I tried to reduce the input image size, however I get: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 126, in main() File "", line 89, in main cropped_faces, restored_faces,...
Hi, I would like to know if you have any advance on support on the ESP32? I think it would be a killer feature!! Regards
Fantastic @nopnop2002 Would you mind to make it compatible with arduino for ESP32?
Thank you for your answer....what a shame!! It would be cool to have a powerful and flexible sensor hub where you can just subscribe and get data, with its own...
Yes, I am using that code. I don't know if USB is automatically enabled....but I think it shouldn't. I cannot see why it isn't working. Did you need to change...
Interested in this!!
Thank you!! That answer is quite helpful. Right now we are working with a 57.6Hz sampling freq (Actually is a matrix of
Probably F28379D, or something in the family. You can get a low cost board here: BTW, why are you using the names: peak_697, etc? As in: ``` if (f...
> Do you have SVD available on that processor? You have some DSP and Math libraries, but probably not SVD per se. That's why I want to implement Music (or...
> For MUSIC you need SVD to find eigenvectors corresponding to nullspace of correlation matrix. Where is the source code of your SVD function dgesvd? Thank you