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Point cloud processing made easy!

Results 15 wrench issues
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`datetime` is defined as > likely the aquisition time (https://github.com/radiantearth/stac-api-spec/blob/main/stac-spec/item-spec/item-spec.md#datetime) which is also assumed for vpc creation > // Acquisition time: readers.las and readers.copc provide "creation_year" and "creation_doy" (https://github.com/PDAL/wrench/blob/main/src/vpc.cpp#L260) However...

Hi, I really would like to try this but I got the following error when I ran 'make' after 'cmake ..'. Could you please advise? I install pdal 2.7.1 and...

Hi, I'm trying to create a VPC from a list of links targeting online COPC point cloud data. Point clouds are from the French LiDAR-HD open-data project and links to...

Hi, I'm building a VPC with the most recent commit of PDAL wrench (43caeb901214d07fccea37b21962aa74e5dd7709): `pdal_wrench build_vpc --output=merged.vpc laz_files/*.laz` The output VPC is fine, but I also got the following warning...

Hello, I would like to report an issue: I have a bunch of .laz files which I would like to convert into a raster. To begin I create a vpc,...

I'm trying to get pdal_wrench to work on ubuntu 22.04 but am stuck at the following error: pdal_wrench: symbol lookup error: pdal_wrench: undefined symbol: _ZN4pdal9FileUtils10fromNativeERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE The full output is appended...

Hi, I'm trying to create a vpc file for a large number of copc files (about 9000 tiles). I first created a list of files. Here are some lines of...

Hi, Thanks for this project. Are there any plans to add the original pdal tile options (https://pdal.io/en/latest/apps/tile.html) to pdal_wrench tile command (origin_x, origin_y, buffer, ...). Would be interested in generating...

Running QGIS 3.32 on Manjaro Linux, 24 threads available, 128Gb ram. - QGIS-versjon: 3.32.0-Lima - Qt-versjon: 5.15.10 - Python-versjon: 3.11.3 - GDAL-versjon: 3.7.0 - GEOS-versjon: 3.11.2-CAPI-1.17.2 - PROJ-versjon: Rel. 9.2.1,...

Two crashes while specifying extent. And one example of (almost flawless) execution. Runnin on Manjaro Linux QGIS-versjon: 3.32.0-Lima Qt-versjon: 5.15.10 Python-versjon: 3.11.3 GDAL-versjon: 3.7.0 GEOS-versjon: 3.11.2-CAPI-1.17.2 PROJ-versjon: Rel. 9.2.1, June...