John Lyu

Results 37 comments of John Lyu

暂时停止更新, 等待bilibili代理的国服上线可以直接更换国服的资源包

Please make a research about appropriate resize ratio on different page. > For example, on [unit list page](, picture source size is 512x256 but real size on 1080p screen is...

the second interpreter is just for test. I add it after I got the error.

@275RR , have you tested the real time usage? In my code: `` : **4.8s** ```python from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed, ProcessPoolExecutor from multiprocessing import set_start_method import pandas as pd...

@275RR ,my test is running on OSX and should be the same as linux. If I increase `sleep(3)` to `sleep(10)`, `streamlit` will take 15s, while decreasing to `sleep(1)` takes 6s....

@LukasMasuch It is hard to determine if it is a `streamlit` problem, `streamlit` add `autosize` key to altair generated dict manually and then cause this problem. See [streamlit source code](

@karenarcoverde , hey, I have wrote an extension . Which provide a download button allow user download without rerun. **But note**, this donwload button currently will embed downloaded file...

[main.log]( Mac环境下编译citation失败

Meet the same error with brew python, version 3.8.5.