Results 12 issues of PPPDUD

It was inspired by the link you gave me at [#439 ](https://github.com/TurboWarp/packager/issues/439#issuecomment-1275243445). It says that you could set a different cloud provider for different cloud variables. And so, this suggestion...

I keep getting an "ERROR: Could not build wheels for GPy, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects" whenever I try to install it, and then when I try to...

One user has suggested the following (in their words): Idea (that you might not see or be too hard to make): Maybe, with all the custom blocks that Turbowarp uses,...

By default, this site seems to show up in French, but I can't fully understand French, so I need to use a machine translation program. With this, there would be...

No offense, but the grammar is a bit.. broken. This pull request improves the grammar slightly.

### Description ### Screenshots (if appropriate): ## Types of changes: - [x] Correct a spelling - [ ] Add new information - [x] Change information ## Checklist: - [x] I...