Panagiotis Drakatos

Results 10 issues of Panagiotis Drakatos

I am rewriting a Java program in C#. I used the XML parse JSoup, and I'd like to use the .NET port NSoup. However, I cannot find the replacement for...

I know that your example with activej specializers optimizes operators and primitives but i am wondering is any way to improve BigInteger performance operations with specializer. Do you have any...

``` import io.activej.serializer.annotations.Serialize; public class A { protected String varA; public A(String varA) { this.varA = varA; } public A() { } @Serialize public String getVarA() { return varA; }...

I found,that your way to deal with the raw bytes of elm327 not so efficiency, this is because you deal with characters (read until '>' appear) so you need a...

I use this library in my project and works very well with strings, integers,bytes, etc and i am very happy but when i tried to use object classes from dependencies,...

#### Check List: - [ ] You have run `./mvnw verify` and the project builds successfully - [ ] Tests pass (`./ ` shows no differences between expected and actual...

test failure

i am running the browserify via command line ` browserify src/crypto/Mnemonic.js -p esmify --standalone mnembundle > src/bundle/MnemonicBundle.js` but i receive this error: ``` Error: Parsing file C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\AdrestusWallet\frontend-react-basic-app\src\crypto\Mnemonic.js: visitor[(override || node.type)]...

@eduard-vasinskyi Hello and sorry for bothering you again. i believe a found a bug in your library let me further explain. To begin with, i am using a lot of...

Hello again, i hope you have a wonderful day. I am facing a simple problem where i have a treemap that stores values in reverse order and my problem is...

I am using the Jer0mq server socket model and specifically the router dealer pattern because I want to validate the identity of the clients. My problem is that I notice...