficient Exploration of Human Models During Human-Robot Interaction
- Evaluation of On-Robot Capacitive Proximity Sensors with Collision Experiments for Human-Robot Collaboration
Humanoid and Bipedal Locomotion
- Terrain-Adaptive, ALIP-Based Bipedal Locomotion Controller Via Model Predictive Control and Virtual Constraints
- Robust Contact State Estimation in Humanoid Walking Gaits
- Uniform Global Exponential Stabilizing Passivity-Based Tracking Controller Applied to Planar Biped Robots
- Learning Dynamic Bipedal Walking across Stepping Stones
- Humanoid Balance Control Using Centroidal Angular Momentum Based on Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
- Resolved Motion Control for 3D Underactuated Bipedal Walking Using Linear Inverted Pendulum Dynamics and Neural Adaptation
- Preemptive Foot Compliance to Lower Impact During Biped Robot Walking Over Unknown Terrain
- Improved Biped Walking Performance Around the Kinematic Singularities of Biomimetic Four-Bar Knees
- Comparison of EKF-Based Floating Base Estimators for Humanoid Robots with Flat Feet
Computer Vision for Automation 2
- ParaPose: Parameter and Domain Randomization Optimization for Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Data
- Jacobian Computation for Cumulative B-Splines on SE(3) and Application to Continuous-Time Object Tracking
- Intensity Image-Based LiDAR Fiducial Marker System
- Multi-Modal Non-Isotropic Light Source Modelling for Reflectance Estimation in Hyperspectral Imaging
- LiSnowNet: Real-Time Snow Removal for LiDAR Point Clouds
- Application of Ghost-DeblurGAN to Fiducial Marker Detection
- Learning Important Regions Via Attention for Video Streaming on Cloud Robotics
- Unsupervised Simultaneous Learning for Camera Re-Localization and Depth Estimation from Video
- HyperPocket: Generative Point Cloud Completion
Marine Robotics 1
- Flexible Collision-Free Platooning Method for Unmanned Surface Vehicle with Experimental Validations
- Development and Field Testing of an Optimal Path Following ASV Controller for Marine Surveys
- Inertial-Measurement-Based Catenary Shape Estimation of Underwater Cables for Tethered Robots
- Motion Attribute-Based Clustering and Collision Avoidance of Multiple In-Water Obstacles by Autonomous Surface Vehicle
- Training Dynamic Motion Primitives Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to Control a Robotic Tadpole
- Hydrodynamic Parameters Estimation Using Varying Forces and Numerical Integration Fitting Method
- An Underwater Target Perception Framework for Underwater Operation Scene
Soft Robot Materials and Design 2
- Self-Morphing Soft Parallel-And-Coplanar Electroadhesive Grippers Based on Laser-Scribed Graphene Oxide Electrodes
- Embeddable Coiled Soft Sensor-Based Joint Angle Sensing for Flexible Surgical Manipulator
- A Soft Fluidic Sensor-Actuator for Active Sensing of Force and Displacement in Biomedical Applications
- GSG: A Granary-Shaped Soft Gripper with Mechanical Sensing Via Snap-Through Structure
- FireFly: An Insect-Scale Aerial Robot Powered by Electroluminescent Soft Artificial Muscles
- Sensor-Based Reconstruction of Slender Flexible Beams Undergoing Large-Scale Deflection
- Development of a 6 DOF Soft Robotic Manipulator with Integrated Sensing Skin
- Autonomous Intraluminal Navigation of a Soft Robot Using Deep-Learning-Based Visual Servoing
- Equilibrium Manipulation Planning for a Soft Elastic Rod Considering an External Distributed Force and Intrinsic Curvature
Localization 5
- FSM: Correspondenceless Scan-Matching of Panoramic 2D Range Scans
- VMVG-Loc: Visual Localization for Autonomous Driving Using Vector Map and Voxel Grid Map
- Learnable Spatio-Temporal Map Embeddings for Deep Inertial Localization
- CGiS-Net: Aggregating Colour, Geometry and Implicit Semantic Features for Indoor Place Recognition
- A New Dense Hybrid Stereo Visual Odometry Approach
- BoxGraph: Semantic Place Recognition and Pose Estimation from 3D LiDAR
- Towards Holistic Autonomous Obstacle Detection in Railways by Complementing of On-Board Vision with UAV-Based Object Localization
- Visual-Inertial SLAM with Tightly-Coupled Dropout-Tolerant GPS Fusion
- Continuous Self-Localization on Aerial Images Using Visual and Lidar Sensors
Reinforcement Learning 4
- Autonomous Control of Redundant Hydraulic Manipulator Using Reinforcement Learning with Action Feedback
- DRL-ISP: Multi-Objective Camera ISP with Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Renaissance Robot: Optimal Transport Policy Fusion for Learning Diverse Skills
- SKILL-IL: Disentangling Skill and Knowledge in Multitask Imitation Learning
- Learning Perceptual Locomotion on Uneven Terrains Using Sparse Visual Observations
- Towards Adaptive Continuous Control of Soft Robotic Manipulator Using Reinforcement Learning
- Infusing Model Predictive Control into Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments
- A New Robotic Knee Impedance Control Parameter Optimization Method Facilitated by Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- UNICON: Uncertainty-Conditioned Policy for Robust Behavior in Unfamiliar Scenarios
Field Robots
- P-AgBot: In-Row & Under-Canopy Agricultural Robot for Monitoring and Physical Sampling
- Efficient Sampling-Based Planning for Subterranean Exploration
- A Novel Robot with Rolling and Climbing Modes for Power Transmission Line Inspection
- Autonomous Pipeline Tracking Using Bernoulli Filter for Unmanned Underwater Surveys
- An Evaluation of Position Keeping Strategies under Disturbances for a Symmetrical Shape Autonomous on Water Surface Robot
- Capability-Aware Task Allocation and Team Formation Analysis for Cooperative Exploration of Complex Environments
- MIMOSA: A Multi-Modal SLAM Framework for Resilient Autonomy against Sensor Degradation
- PUTN: A Plane-Fitting Based Uneven Terrain Navigation Framework
- A Standards-Based Pipeline Route Drawing System Using a Towed Sensing Unit
Motion and Path Planning 5
- Speeding up POMDP Planning Via Simplification
- Speeding up Optimization-Based Motion Planning through Deep Learning
- Improved A-Search Guided Tree for Autonomous Trailer Planning
- TerraPN: Unstructured Terrain Navigation Using Online Self-Supervised Learning
- Robust Counterexample-Guided Optimization for Planning from Differentiable Temporal Logic
- CGLR: Dense Multi-Agent Navigation Using Voronoi Cells and Congestion Metric-Based Replanning
- Adaptive Experience Sampling for Motion Planning Using the Generator-Critic Framework
- This Is the Way: Differential Bayesian Filtering for Agile Trajectory Synthesis
- Optimal Motion Planning in Unknown Workspaces Using Integral Reinforcement Learning
Swarm Robotics
- Collective Decision-Making with Bayesian Robots in Dynamic Environments
- Decentralized Control of Minimalistic Robotic Swarms for Guaranteed Target Encapsulation
- A Dynamical System Approach to Decentralized Collision-Free Autonomous Coordination of a Mobile Assistive Furniture Swarm
- Collective Decision Making in Communication-Constrained Environments
- Chemistry-Inspired Pattern Formation with Robotic Swarms
- Enhanced Decentralized Autonomous Aerial Robot Teams with Group Planning
- A Data-Driven Method for Metric Extraction to Detect Faults in Robot Swarms
- Deliberative Democracy with Robot Swarms
- Particle Swarm Optimizer-Based Attack Strategy with Swarm Robots
Industrial and Parallel Robots
- Multi-Objective Geometric Optimization of a Multi-Link Manipulator Using Parameterized Design Method
- A Configurable Skill Oriented Architecture Based on OPC UA
- Accurate Edge Detection for Robotic Welding through Tactile Exploration
- Vision-Based Safety System for Barrierless Human-Robot Collaboration
- Horizontal Insertion of a Ring Onto a Shaft Using a Gantry Crane with Minimal Sensors
- An All-In-One Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with Flexible Workspace and Its Auto-Calibration Method
- Experimental Study on Impact Resistance of Multi-DOF Electro-Hydrostatic Robot Systems Using Hydracer, a 6DOF Arm
- On a Balanced Delta Robot for Precise Aerial Manipulation: Implementation, Testing, and Lessons for Future Designs
- Locally Optimal Estimation and Control of Cable Driven Parallel Robots Using Time Varying Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control
Learning from Demonstration 1
- Learning Object Manipulation Skills from Video Via Approximate Differentiable Physics
- Quantifying Demonstration Quality for Robot Learning and Generalization
- Imitation of Manipulation Skills Using Multiple Geometries
- Learning Category-Level Generalizable Object Manipulation Policy Via Generative Adversarial Self-Imitation Learning from Demonstrations
- Robot Learning from Demonstration Using Elastic Maps
- Robot Policy Learning from Demonstration Using Advantage Weighting and Early Termination
- Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid-Weight Trust-Region Optimization and Curriculum Learning for Autonomous Maneuvering
- WFA-IRL: Inverse Reinforcement Learning of Autonomous Behaviors Encoded As Weighted Finite Automata
- Ergodic Exploration Using Tensor Train: Applications in Insertion Tasks (I)
Manipulation Systems 5
- SSP-Pose: Symmetry-Aware Shape Prior Deformation for Direct Category-Level Object Pose Estimation
- VGPN: 6-DoF Grasp Pose Detection Network Based on Hough Voting
- TANDEM: Learning Joint Exploration and Decision Making with Tactile Sensors
- Leveraging Publicly Available Textual Object Descriptions for Anthropomorphic Robotic Grasp Predictions
- Learning Closed-Loop Dough Manipulation Using a Differentiable Reset Module
- When Transformer Meets Robotic Grasping: Exploits Context for Efficient Grasp Detection
Biologically-Inspired Robots 5
- Effects of Design and Hydrodynamic Parameters on Optimized Swimming for Simulated, Fish-Inspired Robots
- High-Performance Morphing Wing for Large-Scale Bio-Inspired Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- A Motion Generation Strategy of Robotic Rat Using Imitation Learning for Behavioral Interaction
- Shaping Impedances to Comply with Constrained Task Dynamics (I)
- Development of a Small-Sized Quadruped Robotic Rat Capable of Multimodal Motions (I)
Aerial Systems 4
- Hoverability Analysis and Development of a Quadrotor Only with Clockwise Rotors
- A Novel Quadrotor with a 3-Axis Deformable Frame Using Tilting Motions of Parallel Link Modules without Thrust Loss
- Adaptive Tank-Based Control for Aerial Physical Interaction with Uncertain Dynamic Environments Using Energy-Task Estimation
- A Robotic Aerial Platform with Functionally Anthropomorphic Arms Designed for Physical Interaction
- Back-Transition Control with Large Deceleration for a Dual Propulsion VTOL UAV Based on Its Maneuverability
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Human-Robot Handover with Application to the Aerial Case
- Design, Modeling and Control of a Two Flight Mode Capable Single Wing Rotorcraft with Mid-Air Transition Ability
- Stabilization of Tangent and Normal Contact Forces for a Quadrotor Subject to Disturbances
- Experimental Performance Comparison of Bidirectional Actuator Configurations for Suspended Aerial Platforms
Learning from Demonstration 2
- Learning to Sequence and Blend Robot Skills Via Differentiable Optimization
- Risk-Sensitive MPCs with Deep Distributional Inverse RL for Autonomous Driving
- Learning Turn-Taking Behavior from Human Demonstrations for Social Human-Robot Interactions
- A Framework for Transferring Surface Finishing Skills to New Surface Geometries
- A Bimanual Manipulation Taxonomy
- Learning Temporal Task Models from Human Bimanual Demonstrations
- Learning Implicit Priors for Motion Optimization
- Learning from Demonstration Based on Environmental Constraints
- Multi-Level Task Learning Based on Intention and Constraint Inference for Autonomous Robotic Manipulation
Telerobotics and Teleoperation 2
- HI-DWA: Human-Influenced Dynamic Window Approach for Shared Control of a Telepresence Robot
- A Method for Automated Drone Viewpoints to Support Remote Robot Manipulation
- On the Communication Channel in Bilateral Teleoperation: An Experimental Study for Ethernet, WiFi, LTE and 5G
- On Stabilizing Communication Law for Bilateral Force-Reflecting Teleoperation Systems
- Towards Robot Avatar: Systems and Methods for Teleinteraction at Avatar XPRIZE Semi-Final
- Multi-Phase Multi-Modal Haptic Teleoperation
- Optimal Joint TDPA Formulation for Kinematically Redundant Robot Manipulators
- Enhanced Accuracy in Magnetic Actuation: Closed-Loop Control of a Magnetic Agent with Low-Error Numerical Magnetic Model Estimation
- Enhancing Rover Teleoperation on the Moon with Proprioceptive Sensors and Machine Learning Techniques
Manipulation Systems 6
- The Role of Tactile Sensing in Learning and Deploying Grasp Refinement Algorithms
- Learning to Singulate Layers of Cloth Based on Tactile Feedback
- Multi-Finger Tactile Servoing for Grasping Adjustment under Partial Observation
- Finger-STS: Combined Proximity and Tactile Sensing for Robotic Manipulation
- Soft Tactile Contour Following for Robot-Assisted Wiping and Bathing
- A Deep-Learning-Based System for Indoor Active Cleaning
- Grasp Stability Prediction with Sim-To-Real Transfer from Tactile Sensing
- Whisker-Inspired Tactile Sensing for Contact Localization on Robot Manipulators
- Comparing Human Haptic Perception and Robotic Force/Torque Sensing in a Simulated Surgical Palpation Task
Navigation Systems 5
- SwitchHit: A Probabilistic, Complementarity-Based Switching System for Improved Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments
- A Robust Sidewalk Navigation Method for Mobile Robots Based on Sparse Semantic Point Cloud
- RCA: Ride Comfort-Aware Visual Navigation Via Self-Supervised Learning
- Binary Neural Networks for Memory-Efficient and Effective Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments (I)
- Avoiding Dense and Dynamic Obstacles in Enclosed Spaces: Application to Moving in Crowds (I)
- Optimal Hierarchical Planner for Object Search in Large Environments Via Mobile Manipulation
- CNS Flight Stack for Reproducible, Customizable, and Fully Autonomous Applications
- A Hybrid Primitive-Based Navigation Planner for the Wheeled-Legged Robot CENTAURO
- Stronger Together: Air-Ground Robotic Collaboration Using Semantics
- LAMP 2.0: A Robust Multi-Robot SLAM System for Operation in Challenging Large-Scale Underground Environments
- Loop Closure Prioritization for Efficient and Scalable Multi-Robot SLAM
- Keeping Less Is More: Point Sparsification for Visual SLAM
- Online Extrinsic Correction of Multi-Camera Systems by Low-Dimensional Parameterization of Physical Deformation
- Active SLAM in 3D Deformable Environments
- Event-Based Line SLAM in Real-Time
- MR-TopoMap: Multi-Robot Exploration Based on Topological Map in Communication Restricted Environment
- LCDNet: Deep Loop Closure Detection and Point Cloud Registration for LiDAR SLAM (I)
- Anchor Selection for SLAM Based on Graph Topology and Sub-Modular Optimization (I)
Medical Robots and Systems 6
- Recognition and Prediction of Surgical Gestures and Trajectories Using Transformer Models in Robot-Assisted Surgery
- Autonomous Laparoscope Control for Minimally Invasive Surgery with Intuition and RCM Constraints
- Learning Laparoscope Actions Via Video Features for Proactive Robotic Field-Of-View Control
- A Surgical Robot for Intracorporeal Additive Manufacturing of Tissue Engineering Constructs
- Automatic Keyframe Detection for Critical Actions from the Experience of Expert Surgeons
- Localization of Interaction Using Fibre-Optic Shape Sensing in Soft-Robotic Surgery Tools
- Accurate Pose Estimation for Comanipulation Robotic Surgery
- Distilled Visual and Robot Kinematics Embeddings for Metric Depth Estimation in Monocular Scene Reconstruction
- A New Power Law Linking the Speed to the Geometry of Tool-Tip Orientation in Teleoperation of a Robot-Assisted Surgical System
Collision Avoidance
- Differentiable Collision Avoidance Using Collision Primitives
- Informed Sampling-Based Collision Avoidance with Least Deviation from the Nominal Path
- Reactive Neural Path Planning with Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance in a Condensed Configuration Space
- HIRO: Heuristics Informed Robot Online Path Planning Using Pre-Computed Deterministic Roadmaps
- A Framework for the Systematic Evaluation of Obstacle Avoidance and Object-Aware Controllers
- GraphDistNet: A Graph-Based Collision-Distance Estimator for Gradient-Based Trajectory Optimization
- A Generalized Continuous Collision Detection Framework of Polynomial Trajectory for Mobile Robots in Cluttered Environments
- Collaborative Teleoperation with Haptic Feedback for Collision-Free Navigation of Ground Robots
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robot Collision Avoidance with Self-State-Attention and Sensor Fusion
Simulation and Animation
- Fidelity Evaluation of Virtual Traffic Based on Anomalous Trajectory Detection
- CapSense: A Real-Time Capacitive Sensor Simulation Framework for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
- Learning to Simulate Realistic LiDARs
- Realistic Real-Time Simulation of RGB and Depth Sensors for Dynamic Scenarios Using Augmented Image Based Rendering
- Understanding Physical Effects for Effective Tool-Use
- A High-Fidelity Simulation Platform for Industrial Manufacturing by Incorporating Robotic Dynamics into an Industrial Simulation Tool
- Sequential Manipulation Planning on Scene Graph
- Competency Assessment for Autonomous Agents Using Deep Generative Models
- A Simulation Framework for Magnetic Continuum Robots
Social HRI
- HRI Framework for Continual Learning in Face Recognition
- Should a Robot Follow Social Norms? Human-Robot Interaction Design for Social Relations in Mixed Age Group
- A Personable Robot: A Meta-Analysis of Robot Personality and Human Acceptance
- A Novel Wire-Driven 3D Eyebrow Design for Communication with Humanoid Robot ICub
- SonifyIt: Towards Transformative Sound for All Robots
- Playful Recommendation: Sales Promotion That Robots Stimulate Pleasant Feelings Instead of Product Explanation
- Android As a Receptionist in a Shopping Mall Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- SanitizerBot: How Human-In-The-Loop Social Robots Can Playfully Support Humans
- Deep Gesture Generation for Social Robots Using Type-Specific Libraries
Humanoid Robot Systems
- Experimental Demonstration of a General Balancing Controller on an Untethered Planar Inverted Double Pendulum
- Robust Humanoid Walking System Considering Recognized Terrain and Robots' Balance
- Human-Humanoid Robot Cooperative Load Transportation: Model-Based Control Approach
- Hands-Free Telelocomotion of a Wheeled Humanoid
- Improved Zero Step Push Recovery with a Unified Reduced Order Model of Standing Balance
- Walking Control Framework on Uneven Terrain Using Variable Stiffness Sole
- Tello Leg: The Study of Design Principles and Metrics for Dynamic Humanoid Robots
- Watch Me Calibrate My Force-Sensing Shoes!
RGB-D Perception
- Unsupervised Confidence for LiDAR Depth Maps and Applications
- Multi-Scaled and Densely Connected Locally Convolutional Layers for Depth Completion
- From Local to Holistic: Self-Supervised Single Image 3D Face Reconstruction Via Multi-Level Constraints
- Learning Feature Decomposition for Domain Adaptive Monocular Depth Estimation
- Inferring Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics from RGBD Video
- Multi-View Guided Multi-View Stereo
- Semantic Scene Completion through Multi-Level Feature Fusion
- RGB-D Inertial Odometry for a Resource-Restricted Robot in Dynamic Environments
- SDFEst: Categorical Pose and Shape Estimation of Objects from RGB-D Using Signed Distance Fields
Marine Robotics 2
- Evaluating the Benefit of Using Multiple Low-Cost Forward-Looking Sonar Beams for Collision Avoidance in Small AUVs
- Analysis of Hybrid Cable-Thruster Actuated ROV in Heavy Lifting Interventions
- Improving Marine Radar Odometry by Modeling Radar Resolution and Exploiting Additional Temporal Information
- UWRange: An Open ROS Framework for Simulating Acoustic Ranging and Localization for Underwater Robots under Realistic Conditions
- HoloOcean: Realistic Sonar Simulation
- DRACo-SLAM: Distributed Robust Acoustic Communication-Efficient SLAM for Imaging Sonar Equipped Underwater Robot Teams
- Confined Water Body Coverage under Resource Constraints
- Self-Management of ROV Umbilical Using Sliding Buoys and Stop
- AUV-Assisted Diver Navigation
Soft Robot Applications
- Design of a Soft Wearable Passive Fitness Device for Upper Limb Resistance Exercise
- Multi-DoF Soft Robotic Actuators Based on Spring Reinforce and Particle Jamming
- Automated Fruit Quality Testing Using an Electrical Impedance Tomography-Enabled Soft Robotic Gripper
- Jammkle: Fibre Jamming 3D Printed Multi-Material Tendons and Their Application in a Robotic Ankle
- Grasping State Analysis of Soft Manipulator Based on Flexible Tactile Sensor Array
- RoboHeart: A Bi-Directional Zipping Actuator
- Physics-Informed Recurrent Neural Networks for Soft Pneumatic Actuators
- Design and Experimental Characterization of a Push-Pull Flexible Rod-Driven Soft-Bodied Robot
Localization 6
- Centralized-Equivalent Pairwise Estimation with Asynchronous Communication Constraints for Two Robots
- Cooperative Localization Using Learning-Based Constrained Optimization
- InCloud: Incremental Learning for Point Cloud Place Recognition
- LNC Assisted Localization and Mapping in Pipe Environment
- Unsupervised Appearance Map Abstraction for Indoor Visual Place Recognition with Mobile Robots
- Predicting to Improve: Integrity Measures for Assessing Visual Localization Performance
- What Goes Around: Leveraging a Constant-Curvature Motion Constraint in Radar Odometry
- Learning-Enhanced Adaptive Robust GNSS Navigation in Challenging Environments
- Optimization Strategies for Bayesian Source Localization Algorithms (I)
Imitation Learning
- Demonstrate Once, Imitate Immediately (DOME): Learning Visual Servoing for One-Shot Imitation Learning
- Using Human Gaze in Few-Shot Imitation Learning for Robot Manipulation
- Divide & Conquer Imitation Learning
- MMFN: Multi-Modal-Fusion-Net for End-To-End Driving
- Output Feedback Tube MPC-Guided Data Augmentation for Robust, Efficient Sensorimotor Policy Learning
- Hierarchical Model-Based Imitation Learning for Planning in Autonomous Driving
- Back to the Manifold: Recovering from Out-Of-Distribution States
- From One Hand to Multiple Hands: Imitation Learning for Dexterous Manipulation from Single-Camera Teleoperation
- DPMP-Deep Probabilistic Motion Planning: A Use Case in Strawberry Picking Robot
Field and Marine Robotics
- Polytopic Planar Region Characterization of Rough Terrains for Legged Locomotion
- Online Localisation and Colored Mesh Reconstruction Architecture for 3D Visual Feedback in Robotic Exploration Missions
- Speed up of Wave-Driven Unmanned Surface Vehicle Using Passively Transformable Two-Segment Foils
- Simultaneous Localization of Rail Vehicles and Mapping of Environment with Multiple LiDARs
- Forest Traversability Mapping (FTM): Traversability Estimation Using 3D Voxel-Based Normal Distributed Transform to Enable Forest Navigation
- WayFAST: Navigation with Predictive Traversability in the Field
- Learning Pseudo Front Depth for 2D Forward-Looking Sonar-Based Multi-View Stereo
- Obstacle-Aided Locomotion of a Snake Robot Using Piecewise Helixes
- Informative Path Planning to Estimate Quantiles for Environmental Analysis
Motion and Path Planning 6
- FIG-OP: Exploring Large-Scale Unknown Environments on a Fixed Time Budget
- Adaptive Sampling of Latent Phenomena Using Heterogeneous Robot Teams (ASLaP-HR)
- Online Planning for Interactive-POMDPs Using Nested Monte Carlo Tree Search
- Lazy Lifelong Planning for Efficient Replanning in Graphs with Expensive Edge Evaluation
- LTR*: Rapid Replanning in Executing Consecutive Tasks with Lazy Experience Graph
- RRT*-Based Path Planning for Continuum Arms
- FlowBot: Flow-Based Modeling for Robot Navigation
- The RATTLE Motion Planning Algorithm for Robust Online Parametric Model Improvement with On-Orbit Validation
- Transferring Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Policies for Autonomous Driving Using Sim-To-Real
Control for Legged Robot
- The Uncertainty Aware Salted Kalman Filter: State Estimation for Hybrid Systems with Uncertain Guards
- Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization with Hydroelastic Contact and ILQR
- Balancing Control and Pose Optimization for Wheel-Legged Robots Navigating High Obstacles
- Large-Scale ADMM-Based Co-Design of Legged Robots
- An Error-State Model Predictive Control on Connected Matrix Lie Groups for Legged Robot Control
- Whole-Body Model Predictive Control with Rigid Contacts Via Online Switching Time Optimization
- Generating Families of Optimally Actuated Gaits from a Legged System’s Energetically Conservative Dynamics
- Optimal Gait Families Using Lagrange Multiplier Method
- Lifted Contact Dynamics for Efficient Optimal Control of Rigid Body Systems with Contacts
Intelligent and Flexible Manufacturing
- Heuristic-Free Optimization of Force-Controlled Robot Search Strategies in Stochastic Environments
- A Composable Framework for Policy Design, Learning, and Transfer Toward Safe and Efficient Industrial Insertion
- Online 3D Bin Packing Reinforcement Learning Solution with Buffer
- GoferBot: A Visual Guided Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly System
- Robot Companion, an Intelligent Interactive Robot Coworker for the Industry 5.0
- Metal Wire Manipulation Planning for 3D Curving a Low Payload Robot That Uses a Bending Machine to Bend High-Stiffness Wire
- SurfMan: Generating Smooth Robotic Surface Manipulation Trajectories for Human-Demonstrated Pattern Sequence
- Development and Control of Robot Hand with Finger Camera for Garment Handling Tasks
- Robotics and Automation in Agriculture and Construction 2
- EPAR: An Efficient and Privacy-Aware Augmented Reality Framework for Indoor Location-Based Services
- Compact Strawberry Harvesting Tube Employing Laser Cutter
- Reconstructing a Spatial Field with an Autonomous Robot under a Budget Constraint
- Hybrid Discrete-Continuous Path Planning for Lattice Traversal
- RECCraft System: Towards Reliable and Efficient Collective Robotic Construction
Reinforcement Learning 5
- Improved Robustness and Safety for Pre-Adaptation of Meta Reinforcement Learning with Prior Regularization
- Active Tactile Exploration Using Shape Dependent Reinforcement Learning
- DARL1N: Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with One-Hop Neighbors
- Adaptive Environment Modeling Based Reinforcement Learning for Collision Avoidance in Complex Scenes
- Scalable Model-Based Policy Optimization for Decentralized Networked Systems
- Safety Correction from Baseline: Towards the Risk-Aware Policy in Robotics Via Dual-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Multi-Objective Policy Gradients with Topological Constraints
- Backward Imitation and Forward Reinforcement Learning Via Bi-Directional Model Rollouts
- BIMRL: Brain Inspired Meta Reinforcement Learning
- Coordination with Humans Via Strategy Matching
- DULA and DEBA: Differentiable Ergonomic Risk Models for Postural Assessment and Optimization in Ergonomically Intelligent PHRI
- Towards Inclusive HRI: Using Sim2Real to Address Underrepresentation in Emotion Expression Recognition
- Reasoning about Counterfactuals to Improve Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- Proactive Robotic Assistance Via Theory of Mind
- A Novel Perceptive Robotic Cane with Haptic Navigation for Enabling Vision-Independent Participation in the Social Dynamics of Seat Choice
- SESNO: Sample Efficient Social Navigation from Observation
- Understanding Acoustic Patterns of Human Teachers Demonstrating Manipulation Tasks to Robots
- Gesture2Vec: Clustering Gestures Using Representation Learning Methods for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
- Optical Flow-Based Branch Segmentation for Complex Orchard Environments
- Near Real-Time Vineyard Downy Mildew Detection and Severity Estimation
- View Planning Using Discrete Optimization for 3D Reconstruction of Row Crops
- BonnBot-I: A Precise Weed Management and Crop Monitoring Platform
- An Integrated Actuation-Perception Framework for Robotic Leaf Retrieval: Detection, Localization, and Cutting
- Algorithm Design and Integration for a Robotic Apple Harvesting System
- Predicting Fruit-Pick Success Using a Grasp Classifier Trained on a Physical Proxy
- Contrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots Using RGB-D Frames
- Beyond mAP: Towards Practical Object Detection for Weed Spraying in Precision Agriculture
- Audio-Visual Depth and Material Estimation for Robot Navigation
- Design of a Low-Cost Passive Acoustic Monitoring System for Animal Localisation from Calls
- Spotforming by NMF Using Multiple Microphone Arrays
- Noisy Agents: Self-Supervised Exploration by Predicting Auditory Events
- Direction-Aware Adaptive Online Neural Speech Enhancement with an Augmented Reality Headset in Real Noisy Conversational Environments
- Object Surface Recognition Using Microphone Array by Acoustic Standing Wave
- Recognizing Object Surface Material from Impact Sounds for Robot Manipulation
- Controlling the Impression of Robots Via GAN-Based Gesture Generation
- Outdoor Evaluation of Sound Source Localization for Drone Groups Using Microphone Arrays
Machine Learning for Robot Control 1
- Reactive Stepping for Humanoid Robots Using Reinforcement Learning: Application to Standing Push Recovery on the Exoskeleton Atalante
- Hybrid Approach for Stabilizing Large Time Delays in Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control with Reduced Performance Penalties
- Leveraging Multi-Level Modelling to Automatically Design Behavioral Arbitrators in Robotic Controllers
- Federated Learning from Demonstration for Active Assistance to Smart Wheelchair Users
- PourNet: Robust Robotic Pouring through Curriculum and Curiosity-Based Reinforcement Learning
- Simulation-Based Learning of the Peg-In-Hole Process Using Robot-Skills
- Hybrid LMC: Hybrid Learning and Model-Based Control for Wheeled Humanoid Robot Via Ensemble Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Active Exploration for Robotic Manipulation
- Cloud-Edge Training Architecture for Sim-To-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning
Soft Robot Modeling and Control 1
- Towards Accurate Modeling of Modular Soft Pneumatic Robots: From Volume FEM to Cosserat Rod
- A Proprioceptive Method for Soft Robots Using Inertial Measurement Units
- Model-Based Contact Detection and Accommodation for Soft Bending Actuators: An Integrated Direct/Indirect Adaptive Robust Approach
- A Unified and Modular Model Predictive Control Framework for Soft Continuum Manipulators under Internal and External Constraints
- Contact-Implicit Trajectory and Grasp Planning for Soft Continuum Manipulators
- Analytical Modeling of a Membrane-Based Pneumatic Soft Gripper
- Planar Modeling and Sim-To-Real of a Tethered Multimaterial Soft Swimmer Driven by Peano-HASELs
- Model-Based Disturbance Estimation for a Fiber-Reinforced Soft Manipulator Using Orientation Sensing
- Variable Stiffness Object Recognition with Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network on a Soft Gripper
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping through the Lens of Nonlinear Optimization
- Fast and Safe Exploration Via Adaptive Semantic Perception in Outdoor Environments
- Towards Robust Visual-Inertial Odometry with Multiple Non-Overlapped Monocular Cameras
- Scalable Probabilistic Gas Distribution Mapping Using Gaussian Belief Propagation
- WiSARD: A Labeled Visual and Thermal Image Dataset for Wilderness Search and Rescue
- A Tightly-Coupled Event-Inertial Odometry Using Exponential Decay and Linear Preintegrated Measurements
- Photometric Visual-Inertial Navigation with Uncertainty-Aware Ensembles (I)
- FAST-LIO2: Fast Direct LiDAR-Inertial Odometry (I)
- Rail Vehicle Localization and Mapping with LiDAR-Vision-Inertial-GNSS Fusion
Medical Robots and Systems 7
- A Metric for Finding Robust Start Positions for Medical Steerable Needle Automation
- Design and Development of a Lorentz Force-Based MRI-Driven Neuroendoscope
- GESRsim: Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgical Robot Simulator
- A Dataset and Benchmark for Learning the Kinematics of Concentric Tube Continuum Robots
- Intrinsic Force Sensing for Motion Estimation in a Parallel, Fluidic Soft Robot for Endoluminal Interventions
- Contact Localization of Continuum and Flexible Robot Using Data-Driven Approach
- Deep-Learning-Based Compliant Motion Control of a Pneumatically-Driven Robotic Catheter
- Colonoscopy Navigation Using End-To-End Deep Visuomotor Control: A User Study
- Shape Memory Polymer Variable Stiffness Magnetic Catheters with Hybrid Stiffness Control
Compliance and Impedance Control 1
- Learning Variable Impedance Control for Aerial Sliding on Uneven Heterogeneous Surfaces through Proprioceptive and Tactile Sensing
- Passivity-Based Skill Motion Learning in Stiffness-Adaptive Unified Force-Impedance Control
- Perturbation-Based Stiffness Inference in Variable Impedance Control
- A Whole-Body Controller Based on a Simplified Template for Rendering Impedances in Quadruped Manipulators
- Electro-Adhesive Tubular Clutch for Variable-Stiffness Robots
- An Observer-Based Responsive Variable Impedance Control for Dual–User Haptic Training System
- Development of Low-Inertia Backdrivable Arm Focusing on Learning-Based Control
- BEAR-H: An Intelligent Bilateral Exoskeletal Assistive Robot for Smart Rehabilitation (I)
- Data-Driven Variable Impedance Control of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis for Sit, Stand, and Walk with Minimal Tuning
Software, Middleware and Programming Environments 1
- OHM: GPU Based Occupancy Map Generation
- IKFlow: Generating Diverse Inverse Kinematics Solutions
- Ros2_tracing: Multipurpose Low-Overhead Framework for Real-Time Tracing of ROS 2
- RobotCore: An Open Architecture for Hardware Acceleration in ROS 2
- Tasho: A Python Toolbox for Rapid Prototyping and Deployment of Optimal Control Problem-Based Complex Robot Motion Skills
- Containerization and Orchestration of Software for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Case Study of Mixed-Criticality Tasks across Edge-Cloud Computing Platforms
- GPU-Accelerated Incremental Euclidean Distance Transform for Online Motion Planning of Mobile Robots
- Transactional Transform Library for ROS
- Arena-Bench: A Benchmarking Suite for Obstacle Avoidance Approaches in Highly Dynamic Environments
Wearable Robotics
- An Impedance-Controlled Testbed for Simulating Variations in the Mechanical Fit of Wearable Devices
- Human-Exoskeleton Cooperative Balance Strategy for a Human-Powered Augmentation Lower Exoskeleton
- RANK # Robotic Ankle: Design and Testing on Irregular Terrains
- A Wearable Smart Glove and Its Application of Pose and Gesture Detection to Sign Language Classification
- A Soft Fabric-Based Shrink-To-Fit Pneumatic Sleeve for Comfortable Limb Assistance
- Ring-Pull Type Soft Wearable Robotic Glove for Hand Strength Assistance
- Kinematics-Based Adaptive Assistance of a Semi-Passive Upper-Limb Exoskeleton for Workers in Static and Dynamic Tasks
- Reconfigurable Self-Sensing Pneumatic Artificial Muscle with Locking Ability Based on Modular Multi-Chamber Soft Actuator
- Design of a Wearable Mechanism with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)-Based Artificial Muscle for Assisting with Shoulder Abduction
Intention Recognition
- Intention Estimation from Gaze and Motion Features for Human-Robot Shared-Control Object Manipulation
- Disentangled Sequence Clustering for Human Intention Inference
- Personalized Estimation of Intended Gait Speed for Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Users Via Data Augmentation Using Mutual Information
- Flash: Fast and Light Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving with Bayesian Inverse Planning and Learned Motion Profiles
- MPC-PF: Social Interaction Aware Trajectory Prediction of Dynamic Objects for Autonomous Driving Using Potential Fields
- Optimization of Forcemyography Sensor Placement for Arm Movement Recognition
- Pedestrian Intention Prediction Based on Traffic-Aware Scene Graph Model
- Social-PatteRNN: Socially-Aware Trajectory Prediction Guided by Motion Patterns
- A Hierarchical Deliberative Architecture Framework Based on Goal Decomposition
Semantic Scene Understanding 1
- SynWoodScape: Synthetic Surround-View Fisheye Camera Dataset for Autonomous Driving
- Accurate Instance-Level CAD Model Retrieval in a Large-Scale Database
- Low-Latency LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
- Implicit-Part Based Context Aggregation for Point Cloud Instance Segmentation
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Via Graph Matching
- SectionKey: 3-D Semantic Point Cloud Descriptor for Place Recognition
- Fisheye Object Detection Based on Standard Image Datasets with 24-Points Regression Strategy
- Real-Time Semantic 3D Reconstruction for High-Touch Surface Recognition for Robotic Disinfection
- Relationship Oriented Semantic Scene Understanding for Daily Manipulation Tasks
Multi-Robot Systems 1
- Multi-Robot Unknown Area Exploration Using Frontier Trees
- Min-Max Vertex Cycle Covers with Connectivity Constraints for Multi-Robot Patrolling
- Efficient Range-Constrained Manifold Optimization with Application to Cooperative Navigation
- On Coverage Control for Limited Range Multi-Robot Systems
- Multi-Goal Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery
- Asynchronous Real-Time Decentralized Multi-Robot Trajectory Planning
- Decentralized Learning with Limited Communications for Multi-Robot Coverage of Unknown Spatial Fields
- Multi-Agent Path Planning Using Medial-Axis-Based Pebble-Graph Embedding
- Multi-Modal User Interface for Multi-Robot Control in Underground Environments
Soft Sensors and Actuators 1
- Slip Anticipation for Grasping Deformable Objects Using a Soft Force Sensor
- Estimation of Soft Robotic Bladder Compression for Smart Helmets Using IR Range Finding and Hall Effect Magnetic Sensing
- Kirigami Skin Based Flexible Whisker Sensor
- Design and Characterisation of a Soft Barometric Sensing Skin for Robotic Manipulation
- A Virtual 2D Tactile Array for Soft Actuators Using Acoustic Sensing
- Transferable Shape Estimation of Soft Pneumatic Actuators Based on Active Vibroacoustic Sensing
- Shape Reconstruction of Soft Manipulators Using Vision and IMU Feedback
- FBG-Based Variable-Length Estimation for Shape Sensing of Extensible Soft Robotic Manipulators
- Soft-Skin Actuator Capable of Seawater Propulsion Based on MagnetoHydroDynamics
Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots and Agents 1
- Collaborative Navigation-Aware Coverage in Feature-Poor Environments
- Polynomial Time Near-Time-Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning in Three Dimensions with Applications to Large-Scale UAV Coordination
- Energy-Efficient Orienteering Problem in the Presence of Ocean Currents
- MAPFASTER: A Faster and Simpler Take on Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithm Selection
- A Conflict-Driven Interface between Symbolic Planning and Nonlinear Constraint Solving
- Scalable Online Coverage Path Planning for Multi-Robot Systems
- DiMOpt: A Distributed Multi-Robot Trajectory Optimization Algorithm
- Non-Submodular Maximization Via the Greedy Algorithm and the Effects of Limited Information in Multi-Agent Execution
- Gathering Physical Particles with a Global Magnetic Field Using Reinforcement Learning
Transfer Learning
- Contrastive Learning for Cross-Domain Open World Recognition
- Efficient Multi-Task Learning Via Iterated Single-Task Transfer
- MPR-RL: Multi-Prior Regularized Reinforcement Learning for Knowledge Transfer
- Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning for Transferable Manipulation Skill Discovery
- Subspace-Based Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
- Using Simulation Optimization to Improve Zero-Shot Policy Transfer of Quadrotors
- Bilateral Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
- Self-Supervised Noisy Label Learning for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
- Analysis of Randomization Effects on Sim2Real Transfer in Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation Tasks
Assembly and Additive Manufacturing
- Additive Manufacturing for Tissue Engineering Applications in a Temperature-Controlled Environment
- On CAD Informed Adaptive Robotic Assembly
- Graph-Based Reinforcement Learning Meets Mixed Integer Programs: An Application to 3D Robot Assembly Discovery
- Assembly Planning from Observations under Physical Constraints
- Coordinated Toolpath Planning for Multi-Extruder Additive Manufacturing
- A Hierarchical Finite-State Machine-Based Task Allocation Framework for Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly Tasks
- Self-Stabilizing Self-Assembly
- Flexible and Precision Snap-Fit Peg-In-Hole Assembly Based on Multiple Sensations and Damping Identification
- A General Method for Autonomous Assembly of Arbitrary Parts in the Presence of Uncertainty
Motion and Path Planning 7
- Fast-Replanning Motion Control for Non-Holonomic Vehicles with Aborting A*
- Collision and Rollover-Free mathcal{G}^2 Path Planning for Mobile Manipulation
- Fast 3D Sparse Topological Skeleton Graph Generation for Mobile Robot Global Planning
- Learning Enabled Fast Planning and Control in Dynamic Environments with Intermittent Information
- NMPC-LBF: Nonlinear MPC with Learned Barrier Function for Decentralized Safe Navigation of Multiple Robots in Unknown Environments
- FISS: A Trajectory Planning Framework Using Fast Iterative Search and Sampling Strategy for Autonomous Driving
- Reshaping Local Path Planner
- T-PRM: Temporal Probabilistic Roadmap for Path Planning in Dynamic Environments
- Hierarchical Planning with Annotated Skeleton Guidance
Legged Robots 1
- Learning Coordinated Terrain-Adaptive Locomotion by Imitating a Centroidal Dynamics Planner
- A Versatile Co-Design Approach for Dynamic Legged Robots
- Motion Planning for Agile Legged Locomotion Using Failure Margin Constraints
- Energy-Based Legged Robots Terrain Traversability Modeling Via Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- Robust High-Speed Running for Quadruped Robots Via Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Toward a Data-Driven Template Model for Quadrupedal Locomotion
- Planning of Obstacle-Aided Navigation for Multi-Legged Robots Using a Sampling-Based Method Over Directed Graphs
- Real-Time Digital Double Framework to Predict Collapsible Terrains for Legged Robots
- Adaptive Feet for Quadrupedal Walkers (I)
Art and Entertainment and Manipulation
- Towards Learning to Play Piano with Dexterous Hands and Touch
- Consensus-Based Normalizing-Flow Control: A Case Study in Learning Dual-Arm Coordination
- Toward Efficient Task Planning for Dual-Arm Tabletop Object Rearrangement
- Simultaneous Depth Estimation and Localization for Cell Manipulation Based on Deep Learning
- Cooperative Object Manipulation under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks and Uncertain Dynamics
- DrozBot: Using Ergodic Control to Draw Portraits
- Visual Haptic Reasoning: Estimating Contact Forces by Observing Deformable Object Interactions
- Tactile Feedback Enabling In-Hand Pivoting and Internal Force Control for Dual-Arm Cooperative Object Carrying
- DUQIM-Net: Probabilistic Object Hierarchy Representation for Multi-View Manipulation
Aerial Systems 5
- Downwash-Aware Control Allocation for Over-Actuated UAV Platforms
- Siamese Object Tracking for Vision-Based UAM Approaching with Pairwise Scale-Channel Attention
- Unsteady Aerodynamic Modeling of Aerobat Using Lifting Line Theory and Wagner's Function
- Design and Analysis of Truss Aerial Transportation System (TATS): The Lightweight Bar Spherical Joint Mechanism
- SytaB: A Class of Smooth-Transition Hybrid Terrestrial/Aerial Bicopters
- Real-Time Trajectory Planning for Aerial Perching
- Dynamic Free-Space Roadmap for Safe Quadrotor Motion Planning
- Obstacle Avoidance of Resilient UAV Swarm Formation with Active Sensing System in the Dense Environment
- Autoexplorer: Autonomous Exploration of Unknown Environments Using Fast Frontier-Region Detection and Parallel Path Planning
Navigation Systems 6
- Real-Time Visual Inertial Odometry with a Resource-Efficient Harris Corner Detection Accelerator on FPGA Platform
- MPNP: Multi-Policy Neural Planner for Urban Driving
- Contextual Tuning of Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Racing
- Temporal Logic Path Planning under Localization Uncertainty
- Navigating to Objects in Unseen Environments by Distance Prediction
- Depth-CUPRL: Depth-Imaged Contrastive Unsupervised Prioritized Representations in Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- DSOL: A Fast Direct Sparse Odometry Scheme
- Planning for Negotiations in Autonomous Driving Using Reinforcement Learning
- Towards Specialized Hardware for Learning-Based Visual Odometry on the Edge
Deep Learning for Visual Perception 1
- MPT-Net: Mask Point Transformer Network for Large Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
- Timestamp-Supervised Action Segmentation with Graph Convolutional Networks
- CA-SpaceNet: Counterfactual Analysis for 6D Pose Estimation in Space
- 3D Object Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
- DeepMLE: A Robust Deep Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Two-View Structure from Motion
- Attention-Guided RGB-D Fusion Network for Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation
- Robust Sim2Real 3D Object Classification Using Graph Representations and a Deep Center Voting Scheme
- Weak6D: Weakly Supervised 6D Pose Estimation with Iterative Annotation Resolver
- Robust Human Motion Forecasting Using Transformer-Based Model
- Human-Robot Collaborative Carrying of Objects with Unknown Deformation Characteristics
- A Framework for Robot Self-Assessment of Expected Task Performance
- An Empirical Study of Reward Explanations with Human-Robot Interaction Applications
- The Predictive Kinematic Control Tree: Enhancing Teleoperation of Redundant Robots through Probabilistic User Models
- Sociable and Ergonomic Human-Robot Collaboration through Action Recognition and Augmented Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
- Learning on the Job: Long-Term Behavioural Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactions
- Bounded Rational Game-Theoretical Modeling of Human Joint Actions with Incomplete Information
- COSM2IC: Optimizing Real-Time Multi-Modal Instruction Comprehension
- Quantifying Changes in Kinematic Behavior of a Human-Exoskeleton Interactive System
Learning from Demonstration 3
- Socially CompliAnt Navigation Dataset (SCAND): A Large-Scale Dataset of Demonstrations for Social Navigation
- Learning Deformable Object Manipulation from Expert Demonstrations
- Transporters with Visual Foresight for Solving Unseen Rearrangement Tasks
- Learning Perceptual Concepts by Bootstrapping from Human Queries
- Extending Extrapolation Capabilities of Probabilistic Motion Models Learned from Human Demonstrations Using Shape-Preserving Virtual Demonstrations
- Learning High Speed Precision Table Tennis on a Physical Robot
- Behaviour Learning with Adaptive Motif Discovery and Interacting Multiple Model
- Learning from Demonstration Using a Curvature Regularized Variational Auto-Encoder (CurvVAE)
- Constrained Probabilistic Movement Primitives for Robot Trajectory Adaptation (I)
Deep Learning for Visual Perception 2
- Bayesian Active Learning for Sim-To-Real Robotic Perception
- DiffCloud: Real-To-Sim from Point Clouds with Differentiable Simulation and Rendering of Deformable Objects
- Dynamics-Aware Spatiotemporal Occupancy Prediction in Urban Environments
- What's in the Black Box? the False Negative Mechanisms Inside Object Detectors
- RVMOS: Range-View Moving Object Segmentation Leveraged by Semantic and Motion Features
- Pseudo-Label Guided Cross-Video Pixel Contrast for Robotic SurgicalScene Segmentation with Limited Annotations
- An Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Approach for Multimodal 2D Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions
- BIMS-PU: Bi-Directional and Multi-Scale Point Cloud Upsampling
- LiCaS3: A Simple LiDAR–Camera Self-Supervised Synchronization Method (I)
Machine Learning for Robot Control 2
- Multiscale Sensor Fusion and Continuous Control with Neural CDEs
- SMS-MPC: Adversarial Learning-Based Simultaneous Prediction Control with Single Model for Mobile Robots
- Dynamic Inference on Graphs Using Structured Transition Models
- Grasp Planning for Occluded Objects in a Confined Space with Lateral View Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
- Non-Blocking Asynchronous Training for Reinforcement Learning in Real-World Environments
- End-To-End Learning to Grasp Via Sampling from Object Point Clouds
- Robot Skill Learning with Identification of Preconditions and Postconditions Via Level Set Estimation
- Sex Parity in Cognitive Fatigue Model Development for Effective Human-Robot Collaboration
- Online Adaptive Compensation for Model Uncertainty Using Extreme Learning Machine-Based Control Barrier Functions
Soft Robot Modeling and Control 2
- Task-Space Control of Continuum Robots Using Underactuated Discrete Rod Models
- Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling and Fault Detection for a Soft Trunk Robot: An Adaptive NN-Based Approach
- Shape Representation and Modeling of Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots Using Euler Arc Splines
- Geometrically-Exact Inverse Kinematic Control of Sof Manipulators with General Threadlike Actuators’ Routing
- Quasi-Static FEA Model for a Multi-Material Soft Pneumatic Actuator in SOFA
- Controlling Soft Fluidic Actuators Using Soft DEA-Based Valves
- Omnidirectional Walking of a Quadruped Robot Enabled by Compressible Tendon-Driven Soft Actuators
- Estimating Forces Along Continuum Robots
- Learning Physics-Informed Simulation Models for Soft Robotic Manipulation: A Case Study with Dielectric Elastomer Actuators
- Detecting Invalid Map Merges in Lifelong SLAM
- MD-SLAM: Multi-Cue Direct SLAM
- Visual-Inertial Multi-Instance Dynamic SLAM with Object-Level Relocalisation
- ACEFusion # Accelerated and Energy-Efficient Semantic 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes
- A Spanning Tree-Based Multi-Resolution Approach for Pose-Graph Optimization
- Situational Graphs for Robot Navigation in Structured Indoor Environments
- PFilter: Building Persistent Maps through Feature Filtering for Fast and Accurate LiDAR-Based SLAM
- Nested Sampling for Non-Gaussian Inference in SLAM Factor Graphs
- City-Wide Street-To-Satellite Image Geolocalization of a Mobile Ground Agent
Rehabilitation Robotics
- Soft Actuators for Facial Reanimation
- Development and Experimental Evaluation of a Novel Portable Haptic Robotic Exoskeleton Glove System for Patients with Brachial Plexus Injuries
- Development of a Novel Low-Profile Robotic Exoskeleton Glove for Patients with Brachial Plexus Injuries
- A Novel Wheelchair-Exoskeleton Hybrid Robot to Assist Movement and Aid Rehabilitation
- Facial Expressions-Controlled Flight Game with Haptic Feedback for Stroke Rehabilitation: A Proof-Of-Concept Study
- An Intention Prediction Based Shared Control System for Point-To-Point Navigation of a Robotic Wheelchair
- A Wearable System with Harmonic Oscillations to Assess Finger Biomechanics
- Evaluation of TENS Based Biofeedback and Warning for Improvement of Seated Balance on a Trunk Rehabilitation Robot
- Soft Robotic Fabric Actuator with Elastic Bands for High Force & Bending Performance in Hand Exoskeletons
Compliance and Impedance Control 2
- Integrating Impedance Control and Nonlinear Disturbance Observer for Robot-Assisted Arthroscope Control in Elbow Arthroscopic Surgery
- Reinforcement Learning of Impedance Policies for Peg-In-Hole Tasks: Role of Asymmetric Matrices
- A Self-Tuning Impedance-Based Interaction Planner for Robotic Haptic Exploration
- Probabilistic Approach to Online Stiffness Estimation for Robotic Tasks
- Efficient Learning of Inverse Dynamics Models for Adaptive Computed Torque Control
- On the Performance and Passivity of Admittance Control with Feed-Forward Input
- Feel the Tension: Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects in Environments with Fixtures Using Force Information
- A Comparative Study of Force Observers for Accurate Force Control of Multisensor-Based Force Controlled Motion Systems
- Bio-Inspired Grasping Controller for Sensorized 2-DoF Grippers
Software, Middleware and Programming Environments 2
- Gazebo Fluids: SPH-Based Simulation of Fluid Interaction with Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics
- SOCIALGYM: A Framework for Benchmarking Social Robot Navigation
- SROS2: Usable Cyber Security Tools for ROS 2
- Automatic Co-Design of Aerial Robots Using a Graph Grammar
- ARviz – an Augmented Reality-Enabled Visualization Platform for ROS Applications (I)
- A RoboStack Tutorial: Using the Robot Operating System Alongside the Conda and Jupyter Data Science Ecosystems (I)
- Safe-Control-Gym: A Unified Benchmark Suite for Safe Learning-Based Control and Reinforcement Learning in Robotics
- On-Device CPU Scheduling for Robot Systems
Whole-Body Motion Planning and Control 1
- Whole-Body Control with Motion/Force Transmissibility for Parallel-Legged Robot
- Recursive Hierarchical Projection for Whole-Body Control with Task Priority Transition
- Multimodal Generation of Novel Action Appearances for Synthetic-To-Real Recognition of Activities of Daily Living
- Learning a Group-Aware Policy for Robot Navigation
- Feedback-Efficient Active Preference Learning for Socially Aware Robot Navigation
- Watch Out! There May Be a Human. Addressing Invisible Humans in Social Navigation
- Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Control for Agile Quadrupedal Locomotion
- Discover Life Skills for Planning As Bandits Via Observing and Learning How the World Works
- An Optimal Motion Planning Framework for Quadruped Jumping
Intelligent Transportation Systems 1
- Trajectory Prediction with Graph-Based Dual-Scale Context Fusion
- IMU Dead-Reckoning Localization with RNN-IEKF Algorithm
- A Value-Based Dynamic Learning Approach for Vehicle Dispatch in Ride-Sharing
- Deep Kernel Learning for Uncertainty Estimation in Multiple Trajectory Prediction Networks
- Development of a Research Testbed for Cooperative Driving in Mixed Traffic of Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles
- Interventional Behavior Prediction: Avoiding Overly Confident Anticipation in Interactive Prediction
- InterSim: Interactive Traffic Simulation Via Explicit Relation Modeling
- Driving Anomaly Detection Using Contrastive Multiview Coding to Interpret Cause of Anomaly
- TIP: Task-Informed Motion Prediction for Intelligent Vehicles
Semantic Scene Understanding 2
- Hybrid Belief Pruning with Guarantees for Viewpoint-Dependent Semantic SLAM
- Invariant-Based World Models for Robust Robotic Systems Demonstrated on an Autonomous Football Table
- Efficient Spatial-Temporal Information Fusion for LiDAR-Based 3D Moving Object Segmentation
- Robust Visual Teach and Repeat for UGVs Using 3D Semantic Maps
- Perceiving the Invisible: Proposal-Free Amodal Panoptic Segmentation
- Meta-RangeSeg: LiDAR Sequence Semantic Segmentation Using Multiple Feature Aggregation
- Receding Moving Object Segmentation in 3D LiDAR Data Using Sparse 4D Convolutions
- Unsupervised Class-Agnostic Instance Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Data for Autonomous Vehicles
- FedDrive: Generalizing Federated Learning to Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
Multi-Robot Systems 2
- Collecting a Flock with Multiple Sub-Groups by Using Multi-Robot System
- A Hybrid PSO Algorithm for Multi-Robot Target Search and Decision Awareness
- Interactive Multi-Robot Aerial Cinematography through Hemispherical Manifold Coverage
- Passive Multiuser Teleoperation of a Multirobot System with Connectivity-Preserving Containment (I)
- PD-FAC: Probability Density Factorized Multi-Agent Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Reliable Search
- Cooperative Towing by Multi-Robot System That Maintains Welding Cable in Optimized Shape
- Impressionist Algorithms for Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems: Flocking As a Case Study
- Decentralized Multi-Robot Velocity Estimation for UAVs Enhancing Onboard Camera-Based Velocity Measurements
- Autonomous Service Robots for Urban Waste Management # Multiagent Route Planning and Cooperative Operation
Soft Sensors and Actuators 2
- Mechanically Programmable Jamming Based on Articulated Mesh Structures for Variable Stiffness Robots
- Electroadhesive Clutches for Programmable Shape Morphing of Soft Actuators
- Modeling and Position Control of the HASEL Actuator Via Port-Hamiltonian Approach
- Motion Tracking Smart Work Suit with a Modular Joint Angle Sensor Using Screw Routing
- 3D Curvature-Based Tip Load Estimation for Continuum Robots
- Optimizing Out-Of-Plane Stiffness for Soft Grippers
- Wire-Storage Pantograph Mechanism for Strain and Force Amplification of a Twisted and Coiled Polymer Fiber
- Vision-Based Sensing for Electrically-Driven Soft Actuators
- FEA-Based Inverse Kinematic Control: Hyperelastic Material Characterization of Self-Healing Soft Robots (I)
Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots and Agents 2
- Planning with Intermittent State Observability: Knowing When to Act Blind
- Selecting the Partial State Abstractions of MDPs: A Metareasoning Approach with Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Adaptive Online Sampling of Periodic Processes with Application to Coral Reef Acoustic Abundance Monitoring
- Learning Coordination Policies Over Heterogeneous Graphs for Human-Robot Teams Via Recurrent Neural Schedule Propagation
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments Using Occupancy Values of Motion Primitives
- A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for the Scheduling Problem in the AGV System
- Fast and Compute-Efficient Sampling-Based Local Exploration Planning Via Distribution Learning
- DC-MRTA: Decentralized Multi-Robot Task Allocation and Navigation in Complex Environments
- Prioritized Safe Interval Path Planning for Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Continuous Time on 2D Roadmaps
Optimization and Optimal Control 1
- Simulation Aided Co-Design for Robust Robot Optimization
- Reference Acceleration Model Predictive Control (RA-MPC) for Cable-Driven Robots
- CARLA Simulator-Based Evaluation Framework Development of Lane Detection Accuracy Performance under Sensor Blockage Caused by Heavy Rain for Autonomous Vehicle
- Planning under Periodic Observations: Bounds and Bounding-Based Solutions
- Real-Time Predictive Kinematics Control of Redundancy: A Benchmark of Optimal Control Approaches
- Automatic Generation of Optimization Model Using Process Mining and Petri Nets for Optimal Motion Planning of 6-DOF Manipulators
- Physically Consistent Lie Group Mesh Models for Robot Design and Motion Co-Optimization
- Analytical Second-Order Partial Derivatives of Rigid-Body Inverse Dynamics
- High-Speed Accurate Robot Control Using Learned Forward Kinodynamics and Non-Linear Least Squares Optimization
Bimanual and In-Hand Manipulation
- Kinesthetic Teaching of Bi-Manual Tasks with Known Relative Constraints
- Transferring Dexterous Manipulation from GPU Simulation to a Remote Real-World TriFinger
- A System for Imitation Learning of Contact-Rich Bimanual Manipulation Policies
- Optical Proximity Sensing for Pose Estimation During In-Hand Manipulation
- E-TRoll: Tactile Sensing and Classification Via a Simple Robotic Gripper for Extended Rolling Manipulations
- Variable Friction Based In-Hand Manipulation of Fabrics Applied to Unfolding Operations
- A Target-Guided Telemanipulation Architecture for Assisted Grasping
- DA^2 Dataset: Toward Dexterity-Aware Dual-Arm Grasping
- A Shared Autonomy Reconfigurable Control Framework for Telemanipulation of Multi-Arm Systems
Motion and Path Planning 8
- Generating Safe Corridors Roadmap for Urban Air Mobility
- Explainable Robotic Plan Execution Monitoring under Partial Observability (I)
- Sampling-Based View Planning for MAVs in Active Visual-Inertial State Estimation
- Maximizing the Probability of Task Completion for Redundant Robots Experiencing Locked Joint Failures (I)
- Dynamic Compressed Sensing of Unsteady Flows with a Mobile Robot
- Adaptive Coverage Path Planning for Efficient Exploration of Unknown Environments
- Path Planning and Energy Management of Hybrid Air Vehicles for Urban Air-Mobility
- Informative Path Planning for Active Learning in Aerial Semantic Mapping
- Towards Autonomous Grading in the Real World
Legged Robots 2
- Vastus and Gastrocnemius Improve Hopping Efficiency and Joints Synchronicity at Different Frequencies: A Robotic Study
- Animal Motions on Legged Robots Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
- Improved Performance of CPG Parameter Inference for Path-Following Control of Legged Robots
- Zero-Shot Retargeting of Learned Quadruped Locomotion Policies Using Hybrid Kinodynamic Model Predictive Control
- Contact-Implicit Differential Dynamic Programming for Model Predictive Control with Relaxed Complementarity Constraints
- Robust Predictive Control for Quadrupedal Locomotion: Learning to Close the Gap between Reduced and Full-Order Models
- Contact-Timing and Trajectory Optimization for 3D Jumping on Quadruped Robots
- Improved Control Scheme for the Solo Quadruped and Experimental Comparison of Model Predictive Controllers
- The Geometry of Optimal Gaits for Inertia-Dominated Kinematic Systems (I)
Task Planning
- Optimal Constrained Task Planning As Mixed Integer Programming
- Extended Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem for Joint Task Allocation and Path Planning in Shared Space
- Multi-Objective Task Allocation for Multi-Agent Systems Using Hierarchical Cost Function
- Probabilistic Planning for AUV Data Harvesting from Smart Underwater Sensor Networks
- Efficient Task/Motion Planning for a Dual-Arm Robot from Language Instructions and Cooking Images
- Clustering Trust Dynamics in a Human-Robot Sequential Decision-Making Task
- Behavior-Tree Embeddings for Robot Task-Level Knowledge
- Can We Reach Human Expert Programming Performance? a Tactile Manipulation Case Study in Learning Time and Task Performance
- Data-Driven Abstractions for Robots with Stochastic Dynamics (I)
Aerial Systems 6
- Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Strategies for Trajectory Tracking Micro Aerial Vehicles: A Comparative Study
- Design and Trajectory Tracking Control of a New Bi-Copter UAV
- Local Perception-Aware Transformer for Aerial Tracking
- End-To-End Feature Decontaminated Network for UAV Tracking
- Blind As a Bat: Audible Echolocation on Small Robots
- HighlightNet: Highlighting Low-Light Potential Features for Real-Time UAV Tracking
- Drone with Pneumatic-Tethered Suction-Based Perching Mechanism for High Payload Application
- Geometrically Constrained Trajectory Optimization for Multicopters (I)
- Robust Trajectory Planning for Spatial-Temporal Multi-Drone Coordination in Large Scenes
Navigation Systems 7
- Dynamic-GAN: Learning Spatial-Temporal Attention for Dynamic Object Removal in Feature Dense Environments
- Heterogeneous-Agent Trajectory Forecasting Incorporating Class Uncertainty
- Lifelong Topological Visual Navigation
- D-LC-Nets: Robust Denoising and Loop Closing Networks for LiDAR SLAM in Complicated Circumstances with Noisy Point Clouds
- State Dropout-Based Curriculum Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving at Unsignalized Intersections
- Vehicle Type Specific Waypoint Generation
- Autonomous Navigation of AGVs in Unknown Cluttered Environments: Log-MPPI Control Strategy
- Cross-Modal Fusion-Based Prior Correction for Road Detection in Off-Road Environments
- InterFusion: Interaction-Based 4D Radar and Lidar Fusion for 3D Object Detection
Prosthetics and Exoskeletons 1
- Experimental Assessment of a Control Strategy for Locomotion Assistance Relying on Simplified Motor Primitives
- Design of EMG-Driven Musculoskeletal Model for Volitional Control of a Robotic Ankle Prosthesis
- Visual Environment Perception for Obstacle Detection and Crossing of Lower-Limb Exoskeletons
- Unilateral Stiffness Modulation with a Robotic Hip Exoskeleton Elicits Adaptation During Gait
- A Piecewise Monotonic Smooth Phase Variable for Speed-Adaptation Control of Powered Knee-Ankle Prostheses
- Imposing Healthy Hip Movement Pattern and Range by Exoskeleton Control for Individualized Assistance
- Characterizing Prosthesis Control Fault During Human-Prosthesis Interactive Walking Using Intrinsic Sensors
- A Piecewise Monotonic Gait Phase Estimation Model for Controlling a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis in Various Locomotion Modes
- Understanding Modulation of Ankle Stiffness During Stance Phase of Walking on Different Environments and Its Implications for the Design of Impedance Controllers
Aerial Systems 7
- Robust and Efficient Velocity Estimation for MAVs with an RGB-D Camera
- Geometric MPC Techniques for Reduced Attitude Control on Quadrotors with Bidirectional Thrust
- Tightly-Coupled EKF-Based Radar-Inertial Odometry
- Accurate Vision-Based Flight with Fixed-Wing Drones
- Autonomous Quadrotor Landing on Inclined Surfaces in High Particle Environments Using Radar Sensor Perception
- Retro-RL: Reinforcing Nominal Controller with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Tilting-Rotor Drones
- TAPE: Tether-Aware Path Planning for Autonomous Exploration of Unknown 3D Cavities Using a Tangle-Compatible Tethered Aerial Robot
- Sweep-Your-Map: Efficient Coverage Planning for Aerial Teams in Large-Scale Environments
- Predicting Visual Differentiability for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Gestures
Learning from Experience
- Robot Task Learning with Motor Babbling Using Pseudo Rehearsal
- Continual Learning in Real-Life Applications
- Autonomous Cycle Time Reduction of Robotic Tasks Using Iterative Learning Control
- Medical Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment for Autonomous Robotic Screening
- Self-Supervised Traversability Prediction by Learning to Reconstruct Safe Terrain
- SafeAPT: Safe Simulation-To-Real Robot Learning Using Diverse Policies Learned in Simulation
- Self-Supervised Learning of Visual Servoing for Low-Rigidity Robots Considering Temporal Body Changes
- Safe Adaptation in Multiagent Competition
- Learning Pneumatic Non-Prehensile Manipulation with a Mobile Blower
Deep Learning Methods
- PUA-MOS: End-To-End Point-Wise Uncertainty Weighted Aggregation for Moving Object Segmentation
- Grounding Commands for Autonomous Vehicles Via Layer Fusion with Region-Specific Dynamic Layer Attention
- Neural-Guided Runtime Prediction of Planners for Improved Motion and Task Planning with Graph Neural Networks
- OpenDR: An Open Toolkit for Enabling High Performance, Low Footprint Deep Learning for Robotics
- FloorGenT: Generative Vector Graphic Model of Floor Plans for Robotics
- Robot Motion Planning As Video Prediction: A Spatio-Temporal Neural Network-Based Motion Planner
- Adversarial Attacks on Monocular Pose Estimation
- Don’t Share My Face: Privacy Preserving Inpainting for Visual Localization
- Torque Control of Hydraulic Pressure Servo Valve Driven Actuator with Deep Neural Network
AI-Enabled Robotics
- SGL: Symbolic Goal Learning in a Hybrid, Modular Framework for Human Instruction Following
- Towards Defensive Autonomous Driving: Collecting and Probing Driving Demonstrations of Mixed Qualities
- TAE: A Semi-Supervised Controllable Behavior-Aware Trajectory Generator and Predictor
- Visual-Tactile Sensing for Real-Time Liquid Volume Estimation in Grasping
- Comparing Reconstruction and Contrastive-Based Models for Visual Task Planning
- Learning Object-Based State Estimators for Household Robots
- Deep Residual Reinforcement Learning Based Autonomous Blimp Control
- Semantic Grasping Via a Knowledge Graph of Robotic Manipulation: A Graph Representation Learning Approach
- 3D Part Assembly Generation with Instance Encoded Transformer
Soft Robot Modeling and Control 3
- Continuum-Body-Pose Estimation from Partial Sensor Information Using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Sim2Real for Soft Robotic Fish Via Differentiable Simulation
- An Experimental Validation of the Polynomial Curvature Model: Identification and Optimal Control of a Soft Underwater Tentacle
- Collision-Aware Fast Simulation for Soft Robots by Optimization-Based Geometric Computing
- Model-Based Design Optimization of Underwater Flagellate Propellers
- Prismatic Soft Actuator Augments the Workspace of Soft Continuum Robots
- Hybrid Eye-In-Hand/Eye-To-Hand Image Based Visual Servoing for Soft Continuum Arms
- Using R-Functions to Control the Shape of Soft Robots
Cellular, Modular and Cooperating Robots
- RePoSt: Distributed Self-Reconfiguration Algorithm for Modular Robots Based on Porous Structure
- Selective Self-Assembly Using Re-Programmable Magnetic Pixels
- Physical Neural Cellular Automata for 2D Shape Classification
- Multi-Modal Multi-Agent Optimization for LIMMS, a Modular Robotics Approach to Delivery Automation
- Design, Modeling and Control of a Composable and Extensible Drone with Tilting Rotors
- Robotic Parasitic Array Control for Increased RSS in Non-Line-Of-Sight
- Modular Robot Networking: A Novel Schema and Its Performance Assessment
- Coordinated Multi-Agent Exploration, Rendezvous, & Task Allocation in Unknown Environments with Limited Connectivity
- Multi-AGV's Temporal Memory-Based RRT Exploration in Unknown Environment
Prosthetics and Exoskeletons 2
- A Novel Method for Detecting Misclassifications of the Locomotion Mode in Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Robot Control
- Sample-Efficient Policy Adaptation for Exoskeletons under Variations in the Users and the Environment
- Deep-Learning to Map a Benchmark Dataset of Non-Amputee Ambulation for Controlling an Open Source Bionic Leg
- Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition and Gait Phase Estimation Based on a Shank-Mounted IMU with Artificial Neural Networks
- Biomechanical Design Optimization of Passive Exoskeletons through Surrogate Modeling on Industrial Activity Data
- Application of Piece-Wise Constant Strain Model to Flexible Deformation Calculation of Sports Prosthesis and Stiffness Estimation
- Real-Time Locomotion Recognition Algorithm for an Active Pelvis Orthosis to Assist Lower-Limb Amputees
- Predictive Locomotion Mode Recognition and Accurate Gait Phase Estimation for Hip Exoskeleton on Various Terrains
- Simultaneous Gesture Classification and Speed Control for Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Using Joint-Loss Neural Network
Robust/Adaptive Control
- Unbiased Active Inference for Classical Control
- Plane-To-Plane Positioning by Proximity-Based Control
- Safe Control Synthesis with Uncertain Dynamics and Constraints
- Robust and Decoupled Position and Stiffness Control for Electrically-Driven Articulated Soft Robots
- Battle the Wind: Improving Flight Stability of a Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle under Wind Disturbance with Onboard Thermistor-Based Airflow Sensing
- Robust Stabilization of Elastic Joint Robots by ESP and PID Control: Theory and Experiments
- An Adaptive Approach to Whole-Body Balance Control of Wheel-Bipedal Robot Ollie
- An Optimal Dynamic Control Method for Manipulators with Virtual Links
- Constrained Imitation Learning for a Flapping Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Calibration and Robot Safety
- CROON: Automatic Multi-LiDAR Calibration and Refinement Method in Road Scene
- Geometric Calibration of Single-Pixel Distance Sensors
- Data-Driven Kalman Filter with Kernel-Based Koopman Operators for Nonlinear Robot Systems
- High Precision and Robust Camera Calibration under Learning-Based Distortion Correction and Feature Detection
- Extrinsic Camera Calibration from a Moving Person
- A Barrier-Based Scenario Approach to Verifying Safety-Critical Systems
- Quantifying Safety of Learning-Based Self-Driving Control Using Almost-Barrier Functions
- A Task-Based Post-Impact Safety Protocol Based on Energy Tanks
- Scalable Safety-Critical Policy Evaluation with Accelerated Rare Event Sampling
- Multi-Contact Whole-Body Motion Planning and Control
- Deep Active Visual Attention for Real-Time Robot Motion Generation: Emergence of Tool-Body Assimilation and Adaptive Tool-Use
- Automatic Tuning and Selection of Whole-Body Controllers
- Learning to Guide Online Multi-Contact Receding Horizon Planning
- Real-Time Footstep Planning and Control of the Solo Quadruped Robot in 3D Environments
- Modeling, Analysis and Activation of Planar Viscoelastically-Combined Rimless Wheels
- Minor Change, Major Gains II: Are Maximal Coordinates the Fastest Choice for Trajectory Optimization?
- Centroidal Trajectory Generation and Stabilization Based on Preview Control for Humanoid Multi-Contact Motion
- Integration of Variable-Height and Hopping Strategies for Humanoid Push Recovery
- Learning Agile Hybrid Whole-Body Motor Skills for Thruster-Aided Humanoid Robots
Intelligent Transportation Systems 2
- Active Mapping Via Gradient Ascent Optimization of Shannon Mutual Information Over Continuous SE(3) Trajectories
- A Framework for Optimized Topology Design and Leader Selection in Affine Formation Control
- Contextual Driving Scene Perception from Anonymous Vehicle Bus Data for Automotive Applications
- Efficient Game-Theoretic Planning with Prediction Heuristic for Socially-Compliant Autonomous Driving
- Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation with 4-D Automotive Radar
- Domain Knowledge Driven Pseudo Labels for Interpretable Goal-Conditioned Interactive Trajectory Prediction
- ACHORD: Communication-Aware Multi-Robot Coordination with Intermittent Connectivity
- Detecting Adversarial Perturbations in Multi-Task Perception
- Recognition Beyond Perception: Environmental Model Completion by Reasoning for Occluded Vehicles
Data Sets for Robotic Vision
- ProgressLabeller: Visual Data Stream Annotation for Training Object-Centric 3D Perception
- EVOPS Benchmark: Evaluation of Plane Segmentation from RGBD and LiDAR Data
- 6-DoF Pose Estimation of Household Objects for Robotic Manipulation: An Accessible Dataset and Benchmark
- Realism Assessment for Synthetic Images in Robot Vision through Performance Characterization
- Danish Airs and Grounds: A Dataset for Aerial-To-Street-Level Place Recognition and Localization
- Object Pose Estimation Using Mid-Level Visual Representations
- Grasp Pre-Shape Selection by Synthetic Training: Eye-In-Hand Shared Control on the Hannes Prosthesis
- Sequential Thermal Image-Based Adult and Baby Detection Robust to Thermal Residual Heat Marks
- IndoLayout: Leveraging Attention for Extended Indoor Layout Estimation from an RGB Image
Autonomous Agents
- A Biologically-Inspired Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System Based on LiDAR Sensor
- Cola-HRL: Continuous-Lattice Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
- Visibility-Inspired Models of Touch Sensors for Navigation
- Factorization of Dynamic Games Over Spatio-Temporal Resources
- Handling Non-Convex Constraints in MPC-Based Humanoid Gait Generation
- Low-Drift LiDAR-Only Odometry and Mapping for UGVs in Environments with Non-Level Roads
- Stochastic Games with Stopping States and Their Application to Adversarial Motion Planning Problems
- BOBCAT: Behaviors, Objectives and Binary States for Coordinated Autonomous Tasks
- ATF-3D: Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection withAdaptive Thresholds Filtering Based on Confidenceand Distance
Actuation and Joint Mechanisms
- Adaptative Friction Shock Absorbers and Reverse Thrust for Fast Multirotor Landing on Inclined Surfaces
- DeltaZ: An Accessible Compliant Delta Robot Manipulator for Research and Education
- Jumping on Air: Design and Modeling of Latch-Mediated, Spring-Actuated Air-Jumpers
- Anisotropic-Stiffness Belt in Mono Wheeled Flexible Track for Rough Terrain Locomotion
- Wave-Shaped Notched Compliant Joint with High Rigidity
- A Methodology for Designing a Lightweight and Energy-Efficient Kinematically Redundant Actuator
- An In-Pipe Crawling Robot Based on Tensegrity Structures
- Vertical Bend and T-Branch Travels of an Articulated Wheeled In-Pipe Inspection Robot by Combining Its Joint Angle and Torque Controls
Sensor Systems
- Learned Depth Estimation of 3D Imaging Radar for Indoor Mapping
- Mind the Gap: Norm-Aware Adaptive Robust Loss for Multivariate Least-Squares Problems
- Patchwork++: Fast and Robust Ground Segmentation Solving Partial Under-Segmentation Using 3D Point Cloud
- Linewise Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration
- A LiDAR-Inertial Odometry with Principled Uncertainty Modeling
- DeepCIR: Insights into CIR-Based Data-Driven UWB Error Mitigation
- From Timing Variations to Performance Degradation: Understanding and Mitigating the Impact of Software Execution Timing in SLAM
- Combined Dual-Prediction Based Data Fusion and Enhanced Leak Detection and Isolation Method for WSN Pipeline Monitoring System (I)
- Upper Limb Movement Estimation and Function Evaluation of the Shoulder Girdle by Multi-Sensing Flexible Sensor Wear
Optimization and Optimal Control 2
- A Legendre-Gauss Pseudospectral Collocation Method for Trajectory Optimization in Second Order Systems
- An Equivalent Time-Optimal Problem to Find Energy-Optimal Paths for Skid-Steer Rovers
- Visibility-Aware Navigation with Batch Projection Augmented Cross-Entropy Method Over a Learned Occlusion Cost
- Refining Control Barrier Functions through Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability
- Newton-PnP: Real-Time Visual Navigation for Autonomous Toy-Drones
- Constrained Differential Dynamic Programming: A Primal-Dual Augmented Lagrangian Approach
- Introducing Force Feedback in Model Predictive Control
- Toward Global Sensing Quality Maximization: A Configuration Optimization Scheme for Camera Networks
- Embedding Koopman Optimal Control in Robot Policy Learning
Behavior-Based Systems
- HGCN-GJS: Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Network with Groupwise Joint Sampling for Trajectory Prediction
- Teaching Robots to Span the Space of Functional Expressive Motion
- Manual Maneuverability: Metrics for Analysing and Benchmarking Kinesthetic Robot Guidance
- Learning Bidirectional Translation between Descriptions and Actions with Small Paired Data
- Generalizability Analysis of Graph-Based Trajectory Predictor with Vectorized Representation
- CreativeBot: A Creative Storyteller Agent Developed by Leveraging Pre-Trained Language Models
- Adaptive Sequential Composition for Robot Behaviours
- Collective Conditioned Reflex: A Bio-Inspired Fast Emergency Reaction Mechanism for Designing Safe Multi-Robot Systems
- Use of Action Label in Deep Predictive Learning for Robot Manipulation
Motion and Path Planning 9
- Safe Active Dynamics Learning and Control: A Sequential Exploration-Exploitation Framework (I)
- Fast Cost-Aware Lazy-Theta* Over Euclidean Distance Functions for 3D Planning of Aerial Robots in Building-Like Environments
- Conflict-Based Search for Multi-Robot Motion Planning with Kinodynamic Constraints
- Motion Planning by Search in Derivative Space and Convex Optimization with Enlarged Solution Space
- From Low to High Order Motion Planners: Safe Robot Navigation Using Motion Prediction and Reference Governor
- Hierarchical Planning through Goal-Conditioned Offline Reinforcement Learning
- Learning Minimum Time Flight in Cluttered Environments
- NFOMP: Neural Field for Optimal Motion Planner of Differential Drive Robots with Nonholonomic Constraints
- Db-A*: Discontinuity-Bounded Search for Kinodynamic Mobile Robot Motion Planning
Legged Robots 3
- Auto-Tuning of Controller and Online Trajectory Planner for Legged Robots
- An Online Interactive Approach for Crowd Navigation of Quadrupedal Robots
- Simultaneous Contact-Rich Grasping and Locomotion Via Distributed Optimization Enabling Free-Climbing for Multi-Limbed Robots
- Vision-Assisted Localization and Terrain Reconstruction with Quadruped Robots
- Improved Task Space Locomotion Controller for a Quadruped Robot with Parallel Mechanisms
- Feasible Wrench Set Computation for Legged Robots
- Online Kinematic Calibration for Legged Robots
- Collision Detection and Identification for a Legged Manipulator
- Bio-Inspired Rhythmic Locomotion for Quadruped Robots
Constrained Motion Planning
- Predictive Angular Potential Field-Based Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic UAV Flights
- Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles with Real-Time Motion Planning Using Quadratic Programming for Varied Locomotion Modes
- CoMBiNED: Multi-Constrained Model Based Planning for Navigation in Dynamic Environments
- A Saturation-Aware Trajectory-Based Explicit Reference Governor for a Robotic Arm
- Time-Optimal Online Replanning for Agile Quadrotor Flight
- Collision Detection for Unions of Convex Bodies with Smooth Boundaries Using Closed-Form Contact Space Parameterization
- Trajectory Planning for UAVs Based on Interfered Fluid Dynamical System and Bézier Curves
- Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning with Interaction with the Environment
- Obstacle Aware Sampling for Path Planning
Multi-Robot Systems 3
- Distributed Ranging SLAM for Multiple Robots with Ultra-WideBand and Odometry Measurements
- MT*: Multi-Robot Path Planning with Temporal Logic Specification
- Meeting-Merging-Mission: A Multi-Robot Coordinate Framework for Large-Scale Communication-Limited Exploration
- Communication-Preserving Bids in Market-Based Task Allocation
- Toolbox Release: A WiFi-Based Relative Bearing Framework for Robotics
- Multi-Robot Dynamic Swarm Disablement
- Attention-Based Population-Invariant Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collision-Free Flocking with a Scalable Fixed-Wing UAV Swarm
- Multi-UAV Cooperative Short-Range Combat Via Attention-Based Reinforcement Learning Using Individual Reward Shaping
- Vision-Based Distributed Multi-UAV Collision Avoidance Via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Navigation
Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots and Agents 3
- Sequence-Of-Constraints MPC: Reactive Timing-Optimal Control of Sequential Manipulation
- RHH-LGP: Receding Horizon and Heuristics-Based Logic-Geometric Programming for Task and Motion Planning
- FC3: Feasibility-Based Control Chain Coordination
- Inspection of Ship Hulls with Multiple UAVs: Exploiting Prior Information for Online Path Planning
- Collision-Free Minimum-Time Trajectory Planning for Multiple Vehicles Based on ADMM
- Collaborative Navigation and Manipulation of a Cable-Towed Load by Multiple Quadrupedal Robots
- AB-Mapper: Attention and BicNet Based Multi-Agent Path Planning for Dynamic Environment
- Graph Embedding for Multi-Robot Path Planning in Complex Environments
- Artificial Learning for Part Identification in Robotic Disassembly through Automatic Rule Generation in an Ontology (I)