This would be a very useful feature. I second the request.
I'd think the Z rods could be easily accomdated with some minor Z rod mount alteration. The electronics and screen should also be easy to accomdated with a new electronics...
From what I can tell (we'll have to wait to see the final BOM for the Mk4 upgrade kit) the upgrade is essentially an electronics upgrade (main system board &...
It seems to me, if you can make due without the new motors and Z axis components, the Mk3/S/+ to Mk 3.9 upgrade should be a much easier upgrade to...
My interpretation is slighting different than yours. It looks to me that the thicker Z axis rods are not part of the 3.9 upgrade (why would they be without the...
I suspect the Z axis and motors will allow some increase in speed, although the Z axis has the least effect on speed with this type of machine. I also...
Hi Greg, I had not heard you had a health issue, but I wish you the very best and ultra speedy recovery. I think the 3.9 upgrade 220mm Z axis...