This is a patch for the error: error C2054: expected '(' to follow 'WINGDIAPI' See
Can we have a coding style guideline for Radiant? Should we use recommendations like Tab char or spaces for indentation?
If you move the radiant directory somewhere you will run into a crash with this error message: synapse server initalization failed (see console) GetLastError : The system cannot find the...
Would like to see an auto caulk feature like in Q4Radiant that sets all non visible faces to caulk.
More support for non Unix-like systems.
Option to disable hostname lookup if DCC or any other p2p service isn't required. No more "Looking up the local hostname as seen by the IRC server " and "Unable...
Quake3e is firing an [Exception]( while running [exit()]( because the qvm crashed what causes the program to hang. Should the [Exception filter]( be unregistered first before quitting?