Lucas Lazare

Results 6 comments of Lucas Lazare

I don’t really think that’s really relevant in this use case, I mean, sure you might be saving a bit of memory, but that’s on pretty temporary code (I believe),...

I might forward into that, but not yet (as you probably noticed anyway :p) I'm currently doing an internship and don't have time to work on Breep for now

I am not opposed to add contributors to this project If you are willing to make a C# wrapper however, I'd prefer it to be on a separate repository, as...

Hello I will try to dig into this, unfortunately I won’t have much time until the end of february In the mean time, you can try to revert back to...

I did a poor man’s tetris I’d like top put some more features (~~like, detection for when the game is lost, for example~~ [mostly done]), but I’m at ~~1021~~ ~~994~~...

Non competing (I mean it’s not really my idea ; and truthfully it’s not really an effect), inspired by the previous comment, Conway’s Game of Life ![conways]( ![conways2]( Use left...