Is there a way to destroy and clear the `values` before the form gets initialized? This is my code: ``` $form.garlic('destroy'); // destroy all fields $form.garlic({ expires: lifetime * 60...
Currently, the library runs just in the browser. It seems to be very easy to make it node compatible, what I see so far. By passing a firebase-admin database reference...
Till now each time an event fires the whole query gets executed. Since Firebase returns the push key of the modified child, we are able to simply add / update...
add some kind of warning if the performance is low. (too many entries returned) Mention that the db strucutre can be optimized or something like this.
For now the entries get filtered by the radius, but the user is not able to access the distance. Could be useful for sorting or other actions. Something like `getLocationByRadius(...
According to the new cloud firestore db: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/
make it public by sharing it to the firebase channels on ggroups and slack. -> blog -> video
Should contain all the important information needed to successfully contribute to the project.