I succeeded to solve the question#3 above. But still I will be happy to get answers for the question#1-2 above please. Additionally, A new problem was raised regarding to the...
I think that I succeeded to solve the Protobuf installation error by installing it directly from here: https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/src/README.md So now I have: libtensorflow_all.so libprotobuf.so eigen headers I created a new...
Unfortunately no. I didn't get any answer or found any solution till now. Actually, I need to build the tensorflow from sources also for Windows so I'm now working to...
Thanks for your sharing, Did you solve these undefined expressions?
@Tony-Yan2018 Yes, your answer help me and now it works well! Thanks
Thank you very much @narendasan , I edited the WORKSPACE file as you recommended and the Python problems described above were disappeared. I also edited the following: 1. \third_party\cudnn\local\BUILD: Was:...
Hello @narendasan, How can I know if the build process looking for the TensoRT DLLs or Libs? What I did is to change the file \third_party\tensorrt\local\BUILD according to the PR...
Hi, Can you check please and approve that my changes are correct? Maybe I edited wrongly or maybe missed something? Maybe it was a wrong decision to take the latest...
Hello, Can I provide you the entire package that I prepared? Maybe you will be able to use it and successfully complete the build process on your machine and then...
Hello @narendasan, Thanks for your response. I downloaded the master version yesterday. Based on the knowledge I achieved while working with my Jetson Xavier AGX and getting started guide instructions...