
Results 13 comments of Page-David

Sorry, merge `example.rst` only if need to, I commit previous PR by accident.

If I am right, I do not think `stats` should be added into advanced usage, this is just get some basic information of a audio file.

I feel it likes to cause some misunderstanding as `transform.stat` looks like `file_info.stat`. And doc `List of frequency (Hz), amplitdue pairs.` in transform.stats: > amplitdue->amplitude?

Eyes are less sensitive to color than brightness, I agree, is one of theories behind video compress. But I think why sensitive difference exists should not be explained by distinct...

Hi, it is now that I finally find that simply replacing `pLocalCodec` with `pLocalCodecParameters` might not be a perfect solution. Instead, it might be better to firstly state that when...

I will stand with the @VincentSit. The translation is really confusing, especially these terminologies.

[follow this]( to install bitmap font and do a refresh with `fc-cache -fv`. use `fc-list` to show cached or say installed font. after that, I setup this in my `.Xresourses`...

[refer to this](, add to `.vimrc`: ``` let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1 let g:Powerline_symbols='unicode' ``` This works for me

@ZyX-I Maybe `let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1` is needed only.

You are welcome, by the way, is this good to merge or improvement is in need?