> > > I'm depending on `[nrepl/nrepl "0.6.0"]` but cannot override the nrepl dependency that lein-ring uses. No, you won't be able to using this approach. If you have a...
... or, you can simply run a normal repl, e.g. via lein repl, start a jetty server manually, store its instance in an atom, and then you will have the...
Ok thanks. It's isn't such a huge deal, I've also since discovered DevTools which seem to provide an interesting alternative. The main thing I need to is to be able...
This was posted on ClojureVerse a while ago, I don't recall 100% but I think the OP had similar issues with file changes on WSL2, it may be of some...
I haven't been able to set figwheel up on my Windows 10 machine so I can't say for sure, but I strongly suspect you are on the right lines that...