Painted Fox

Results 22 comments of Painted Fox

I think that's the case too. MariaDB 10 may not be 100% backward compatible. Another idea is to create another Dockerfile that can be used to build an image for...

Awesome! I'll see about setting up the Trusted Build when you're ready. :+1:

Yes, you certainly can. When you run the container try adding this flag: `-p 3307:3306`. This means the container's port 3306 will be exposed on the host's 3307 port. There's...

What command are you using to start your container? Would you happen to be using Vagrant?

I was not able to reproduce the server trying to start over and over either. However, I've found out a likely reason why you weren't able to connect to MariaDB...

Thank you very much for updating docker and verifying that it still happens. I'm unfortunately unable to reproduce the loop error still, however. Could you possibly verify that we've pulled...

I made a change to avoid using _runit_, the phusion base image's init system for services. If you do a `docker pull` you should get the change and the image...

@richardcrichardc Thank you for investigating! I'm using Ubuntu 13.10 x64 on Digital Ocean to develop and test this image with Docker v0.11.1 from Docker's Ubuntu repo. I'm able to reproduce...

@richardcrichardc My question seems to not apply here. I produced the error message an entirely different way. This is odd. I'm using _aufs_ on Ubuntu with the same Docker version,...