Here I encountered a problem as: $ python build develop --no-deps running build running build_py running egg_info writing fcos.egg-info/PKG-INFO writing dependency_links to fcos.egg-info/dependency_links.txt writing requirements to fcos.egg-info/requires.txt writing top-level...
我使用ResNet50预训练模型在PASCOVOC数据集上训练,但测试时只得到了66.9%的mAP. 使用博主网盘公布的训练后的模型参数去测试,可以达到博主公布的mAP值。。。 想请教一下这种情况该从哪些方面去寻找问题的原因呢? 感谢!!!!
I did installation guided by this webpage and successfully installed cvpods. After that I tried to train a detector like retinanet but meet a file problem : log is here:...
I met a unexpected error ,shown as : 2022-08-31 17:30:53 | ERROR | cvpods.engine.launch:64 - An error has been caught in function 'launch', process 'MainProcess' (1731), thread 'MainThread' (140323764021056): Traceback...
论文中的损失函数表达式依然是带有N_pos作为分母,但是在gflv2的代码里实在找不到哪里做了这一步,希望能获得您的解答,十分感谢! ************ 对比于GFLV1版本的, 在v2版本中,gfocal_loss.py中的两个函数,quality_focal_loss 和 distribution_focal_loss 都没有调用weight_reduce_loss函数,请问在该版本的代码中,这个函数是放弃调用了吗?还是说在其他地方调用了?(gfocal_head.py也没有调用)
Hi~ I'm very interested in your Dudenet. But the codes of DudeNet doesn't appear in, maybe this part is missed in this opensource file. Could you please add and...