Pablo Piaggi
Pablo Piaggi
I will get back to you on this as soon as possible by email. Thanks.
Hello @nirzaa , I simplified the procedure to use the pair entropy CV. I have uploaded examples to [this repository]( and it has an associated Plumed Nest egg [here]( You...
Thank you @valsson @invemichele and @gtribello for your suggestions. I like the idea of having a module both with g(r) and structure factor related stuff. @invemichele when are you planning...
No, @invemichele there's no rush. Opening a PR against the master branch some time in the future sounds good to me.
I thought that the lack of tail corrections in the interface with Gromacs was intentional. The tail corrections are special because they have a contribution to the virial but no...
Hi @invemichele, we had never seen this error before. I believe it should be due to recent changes in either LAMMPS or Plumed. Did you test the same versions @ppegolo...