
Results 8 comments of OrochiZ

> 你好,协议版本跟软件没有关系,需要在系统关闭TLS1.0;本身软件也不鼓励使用TLS1.0 在系统IE选项里取消勾选了TLS1.0 1.1 1.2 但是开启本软件后,使用Chrome上github仍然报ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH 使用360浏览器可以看到连接是TLS1.0版本



Normal solution: set PYTHON var(not set PATH) in webui-user extreme solution: I never use the windows store myself. when I help others to solve this problem, I found the path...

1. The normal use of webui does not require manual pip installation. 2. webui uses a virtual environment by default, so it is useless for you to install components in...

改了一点点,阻止 最近输入 的显示被删除,不过内部的实际内容已经被清空 ``` if (node.matches('div.result-streaming') || node.className === 'empty:hidden') { console.log(`Attempt to delete ${node.tagName}.${node.className} detected. Reverting.`); ```

新版似乎是嵌入了一个脚本,但是不能整体屏蔽 https://chat.openai.com/_next/static/chunks/412-d7b7161e288bfc24.js modApiVoilation:{id:"userContextModal.modApiVoilation",defaultMessage:"This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this...

> 我也一样,而且用的另一个防审计的插件也失效了 请问另一个插件在哪里