Arlen Walker

Results 4 comments of Arlen Walker

And there's another twist!!! location = /404.html { root /usr/share/nginx/html; internal; } triggers the bug, but: location = /404.html { internal; root /usr/share/nginx/html; } doesn't.

I'm afraid I'm on the side of phpcs in this one. The whole "return something or nothing" concept squicks me. I think phpcs is expecting the return of a null...

I forgot to add, the workaround I'm currently using is to hardcode zones = zone1,zone2 in firewallcmd-common.local and then create firewallcmd-rich-rules.local from the conf changing these actions: actionban = ports="";...

That would at least let the sshd jail use different zones than, for example, an http or ftp jail. For some reason I'd overlooked the idea of manually passing in...