Oskar Groth

Results 12 comments of Oskar Groth

Not sure if this fix for a similar bug is helpful: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/pull/15577 Can NextJS make sure to update their Webpack module to this version and see if it resolves this?

@timneutkens I'm using Next.js 12.1.5 and still experiencing this issue. More info about the error I'm getting and the troubleshooting I've done: https://github.com/leafac/rehype-shiki/issues/7

@hdworld11 I was just about to start development of a major Mac product of ours, with heavy dependencies on a backend service for file storage. I was ready to pick...

I'm having the same issue. Just tried using your https://github.com/keijiro/LwrpVfxTest: 2016 MBP with Radeon 460. I have the ability to change the GPU to Intel in the launcher, but doing...

Coming from `BFPopoverColorWell.m`: `[self.popover showRelativeToRect:self.frame ofView:self.superview preferredEdge:self.preferredEdgeForPopover];` See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19187344/how-to-detect-where-nan-is-passing-to-coregraphics-api-on-mac-os-x-10-9 It's caused by the implementation of using a singleton Popover. Correct implementation is to create a new Popover upon access.

Tried to fix this but gave up. This project is too bloated (and seems abandoned anyway). So I created my own lightweight NSPopover Color Picker in Swift 3. https://github.com/OskarGroth/ColorPickerPopover It...

@HayesGordon Any ETA on when the new renderer will be available for Apple platforms?

So there is no way at all to make a trigger that grabs the current environment bucket, for example: `onObjectFinalized({ bucket: '${process.env.UPLOAD_BUCKET}' }`? I need different buckets for each environment