
Results 9 comments of OregonPacifist

@Polymega @angularGraphics OK, so I've been playing around with this. Good news!: I have been able to successfully convert the videos from 30 FPS to 60 FPS using a video...

Has anyone created .bik files from the original PS2 version? I only tested with the “open.bik” file but was very impressed with the results, personally. I’m going to re-convert the...

Ok, so the cutscene movies in the “Enhanced” pack were ripped from the original PS2 versions. That’s good because those are the ones I used to convert back to 60...

Here’s the 60 FPS version of the open.bik Enhanced file: https://youtu.be/xs9_0RJs4SU

I noticed a little bit of jumpiness too in some spots, but I think that may be a byproduct of the software I used to convert the .bik to .m4v...

I guess I'll leave the video adjustments to the pros, then :) I'm just anxious for those 60 FPS cut scenes lol

Can anyone link the edited sound file (replacing the bullet casing sound with silence) on here for easy access? I’d love to be able to play either 30 or 60...

@filipinowhiteboy thanks for the reply. I was looking for an already edited version of sddata.bin. The only file I saw that was posted is a silent sddata349.wav file.

@filipinowhiteboy Thanks for the link. I haven't used any audio editing software before and don't have enough time to learn it lol. I will be sure to save the two...