Pablo Fonseca
Pablo Fonseca
did you look at [AgGrid filtering?](
It seems more an issue of state management. I think you'll need to hold you dataframe in st.session_state. Could you please share some code?
This is an error related to the packages version. I was able to yarn build once I upgraded React-scripts to 5. But it then conflicts with streamlit-component-lib, which uses an...
I'd need to add a custom_js_script to be injected, similar to what custom_css does today. I'll add that to my list.
I'll look into that
I was able to make your example work by setting reload_data=False (the default value). Why did you need to set this to true?
Looks like you're using reload_data to "prevent" grid to reload between streamlit refreshs. If this is the case, try setting a fixed key instead. By design streamlit's components will not...
I've been busy over the past months, with little time to work on ag-grid. I remember I had to use a custom serialization bc of an issue on how tz-aware...
Just checked. The issue is that pandas convert tz-aware to UTC when serializing to json, it is a known issue I did that first implementation as a work around,...