
Results 9 issues of OverDrone

Hello! Each time eclipse starts up Autoderiv plugin adds marker `Added rule: ...` with type=info which goes to Problems view. Each time I have to manually delete those rows. Is...

Mybatis has immutable object support but not ideal. Suppose we have class and mapper ``` public enum TestEnum { ONE, TWO; public static final Map BY_CODE = ... } public...

spring-cloud-consul-discovery-2.1.4.RELEASE.jar ConsulCatalogWatchAutoConfiguration reads property: spring.cloud.consul.discovery.catalog-services-watch.enabled The only file that works with similar config is ConsulDiscoveryProperties which defines: spring.cloud.consul.discovery but does not include: spring.cloud.consul.discovery.catalog-services-watch as a result IDE (eclipse) validation tools...


Hello! I'm trying to force specific execution plan (very simple really), but postgre+pg_hint_plan v13 still using shitty plans. Can you suggest any hint combination to force nested loop join exactly...


CoreDefaultResponseHeadersHandler always writes header Content-Length=0 If some error detected, like incorrect offset, TUS calls HttpServletResponse.sendError() with some message. In other words there is nonempty response with header Content-Length=0. Undertow throws...

`TusFileUploadService.cleanup()` calls `DiskStorageService.cleanupExpiredUploads(...)` and `DiskLockingService.cleanupStaleLocks()` Those methods throw "directory does not exist" exception if not a single upload was processed, because private method `AbstractDiskBasedService.init()` was never called. How to fix:...

Hello! I'm trying to debug Active Directory persistent search and enabled debug via Debug.setEnabled(true). I've noticed that for very basic example (open connection, close connection without pool) no exception occurs...

## MyBatis version 3.5.13 ## Database vendor and version PostgreSQL 16.1 ## Test case or example project https://github.com/OverDrone/mybatis-param ## Steps to reproduce ``` record MainRecord(String value) {} @Mapper interface MainMapper...

Steps to reproduce: 1. Create gradle project (any type) 2. build it 3. select run as/gradle build 4. select run as/external tool configuration 5. left click on any item in...