I tested more carefully and even found a solution to temporarily fix the bug. To reproduce the bug, the following conditions are required: * Add header "Expect: 100-continue" on client...
Yes, that's an old issue. I am commenting out the content of this function: void BaseDiscordClient::quit(bool isRestarting, bool isDisconnected) {/**/} it helps too. It reproduces after 5-6 minutes without an...
There are suspicions that this is due to the fact that I use VPN. Without it, there is no problem.
> The same problem in discord.js. I think it's discord api fault. This always happens after 5 minutes without Internet connection. But I found a way. I just commented out...
Ok, I can get the lastMessageID, but how can I get IDs of previous messages?
Thanks, now I figured it out! However, on the run() function, an exception of type SleepyDiscord::ErrorCode with code 5005 is sometimes generated (if spamming), so I had to add exception...