
Results 6 comments of PadMan

Same problem without any solution ☹️ Lumia 535 (RM-1089) I must use the _Windows Device Recovery Tool_ to recover this phone... I think, the 535 doesn't work...

Is Vesta compatible now? On Website I see Debian version 7, 8, 9 🤔

I think yes. Many projects with an UI for Winforms are dead. Many are form 2016 😢

It seems, this project is dead. Many projects with UI for Winforms are dead and are from 2016 😢

> I'm experiencing the same thing on both Debian and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server it seems OK, you have the same problem 😢🫣

The _Content Manager_ doesn't also support "FTP over TLS (FTPS)" `Error 550` SSH via WinSCP would be very nice, so is it possible to upload content or to start stop...