JAFFA copied to clipboard
Error on running ONT data
Hi there, nice job!
i already install the tools and all steps perfectly installed , but running it on my own data or on the provided data(simulated one) im getting same error "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::regex_error' what(): Mismatched '[' and ']' in regular expression "
gcc i used is version 9.5 and the command i use is bpipe run ../../JAFFAL.groovy ../../LongReadFusionSimulation/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.gz
i would be happy to get some help in order to solve the issue. Thanks
Thanks, I will have a look into this. Do you have a lower version of gcc you can try with a fresh installation? What type of system are you running on?
Hi Nadia,
I meet the same issue when run JAFFAL version 2.3 in CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009:
${path}/tools/bin/bpipe run ${path}/JAFFAL.groovy LongReadFusionSimulation/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.gz
I used simulated data that you provided.
Here is the log:
| Starting Pipeline at 2024-05-23 15:55 |
========================================= Stage run_check ==========================================
Running JAFFA version 2.4_dev
Checking for required data files...
All looking good
=============================== Stage get_fasta (ONT_fus_sim_75err) ================================
java -ea -Xmx200m -cp /u/project/gxxiao/gxxiao5/yuyun/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/tools/bbmap/current/ jgi.ReformatReads ignorebadquality=t in=LongReadFusionSimulation/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.gz out=ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.fasta threads=16
Executing jgi.ReformatReads [ignorebadquality=t, in=LongReadFusionSimulation/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.gz, out=ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.fasta, threads=16]
Set threads to 16
Input is being processed as unpaired
Input: 17889 reads 38471166 bases
Output: 17889 reads (100.00%) 38471166 bases (100.00%)
Time: 1.295 seconds.
Reads Processed: 17889 13.81k reads/sec
Bases Processed: 38471k 29.71m bases/sec
========================= Stage minimap2_transcriptome (ONT_fus_sim_75err) =========================
[M::mm_idx_gen::8.658*1.53] collected minimizers
[M::mm_idx_gen::10.967*1.94] sorted minimizers
[M::main::10.967*1.94] loaded/built the index for 195175 target sequence(s)
[M::mm_mapopt_update::11.489*1.89] mid_occ = 110
[M::mm_idx_stat] kmer size: 15; skip: 10; is_hpc: 0; #seq: 195175
[M::mm_idx_stat::11.743*1.87] distinct minimizers: 16950829 (43.60% are singletons); average occurrences: 3.243; average spacing: 5.406
[M::worker_pipeline::30.983*4.24] mapped 17889 sequences
[M::main] Version: 2.17-r941
[M::main] CMD: /u/project/gxxiao/gxxiao5/yuyun/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/tools/bin/minimap2 -t 16 -x map-ont -c /u/home/y/yuyun/project-gxxiao5/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/hg38_genCode22.fa ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.fasta
[M::main] Real time: 31.147 sec; CPU: 131.523 sec; Peak RSS: 2.459 GB
=========================== Stage filter_transcripts (ONT_fus_sim_75err) ===========================
Done reading in transcript IDs
Reading the input alignment file, ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.paf
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::regex_error'
what(): Mismatched '[' and ']' in regular expression
bash: line 1: 13270 Aborted /u/project/gxxiao/gxxiao5/yuyun/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/tools/bin/process_transcriptome_align_table ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.paf 1000 /u/home/y/yuyun/project-gxxiao5/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/hg38_genCode22.tab > ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.txt
ERROR: Command failed with exit status = 134 :
/u/project/gxxiao/gxxiao5/yuyun/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/tools/bin/process_transcriptome_align_table ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.paf 1000 /u/home/y/yuyun/project-gxxiao5/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/hg38_genCode22.tab > ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.txt
========================================= Pipeline Failed ==========================================
One or more parallel stages aborted. The following messages were reported:
Branch ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq in stage Unknown reported message:
Command failed with exit status = 134 :
/u/project/gxxiao/gxxiao5/yuyun/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/tools/bin/process_transcriptome_align_table ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.paf 1000 /u/home/y/yuyun/project-gxxiao5/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/hg38_genCode22.tab > ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq/ONT_fus_sim_75err.fastq.txt
Use 'bpipe errors' to see output from failed commands.
gcc version:
gcc (GCC) 4.9.1
Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
java version:
openjdk version "1.8.0_412"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu (build 1.8.0_412-b08)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Zulu (build 25.412-b08, mixed mode)
Could you please provide me with some advice on how to resolve this issue? Thank you!
Best, Yuyun
Hi @yuyun-zhang,
This looks like an issue we've seen before relates to the gcc version. However, we previously through that gcc 4.9.1 should be okay. Therefore can I ask you to check a couple of things:
- Which version of gcc process_transcriptome_align_table was compiled with: Run: "strings /u/project/gxxiao/gxxiao5/yuyun/software/JAFFA-version-2.3/tools/bin/process_transcriptome_align_table | grep GCC"
- If you have a higher version of gcc available, can you remove the "tools" directory and reinstall with the higher version of gcc to see if the error persists?
Cheers, Nadia.
Hi Nadia,
Thanks for the reply! It seems GCC 4.9.1 was not compatible with my process_transcriptome_align_table program. After reinstalling, the program is now working well for processing the simulated data. Thank you very much!
Best, Yuyun