Hady Shaltout
Hady Shaltout
We've made some changes to enable using multiple buttons to trigger multiple different menus. ### Added Classes: **wrp-pushy-trigger**: to wrap the [menu-btn] inside it and to define the new data...
### Issue description: All Select controls outside repeaters which use the Searchable [Select] doesn't work when arrays has ['0', 0] value. But it works properly with Select controls inside repeaters...
Hey guys, This is a solution to use the [active_callback] within Repeater controls for the newer version 4.x.x. And here's a full example: ```php new \Kirki\Field\Repeater( [ 'settings' => '_builder_repeater',...
Hi Pal, The font design doesn't have very important three Arabic letters... 1. **ى** - (Ya) - Is same as { **ي** } BUT without dots at the bottom and...