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"getting required buffer size failed" on jmavsim simulation on Windows 10
Hello, dear friends! I derscribed problem and solution I found here:
But nobody replied me yet, I am not sure if this problem of jmavsim or PX4 Firmware, but file I corrected is in Firmware repository.
Description of the bug
On Windows 10 jmavsim simulation trying to broadcast mavlink (in jmavsim console):
param set MAV_BROADCAST 1
leading system to reproduce error message in endless cycle:
WARN [mavlink] getting required buffer size failed
To Reproduce I need to connect external ROS system to jmavsim simulation via mavros, to write/test simple python programms for autonomous flight. I do the following steps:
Start simulator:
make px4_sitl jmavsim
In simulator - allow external broadcast of mavlink:
param set MAV_BROADCAST 1
Start mavros on external ros machine to connect to my simulation:
roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:="udp://@"
Test the mavros connection to fcu:
rostopic echo /mavros/state
On Linux Ubuntu it works OK, on 4th step I see continious mavlink heartbeat messages.
But when I try to do the same on Windows 10 simulation - on step 2 I have endless cycle of messages in jmavsim console:
WARN [mavlink] getting required buffer size failed
This cycle restarts even when I stop and restart simulation. It ends only after I switch off MAV_BROADCAST=0 on Windows machine via QGroundControl.
Expected behavior Same good as on Linux.
Additional context It seems the problem is in , lines 1029-1046. It has an option for Mac: ifconf.ifc_len = 1024; but on Windows program thinks it runs on Linux and because of this misbehaves.
I created Pull request, but yet there was also no comments.