Vincent L.
Vincent L.
Yes, it's a MacBookPro13,2 with 10.12.1. smcFanControl is likewise broken on this computer, but Macs Fan Control does change the fan speed as expected.
After some testing I found some interesting results. The MacBookPro13,2 will idle with fans at 0 RPM, as reported by `powermetrics`. I think this is true for the older Retina...
> Based on how many samples from powermetrics? 5 just then, all returning 0 rpm, along with SMCKit, smcFanControl and Macs Fan Control.
> Hi, i would suggest a quality of live feature: > Currently you need near pixel precise positioning to delete off-grid placed runes with a right-click or you have to...
This is a good idea. Unfortunately this is a non-trivial amount of work and I don't have much time these days so I probably won't be able to implement this...
Please open Event Viewer in Windows and show me the output of any .NET Runtime Errors. (You may have to try to open Edda again to get the error to...
> This is an issue in `Helper.GetRagnarockMapFolder` because int.Parse fails with a NRE since you are returning Null from GetValueForKey. Do you want help cleaning this and the codebase up,...
That looks good, feel free to start work on it. The icons are custom made but I can make one for importing. We’ll also need to add the same import...
In Ragnarock there aren't any concepts of meter, measures, quarter- or eighth- notes or such. There's only tempo (BPM) and beat division - i.e. what constitutes a beat and how...
> Mouse dragging already has a function in Edda: you click and drag to select multiple notes at the same time. This would need to be replaced somehow if we...